
Doing IVF is not so simple! You need to have these indications...

When an infertile couple has no way to get pregnant after several twists and turns, IVF may be an important turning point in the new journey, but it is necessary to know that doing IVF is also an indication, not to do it, if you intend to do IVF, then you must understand the indications of IVF and understand whether you can do IVF.

Doing IVF is not so simple! You need to have these indications...


A generation of IVF

IN VIF - Embryo transfer (commonly known as first-generation IVF) is a technique in which eggs retrieved from the mother are placed in a Petri dish, preferably induced to be processed, so that the sperm and eggs are naturally fertilized in vitro and developed into embryos transferred back to the mother.

First-generation IVF indications include:

(1) Tubal infertility: such as bilateral tubal obstruction or resection, severe tubal, pelvic adhesions, post-tubal ligation, etc.;

(2) Endometriosis, other treatments for not being pregnant;

(3) Ovulation disorders: after repeated (more than 3 times) ovulation induction treatment is not pregnant;

(4) Repeated artificial insemination failure;

(5) Unexplained infertility;

(6) The male side is less, weak, and malformed.


Doing IVF is not so simple! You need to have these indications...


Second generation IVF

Intracytoplasmic sperm microinjection (commonly known as second-generation IVF, ICSI), which is a technique that directly injects sperm aspiration into the egg plasma with a microinjection needle to complete the fertilization of the egg, is a method of artificial intervention insemination, only a few to dozens of sperm can be. The technology offers hope for male patients who used to be considered incurable.

Second-generation IVF (ICSI) indications mainly include:

(1) Severe oligospermia, weakness and teratosis;

(2) irreversible obstructive azoospermia;

(3) Spermatogenesis dysfunction (excluding genetic defect diseases);

(4) Failure of conventional ivory fertilization, fertilization disorders;

(5) Sperm apical abnormalities;

(6) Immune infertility.

Doing IVF is not so simple! You need to have these indications...

Treat IVF rationally

IVF is an important treatment measure for infertility, for patients who meet the indications and are ready to do IVF, while hoping for the new voyage, they should also maintain rational thinking, expect success, treat rationally, be fully prepared, pay attention to doctor-patient communication, and finally arrive safely on the ground.

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