
At any time, do not discuss the 3 things, easy to get into trouble

In life, there are some things that come when you say too much.

Wen Tianxiang of the Song Dynasty mentioned in the "Rhyme of Words and Words": "Predecessors are like bottle rings, and words are better than words." ”

In life, not talking is more beneficial than talking.

People always say, "There must be a sense of proportion in communication." ”

But few people listened and still said everything to the outside world.

If a person wants to go through this life more smoothly, then at any time, these 3 things should never be discussed.

At any time, do not discuss the 3 things, easy to get into trouble

First: the feelings of others

Sometimes, you don't actually intervene in other people's feelings, but in fact, your inadvertent suggestion makes the whole thing irreparable.

As a bystander to people's feelings, you can't understand the truth of the whole thing.

And just relying on one-sided words to say things will only cause you trouble.

In the end, the path of cultivation in life will only be left to you, so it is wise to care less about others to do yourself well.

After all, "it is difficult for officials to judge family affairs since ancient times", as a bystander, how do you judge right and wrong.

At any time, do not discuss the 3 things, easy to get into trouble

Second: their own income status

In the world now, everyone talks about money, but everyone avoids money.

Talk about money because life needs money; talk about money because the adult world is a world of "interests first".

Compared to anything, only money is the most reliable.

But when people get along with each other, everyone doesn't talk about money.

Because talking about money hurts feelings, because talking about money is easy to cause unnecessary trouble.

At any time, do not discuss the 3 things, easy to get into trouble

You make a lot of money, others will envy you, but inevitably some people will be jealous of you and think that you are showing off.

You make a lot of money, others will find you, they are not as good as the intention to borrow money from you, do you borrow or not borrow?

You make less money, others will hurt you, but inevitably some people will pity you and think that you are living too low.

You make less money, others will alienate you, think you are not in trouble, and do not want you to have the opportunity to borrow money from him.

Life is very cruel, there are many people in the world, many small details are not done well, may ignite the fire.

At any time, do not discuss the 3 things, easy to get into trouble

Third: the backlog of dissatisfaction in the heart

People will always have dissatisfaction, and it is precisely because life has sour, sweet and bitter, so it will be unforgettable.

But smart people never complain to others, not because they don't want to, but because they don't feel the need.

Living in this world, such as people drinking cold and warm self-knowledge.

Your complaints will only destroy the good impression you give to others, and you will only soothe your emotions for a while after complaining, and you will not get anything.

It is impossible for others to empathize with you, and perhaps on the surface people are pandering to you, and in their hearts they may want to stay away.

After all, who wants a good day, starting with listening to other people's complaints.

At any time, do not discuss the 3 things, easy to get into trouble

Everyone is not anyone's trash can, once or twice complaining is nothing, more is easy to resent.

Your dissatisfaction, your experience, may be just a story in the eyes of others, but only you know how resentful it is.

When your negative emotions are poured out, it is likely to become a weapon for others.

They will carry this matter with them in mind, and at some point they will break it, and this sharp weapon is given to them by yourself.

Not many people in the world can treat people completely sincerely, people's hearts are complex, and some things are not said, in fact, they are for each other's protection.

At any time, do not discuss the 3 things, easy to get into trouble

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