
Do you have to do three generations of test tubes at an advanced age? What is the success rate?

As an assisted reproductive technology, IVF has helped many families to conceive children, and many families who want to have a daughter or son after the liberation of the second child have tried IVF, so for some elderly women, can they do IVF? Today Hengjian Overseas will explain it in detail for you.

Do you have to do three generations of test tubes at an advanced age? What is the success rate?

The answer is yes. We know that women with the increase of age, ovarian function declines, egg quality declines, especially after the age of 35, ovarian function is a cliff-like decline, in the inability to take natural pregnancy, many elderly women will choose to do the third generation of IVF, to help themselves conceive children.

Is it that the success rate of elderly women in doing IVF is not high?

This is not necessarily true, although compared to young couples, the success rate of IVF will be relatively low, but the success rate of IVF is not only related to the body, but also closely related to clinical conditions.

Some elderly families will worry about failure to do test tubes, which will not only waste money, but also have a negative impact on the body.

However, the advantage of IVF is that it can prolong the reproductive age of women, and IVF can also freeze the eggs that are not used, and it is no problem to take it out and continue to cultivate it the next time it is needed. In addition to age, the level of medical institutions also needs to be paid attention to.

Do you have to do three generations of test tubes at an advanced age? What is the success rate?

To do IVF, you need to choose a regular hospital

Test tube is different from the common cold, you need to find a professional hospital to do test tubes, after all, the body is their own, the money for test tubes is also their own, find a professional hospital, the success rate of test tubes will be guaranteed.

The scale of test tube hospitals is not the same, there are large, there are small, and people who do test tubes also have successes and failures, so no matter which hospital to go to do test tubes, we must choose carefully, even if it is to take medicine, choose technology, etc. to choose the most suitable for themselves, rather than blindly follow the trend.

At present, many hospitals at home and abroad do the third generation of IVF success rate is good, we can evaluate according to their own physical conditions, choose the right hospital for themselves.

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