
Hainan's first "cesarean section and chest opening" surgery was successful, and the heart attack mother gave birth safely

Hainan's first "cesarean section and chest opening" surgery was successful, and the heart attack mother gave birth safely

New Hainan Client, Nanhai Net, Nanguo Metropolis Daily

Reporter: Wang Hongxu Intern Yin Tianshu

"Sudden mechanical flap snapping at 32 weeks of pregnancy,

The entire mitral valve

covered by thrombosis and hypertrophic fibrous tissue,

basic loss of function,

Sudden death can occur at any time..."

Chen Xiaoju, director of the first district of the obstetrics department of Hainan Provincial People's Hospital

I still have palpitations in my heart

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January 17, 2019

Pregnant women who are 32+ weeks pregnant

Hospitalized due to bloating of the lower abdomen

On the second day after admission, sudden chest tightness and shortness of breath


It is understood that the patient underwent "mitral mechanical valve replacement" due to rheumatic heart disease at the age of 12, and took anticoagulant drugs for a long time after surgery. Found that the pregnant woman itself is hypercoagulable, Chen Xiaoju realized that the patient's condition is critical, and immediately instructed to urgently check coagulation function, bedside electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, and cardiac function assessment, and the results prompted a critical value: "Mitral valve clap"!

Chen Xiaoju immediately reported to the medical department of the hospital, reported to the Hainan Provincial Health Commission, and mobilized all the medical staff present to urgently call the relevant specialists for emergency consultation and rescue the patient.

What is a "mitral flap"?

Mechanical flap flap after heart valve replacement surgery is one of the most dangerous cardiovascular emergencies, if the flap is not lifted as soon as possible, patients may evolve into acute heart failure, arrhythmia, pulmonary edema in a short period of time, and then circulatory and respiratory failure, and ultimately endanger the life of pregnant women and fetuses.

Fetal preservation is performed at the same time as open chest surgery

There is no experience to follow in Hainan Province

A series of difficult problems to be solved

For medical staff and maternity

It's all a huge test

The hospital immediately opened a green channel for pregnant women, and urgently organized multidisciplinary joint consultations such as obstetrics, cardiac surgery, intensive care medicine, anesthesia, operating room, blood transfusion, neonatology, cardiovascular medicine, and safety office, to urgently discuss and formulate rescue plans.

To ensure the safety of mothers and babies

Specialist consultation confirmed

Caesarean section + open mitral valve replacement is performed

Hainan's first "cesarean section and chest opening" surgery was successful, and the heart attack mother gave birth safely

During surgery.

After 10 hours, the multidisciplinary team of the hospital successfully carried out the "caesarean section and open chest" operation, which ensured the smooth delivery of critically ill pregnant women and the safety of mothers and children. This is the first case of caesarean section and open chest replacement disorder mechanical valve surgery in Hainan Province successfully carried out by a team of local experts in Hainan Province.

On the third day after surgery

The woman is transferred to the general ward

See although not yet met

But has been with her "life and death" baby photo

There was great joy in my heart

Hainan's first "cesarean section and chest opening" surgery was successful, and the heart attack mother gave birth safely

Baby in an incubator.

Mr. Chen, a family member, thanked him continuously

"Thank you,

Gave my family a second life,

We are the greatest luck to meet you. ”

After more than 20 days of treatment, on February 10, the baby's vital signs and examination indicators showed good results, the weight increased to 2.51kg, self-pumping 32ml / time, and was discharged from the hospital. At present, maternal vital signs and internal environment are stable.

Hainan's first "cesarean section and chest opening" surgery was successful, and the heart attack mother gave birth safely

Family members were discharged from the hospital with their newborns.

Wishing this little family

Peace and happiness from now on

Edit: Mo Jingyun

Duty Director: Ye Jian

Courtesy of the hospital

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