
The Windows version of Minecraft introduces a new creature frog test

Ahead of the upcoming Wildlife Update sometime in 2022, Minecraft Bedrock Edition is testing a new creature, the frog, that will be officially added in version 1.19. The new version of Minecraft for Windows will include frogs and tadpoles, as well as tests of new features around this new creature.

The Windows version of Minecraft introduces a new creature frog test

Based on current knowledge of frog organisms, they lay eggs in swamp biomes, where they spend time catching fireflies from the air and jumping on lotus leaves. Other interesting things about frogs are already known, such as how they hatch into tadpoles and grow into one of three frog species based on their mature biome. Mojang also acknowledges that frogs will be useful to players in some way, but it wasn't specified at first.

Today's Bedrock Edition 1.18.10 patch notes show at least some of what frogs can do: Frogs can eat small slime enemies and turn them into slime balls—key resources in existing manufacturing, such as sticky pistons and leads.

The Windows version of Minecraft introduces a new creature frog test

At the same time, frogs will also eat small magma monsters and will produce frog lamps, similar to fluorite and sea lanterns, which are very good decorative light sources.

The 1.18.10 patch notes answer several other frog-related questions – frogs do reproduce. Currently, Mojang says it is possible to guide and breed frogs with seagrass, but this is only a temporary alternative. When the 1.19 update is released, they will have their favorite native swamp foods.

This update also includes a series of bug fixes and more changes to align Bedrock and Java.

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