
Does a painless delivery affect postpartum feeding?

Epidural delivery analgesia (commonly known as: painless delivery), is currently recognized as a safe and reliable method of analgesia in childbirth, anesthesiologists will inject local anesthetics / analgesics into the epidural cavity, so that the corresponding spinal nerves are blocked, eliminate severe pain during childbirth, or reduce the pain during childbirth to a minimum, has been more and more commonly accepted by Chinese pregnant women.

Does a painless delivery affect postpartum feeding?

This is also a method that is now widely promoted and applied, which is commonly known as "a needle in the back".

The epidural space is a potential space outside the spinal cord that fills nerve roots. In this part, the tube (epidural tube), that is, the lumbar needle is punctured with an epidural needle, and after reaching the epidural space, a small catheter is introduced through the needle as a route of administration for delivery analgesia. During childbirth, analgesics are injected into the epidural space through this catheter, reaching the periphery of the nerves, thereby continuously controlling the pain.

Does a painless delivery affect postpartum feeding?

The concentration of the drug used during painless delivery is very low, and it can be metabolized from the body quickly, there is no adverse effect on the fetus, and breastfeeding can also be carried out after childbirth.

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