
Gu Ailing and Su Yiming seized the Golden Blessed Land, and there are still these stories behind them

On February 15, in the final of the men's big jumping platform for snowboarding at the Beijing Winter Olympics, Su Yiming, an athlete from the Chinese delegation, won the gold medal, and the four gold medals of the Shougang Ski Jump, where the event was held, were all produced, including the two events of the snowboard big jump and the freestyle ski jump, two gold medals each for men and women, Gu Ailing and Su Yiming won two gold medals and two silver medals, and this Winter Olympic venue has also become the "double gold" blessing land of the Chinese team.

Gu Ailing and Su Yiming seized the Golden Blessed Land, and there are still these stories behind them

Shougang Big Jump platform in the morning light Fang Fei / North Evening New Visual Courtesy

Behind the gold medal is inseparable from the service guarantee of Shougang Park, where the event was held. The reporter learned that since the opening of the Winter Olympic Games, shougang employees and young volunteers directly involved in the service guarantee work have a total of more than 2,000 people, of which more than 260 people have entered the closed-loop management, respectively, in the Shougang ski jump, winter training center, capital gymnasium, ice cube, Xiuchi hotel and other venues and hotels to carry out service guarantee work.

During the competition, the big jump received widespread attention and praise from all over the world, and Liu Yuchuan, as the manager of the stadium and infrastructure of the Shougang Ski Jump, was extremely excited and proud.

Liu Yuchuan, assistant director of the Coordination Department of Shougang Construction Investment Big Jumping Platform, has been working from the "Four Ices" national team training to the construction, event preparation and match guarantee of the "Snow Flying Sky" Ski Jumping Platform Winter Olympic Venues in October 2019. After the establishment of the Shougang Ski Jumping Venue Team of the Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, Liu Yuchuan was appointed as the venue and infrastructure manager, mainly responsible for the pre-competition venue operation design, snowmaking and sports equipment and facilities management and other mountain operation work, permanent facilities and temporary facilities construction, matchtime facility operation guarantee work and post-race venue restoration.

Liu Yuchuan told reporters that according to the needs of the preparations for the Winter Olympics, a small closed-loop model has been officially adopted since January 1. In order to ensure the smooth and orderly progress of shougang's various work such as energy security, secondary plastic cooperation, epidemic prevention and control, rebroadcasting, and waste removal in the small closed loop, on January 4, he took the initiative to apply to enter the small closed loop and cooperate with the Shougang Ski Jumping Small Closed Loop Work Leading Group to supervise the implementation of various work and ensure the smooth development of the small closed loop work. During the period, more than 20 IOC officials conducted three pre-game inspections of the venues, and conducted on-site review and acceptance of the integration and readiness of the venues, venue operations, epidemic prevention zones, image landscapes, etc. As the person in charge of the main business field of this inspection, Liu Yuchuan made careful arrangements and receptions for 33 different points inside and outside the closed loop, including the nucleic acid testing room, athletes' catering and rest and dressing area, broadcast comprehensive area, and timing scoreboard, and successfully passed the IOC audit.

After the inspection, the IOC team of experts said: "Since April 2021, we have received eight monthly reports from the Big Jump, and since the third time, we have been rated as a low-risk venue for six consecutive times. Through three inspections, we are even more confident that the venue of the Big Jumping Platform will bring a better participation experience to the Beijing Winter Olympics. ”

Since the venue officially entered the event operation cycle on January 23, 2022, the work requirements are stricter, more solid and more detailed, the coordination should be smoother and more efficient, and the implementation should be more powerful. As the owner of the venue and the infrastructure manager, Liu Yuchuan strictly follows the operation plan and guarantee plan formulated to do a good job in the inspection and inspection of permanent and temporary facilities, municipal energy, elevator special equipment, etc.; cooperate with OBS, technical officials in construction and system commissioning; coordinate technology, electricity, waste removal, mountain operation, image landscape... Everything is done at its best. Up to now, the various support work of the venue has been recognized and praised by international officials, athletes and domestic and foreign media. In particular, on February 8, Gu Ailing won the championship, and the Shougang Park and the big jumping stadium attracted worldwide attention. "I feel extremely honored and proud, and all the hard work and effort are worth it." He said.

Du Meihui is a member of the media operation team of Shougang Ski Jump, and is also an "old man" who guarantees the Winter Olympics work of Shougang Investment Service. In 2008, she worked as a service guarantee at the Beijing Olympic Games, and has since formed an indissoluble relationship with the Olympic Games. In November 2015, at the beginning of the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee's site selection of Shougang Park, she was fortunate to become a member of the Shoujian Investment Service Guarantee Winter Olympic Team, mainly responsible for the planning, construction and other related coordination and support work of the Office Area of the Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, and later joined the Coordination Department of the Big Jump. With the Winter Olympics entering Beijing time, she was honored to be a member of the operation team of the Shougang Ski Jumping Stadium, mainly cooperating with the Olympic Broadcasting Service Company (OBS) to coordinate the broadcast.

Du Meihui excitedly told reporters that after engaging in the work of serving the Winter Olympics, he gradually liked sports and also liked the broadcast of sports events. She said that the event itself is extremely "dramatic" and "suspenseful", requiring the broadcast of sports events not only to be objective statements, but more importantly to use the language of the camera imaginatively. Cameras on the track are like spectators' eyes, capturing the best footage of the race, all of which will depend on the cooperation of the broadcast team and the various business areas of the venue.

After the first competition day of the venue, the broadcast effect has been unanimously praised by the international community, as of now, according to the feedback of the International Broadcasting Center (IBC), compared with the previous Winter Olympics, the broadcast data of the Beijing Winter Olympics broadcasters in various countries has soared across the board, and has achieved breakthrough results in the ratings of the Winter Olympic Games.

Looking back on the six years, Du Meihui said that he was particularly fortunate to be able to participate in the service guarantee work of the Winter Olympics, not only gained self-confidence, but also improved his own quality and ability, so that he could gradually grow up from the confusion when he first started, and be able to handle all work calmly, orderly and efficiently. Growing up with the Winter Olympics is a high-level summary and summary of their work over the years. In the next work, she will continue to maintain a sense of urgency, responsibility and a positive mental state, assist OBS to do a good job in the withdrawal work, and draw a satisfactory end to the service guarantee work of the Winter Olympics.

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