
Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons

Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons


Lantern, may the new year, the lights bright moon bright, the lamp moon long bright, the heart long bright.


The Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the first full moon of the year and the most beautiful night of the year. The stars and the moon shine, the lights are dotted, the night is thin and cold, and the lights and fires twinkle romantically between heaven and earth.

It flickers in the hearts of lovers, this day is called Valentine's Day; it flashes in the hearts of women and children, this day can "walk a hundred diseases", drive away disasters; it flashes in the ordinary night, bringing a warm light.

Lantern, the most valuable thing is the flicker.

It not only represents the bright light, but also shows the vitality of the verdant, making people's hearts slightly warm and moving towards tomorrow.

Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons
Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons
Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons

The most favorite of the Lantern poems: "On New Year's Eve last year, the flower market was as bright as day. The moon is on the willow tip, and the person is about after dusk. "It means that when the moon climbs up to the top of the head and the lights in the city are like day, they will cross the sea of thousands of people and go to the appointment of a monthly meeting, and talk about the love of their children.

This is a romantic meeting between lovers, but before that, it was actually an agreement between man and Mingyue.

In ancient times, when night fell, there was no lantern, only the bright moon brought a little light at night. The Lantern Festival, the first full moon of the year, is rounder, more transparent and brighter than usual, sprinkled on the ground, illuminating houses, streets and alleys, and trees.

Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons

The "General Chronicle of Chinese Culture" records that on this night, people raised torches above their heads and ran to the mountains to chase the moon. How homely people will also run to the yard with joy, climb on the roof, and children will also climb on the shoulders of adults, and then look up at the moon together.

This custom is called "welcoming the moon". This is Chinese the first romance of the Lantern: the moon comes out and we meet.

The more essential reason is that they are determined and believed, and the higher they stand, the closer they are to the moon, they will have the same beauty as the moon.

Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons
Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons

Like the moon, no matter whether it is cloudy or sunny, it will be complete; like the moon, even in the dark, the strength is weak, it must emit its own light; the most important thing is that the lantern full moon is the first beautiful day, and the omen of good will also sprout, greeting the moon, that is, greeting good luck.

The Lantern Festival, the full moon of Tianxin, is a grand visit in the world.

Chinese always have a better feeling for the moon than the sun, although it does not have the sun's dazzling, hot, and illuminating, but people seem to have no intention of doing so, but feel that simple, warm, and bright days are more practical and important than the pursuit of a fiery life.

Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons
Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons

"Half of the first month, the dragon lantern looks." The Lantern Festival is also the Festival of Lights on Earth.

The "Tokyo Dream Record" records that after the seventh year of the first year, the capital began to build a lamp mountain, made of colorful satin, and also decorated it with fairy paintings or paintings reflecting the life of the city. The incense shops, tea houses, and liquor stores on the streets also have their own lights.

The Temple of The Great Xiangguo temple has a "poetry lamp". Wooden signs, on which are hollowed out poems, have "The sky is blue and the Milky Way wants to come down, the moon is like water shining on the terrace, there are "fire trees and silver flowers, and the star bridge iron lock is opened"... sentence. Then covered with a layer of light yarn, candles are placed in the card, the style is extremely elegant.

Then, as soon as the Lantern Festival arrives, there are lights everywhere, paving lights, and lanterns, starting to color, lighting, colorful and colorful, can illuminate the streets and alleys of the road transparently.

Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons
Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons

Soon, tourists heard the news and the crowds were crowded. "The east wind blooms a thousand trees at night. More blowing down, the stars like rain. BMW carved car fragrant road. The sound of the phoenix vibrates, the jade pot turns, and the fish and dragon dance all night. "The Lantern Festival is the most illuminated festival of the year.

Even if there are no shops facing the street, or small households do not have the conditions to make gorgeous flower lanterns, they will use woven rabbit lanterns such as bamboo grates, or hang an ordinary paper lantern and tie a colored ribbon.

Everyone participated in the carnival, full of spring breeze, drinking and having fun. "There is no light without the moon, not to entertain people, and there is no moon without lights that is not spring." Smiling faces on the street are the most moving part of the Lantern Festival.

Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons

However, in our time, or under the epidemic, the thought of having carnival and happiness in the past is no longer easy to get now always makes people have a sad mood.

This night lights, life geometry, regret is the most common thing in the world.

Tang Yin said, "If you don't show Fang zun and laugh, how to get rid of this good day." "Whether you are enjoying the lights, playing, working in other places, working hard, as long as you smile, at that moment you also have today's good night." 」

Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons
Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons

In the Lantern Festival, there is a custom of "walking a hundred diseases", also called "scattering a hundred diseases" and "slipping a hundred diseases".

The Jisheng of the Imperial Age records that "women travel in groups on new year's eve to pray for avoidance of disaster." The previous one held incense to avoid people, and said that he had walked away from all kinds of diseases. "After eating dinner and enjoying the lanterns this night, people from every family will put on their costumes and play together in the street market.

Among them, one of them held incense first, and rushed to grab the bridge first, called "crossing the baier"; when encountering ice, he had to stride over, which was called "walking a hundred diseases"; Suzhou pillow water people's home, the bridge more bridges, said "walking three bridges"...

Until the beginning of the night, I am not afraid of being tired. Walking, getting rid of diseases, people believe that the new year will be healthy and healthy.

Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons

In the Song Dynasty, the activities of stretching the body through the Lantern Festival also included "exploring spring" and "stepping on the green". The "Past Events of Wulin" records: "The capital city has collected its lights since it was over, and the giant rooms of your tour are all scrambling to go out of the suburbs first, which is called 'exploring spring'. ”

Frequented are gardens near the capital, breeding gardens, medicinal beam gardens, Shuren garden, as well as Iron Buddha Temple, Hongfu Temple, Cangwang Temple, Eighteen Shou Shengni Temple... And "within a hundred miles, there is no qù land", within a hundred miles of the surroundings, the voices of people are boiling, and there is no silent place.

Although the Lantern Festival eliminates hundreds of diseases in the way of "walking", it is that people's understanding of diseases in the past is limited, and they hope to pin their hopes on external objects, make wishes, and take advantage of blessings.

Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons

The method is not scientific, and it is not known whether the disaster relief and transit are really successful. But that hidden power is that if we walk, do, and make wishes every year, we will feel that we have the blessing of good luck, that we are more at ease, and that life is full of hope.

The poet said: "The Cui family sisters have two swallows, and the red crane mouth is stepping on the green boots." "You see those girls who are exploring the spring, there is no weakness, they are in good shape, and they are as happy as swallows.

Lantern, Yuan. Eliminating the sense of decadence in the future, regaining the expectation of the future, and running with vitality is the meaning of the Lantern.

Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons
Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons

The modern Lantern Festival is very different from the ancient times. In Wang Zengqi's era, although it was not very lively, the Lantern Festival still had to pass for a few days, "thirteen lights, seventeen lights", so that the year can be regarded as the real past.

That is to say, in any case, after seeing the group like a full moon, experiencing the bright and dangling Festival of Lights, the celebration of the new year is considered complete.

Zhou Bida said more directly in his poem "Lantern Boiled Floating Rounds": "In the dark clouds of the stars, the beads float in the turbid water." "Floating rounds, also called tangyuan, lantern." It means that it is round and full of beads, and it is served in a bowl, like a star floating in a dark cloud.

Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons

At that time, people celebrated the Lantern Festival and prayed for the light of the New Year.

This round and full bead, which is placed in the starry sky, is not the moon; and it is not a lamp in the hearts of people.

What will the new year be like? Is it the same as in the old years, sweat, pressure, incompleteness, or it is beginning to metamorphose, to go to a higher level; is it a bright future, or is it confused; is it smooth sailing, or is it an occasional setback...

All this has to be left to the future to explain the experience, at this moment, the Lantern Festival, the stars and the moon are clear, I wish dear you, there is always a long light, for you.

I wish you dear ones, years and years, and a bright heart.

Today's Lantern Festival: Bright lights, bright lights and long moons

The text is the original of the object, please contact the author for reprinting.

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