
Extract teeth and clip out 1.5 cm of creeping live maggots: don't brush your teeth ineffectively, dentists' children brush this way from an early age

Hello everyone, I am your bureau chief ~ use your mother's heart to investigate the problem of parenting knowledge, and clear the fog on the road of parenting for mothers, there is only one truth! Be sure to keep an eye on the Director.Oh~

Recently, the director saw such a creepy news:

A man in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, when he pulled out half of his teeth, found a 1.5 cm long white live maggot squirming in the other half of his teeth!

Extract teeth and clip out 1.5 cm of creeping live maggots: don't brush your teeth ineffectively, dentists' children brush this way from an early age

Source: Weibo @ Guangzhou Daily

Doctors said that this may be that the patient has a hole in his own teeth, coupled with eating unclean food with larvae or insect eggs, and does not pay attention to oral hygiene, so that the living insect takes advantage of the void and obtains living space.

This picture is really, and if you think about it, it feels extremely heavy...

In fact, not only do adults have dental health problems, but the "rotten tooth rate" of children is also very high.

Weibo @ Health Chengdu Official Micro once posted in the New Year: According to the survey, the caries replacement rate of deciduous teeth of children aged 2 to 5 in the mainland is as high as 72%, and there are an average of 2.8 tooth decay per child!

Are moms surprised to see this statistic? Have you ever had the following thoughts?

"Baby teeth will fall out sooner or later, and it's not too late to brush your baby's teeth well when they grow permanent teeth!"

"Deciduous tooth decay does not affect the growth of permanent teeth!"

"If your child's teeth don't hurt, there's no need to see a doctor!"

If mothers have such a mentality, it is recommended to correct this wrong idea immediately.

Regarding the baby's dental care, many mothers do not pay attention to it, often waiting until after the problem to wake up, but it is too late.

Baby's dental care involves all aspects, including the care of deciduous teeth, brushing, the selection of toothbrushes, how to prevent tooth decay, etc. Today the director will explain to you one by one!


When does your baby start teething?

Mom and Dad need to understand the development of baby teeth first.

In total, your baby will have two pairs of teeth in his lifetime: deciduous teeth and permanent teeth.

● Deciduous teeth generally begin to erupt in the 6 to 7 months of birth, because there are individual differences, some babies may teeth a little later, the mother does not have to be too nervous, basically before the age of one year even if it is normal.

Extract teeth and clip out 1.5 cm of creeping live maggots: don't brush your teeth ineffectively, dentists' children brush this way from an early age

By around the age of 2.5 and 3 years, your baby's deciduous teeth will fully erupt.

●After the age of 6, the deciduous teeth begin to fall out, the permanent teeth are replaced, the first permanent molars are first produced, and the second molars erupt from the 12th to 13th year old, at which time the deciduous teeth are basically replaced.


Do your baby's baby teeth need attention?

Many mothers think that their baby's deciduous teeth should be replaced by permanent teeth anyway, so even if they grow tooth decay, they will ignore it.

In fact, the calcification of deciduous teeth is very low, and they are more susceptible to bacterial erosion.

After the deciduous teeth are damaged, the baby's teeth will be very painful, affecting the normal diet, and if it is serious, it will cause the baby to be malnourished.

Extract teeth and clip out 1.5 cm of creeping live maggots: don't brush your teeth ineffectively, dentists' children brush this way from an early age

Apical periodontitis of deciduous teeth will also affect the permanent teeth, resulting in underdevelopment of the hard tissue of the permanent teeth, and even affecting the normal eruption of the permanent teeth, which may cause children to misalignment deformity in the future.


What toothbrushes are used by different age groups?

So how should moms and dads choose toothbrushes for their babies?

The director specially sorted out this table, and parents can choose and buy according to their baby's age group.

Extract teeth and clip out 1.5 cm of creeping live maggots: don't brush your teeth ineffectively, dentists' children brush this way from an early age

Image source: Made yourself

Many mothers ask the director, how old is the baby to use an electric toothbrush?

In fact, how old the baby can use an electric toothbrush, the electric toothbrush is the use of high-frequency vibration to clean the teeth, manual brushing requires parents to manually brush back and forth.

In contrast, electric toothbrushes are a little more efficient, and parents are also a little more worry-free.

However, the cleanliness of the two toothbrushes is not much different, and mothers can choose according to their actual situation.


How is toothpaste selected and used?

As long as your baby has teeth erupting, he should use fluoride toothpaste to brush his teeth.

Fluoride is the only known element that is effective in preventing tooth decay.

Both the American Pediatric Association (AAP) and the American Dental Association of Children (ADA) recommend brushing your baby with fluoride toothpaste after they have their first teeth.

Extract teeth and clip out 1.5 cm of creeping live maggots: don't brush your teeth ineffectively, dentists' children brush this way from an early age

Children's fluoride toothpaste is swallowable, the content is generally 500 ~ 1100ppm, we recommend that babies under 3 years old use toothpaste with a fluoride content of 500ppm.

Dosage of fluoride toothpaste per session: the size of a grain of rice before the age of 3 years, the size of a pea after the age of 3.

Extract teeth and clip out 1.5 cm of creeping live maggots: don't brush your teeth ineffectively, dentists' children brush this way from an early age


The right way to brush your teeth

Scrubbing method: Generally before the age of 1, parents can wrap their index fingers in wet gauze or use a finger to cover a toothbrush, gently clean the baby's tooth surface, and massage the gum tissue.

Circular arc method: This is a brushing method that is easier to master after the child can brush his teeth independently, brushing up and down in front of him, and crossing the brush in a circle of the back teeth to make a circular flutter.

Pap brushing method: Relatively difficult to master, the hand can be dexterous movements when the teeth brushing method.

Extract teeth and clip out 1.5 cm of creeping live maggots: don't brush your teeth ineffectively, dentists' children brush this way from an early age

Note that the toothbrush should be brushed up and down, not horizontally, and the outer, inner, and occlusal surfaces of the teeth should be brushed clean.

Brushing time is generally 2-3 minutes is appropriate (adult permanent dentition column 28 + toothbrush tooth time, baby deciduous tooth column 20 teeth can be appropriately shortened time), too short to brush is certainly not clean, too long is also easy to clean over- too much, the baby will also be irritable.


Other ways of dental care

1. Floss

Moms should pay attention to the fact that brushing their teeth alone cannot completely clean the food debris between the baby's teeth, and we need to use floss to help!

When your baby has two teeth grown next to each other, we should help them floss: gently place the floss between your baby's teeth and slowly slide it clean, at least once a day, usually before bedtime.

2. See the dentist regularly

Oral experts remind that after 6 months of birth, you can visit the dentist regularly every 3-6 months, which can prevent the baby's oral problems in advance.

If you can ensure that your baby's mouth is cleaned every day and your teeth grow normally, you can also wait until you are 3 years old.

Extract teeth and clip out 1.5 cm of creeping live maggots: don't brush your teeth ineffectively, dentists' children brush this way from an early age

3. Regular fluoride coating

When the baby is about 3-4 years old, he can apply fluoride to the full mouth teeth, which can put a protective sleeve on the teeth and reduce the baby's caries rate.

After that, the dentist will give the time of reapplying according to the baby's teeth, usually 3-6 months.

4. The pit and groove are closed

When the baby is about 6 years old, the six-year-old teeth (the first constant molars) will germinate, because it indicates unevenness, deep grooves, often hiding food debris, and over time leading to caries.

Therefore, the pit and groove sealing can effectively reduce the caries rate of the baby's six-year-old teeth, if the baby's other teeth also have narrow and deep grooves, you can also seal the pit and groove under the advice of the doctor

Generally, moms can remember the fissure closure of these three time periods:

3-4 years: Deciduous molars

6-7 years old: first permanent molar

11-13 years old: second permanent molars

Note: Pit and groove sealing can only prevent pit and groove caries, and there is no preventive effect on caries on other surfaces of the teeth, so the pit and groove sealing also needs to be coated with fluoride and clean the teeth daily (brushing, flossing)!


Doubts about baby dental care,

One-time answer!

1. Is the baby's late teething time calcium deficiency?

There are individual differences in the time of eruption of deciduous teeth, in general, the first deciduous teeth have not erupted after more than one year of age, and the deciduous teeth over 3 years old have not yet fully erupted, which is the late germination of deciduous teeth.

If full mouth eruption is difficult, it may be related to systemic factors such as rickets (vitamin D deficiency), hypothyroidism, nutritional deficiencies, and so on.

2, horse teeth are inflammation on fire, need to be removed?

Horse teeth are not a condition and generally fall out on their own within a few months.

Many people think that babies will be painful and itchy after growing horse teeth, and they will attribute the cause of horse teeth to fire.

Some people give the baby "rub the horse teeth" or "pick the horse teeth", that is, use the finger wrapped cloth to wipe, or directly take the needle to pick, in fact, this is easy to cause oral infection, which is very unfavorable to the baby.

Extract teeth and clip out 1.5 cm of creeping live maggots: don't brush your teeth ineffectively, dentists' children brush this way from an early age

3. Does the baby need to brush his teeth without teething?

The salivary glands of newborns and infants up to 6 months of age are underdeveloped, the oral mucosa is relatively dry, prone to infection, and candida infections are common.

Parents can use disinfected clean gauze to scrub the oral mucosa to keep the mouth clean.

4. If the baby has double rows of teeth, it must be removed?

Some scientists have proved through experiments that the baby's temporary double rows of teeth are actually normal, and it has a certain degree of self-recovery.

If the permanent teeth can grow normally, the deciduous teeth will also be slowly pushed out.

During this time, we can try to shake your baby's deciduous teeth to see how loose they are:

If the deciduous teeth do have signs of loosening, we can appropriately give the baby more "hard goods", such as apples, corn, nuts, etc., let the baby nibble on an apple every day, which can effectively promote the fall of the baby teeth;

If the baby's deciduous teeth are very "firm", or after a month or two but the looseness has been very small, you need to take the baby to consult the dentist in time, and timely extraction is more conducive to the baby's teeth health!

Well, this issue of the Mom Investigation Bureau is here, and we'll see you next time

This article is contributed by the exclusive column "Mom Investigation Bureau" of Mom Network, the copyright belongs to Mom Network, if you want to reprint, please contact us to obtain authorization.

Edited in this issue: Y.T. Mu Xiaoke.

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