
A ten-year-old boy invented a perpetual motion machine and ran away from home because of his brother's death

author:Mosquitoes tell stories

Coppertop Ranch is located a few miles north of the Great Dividing Range, hidden in the Peennier Mountains. The only means of transport here is the Pacific Union Freight Train, which departs at 5:44 p.m. and 5:15 p.m. at the latest.

TS and his brother Layton grew up here, and every plant and tree here is full of childhood flavors. Their father seems to have been born 100 years late, and he is a complete cowboy in terms of mind, physique, and soul. His lounge is filled with objects that have a special love for western life, and it is as if you have come to that dusty wild world.

Their mother, a ph.D. in biology, observes various microbes under a microscope every day. Layton inherited his father's wild genes and liked to shoot anything that moved. TS inherited his mother's brain and was a full scientific genius. Between the two brothers, one brave and wild, the other timid and timid, although they are both their own children, but the father loves Layton more than anything in the world.

A ten-year-old boy invented a perpetual motion machine and ran away from home because of his brother's death

Image from "The Strange Journey of Young Spevie"

In this weird family, only the sister looks like a normal person. She is the lead dancer of the nostalgic anti-conservative theater troupe, dreaming of going to a beauty pageant to get out of the mountains of Montana and get rid of these weird families once and for all.

A year ago, there was a lecture on perpetual motion machines at the Barthes Museum of History, and when TS sneaked in to listen to the lecture and learned that no scientist had spied on the mystery, he claimed to be willing to accept the challenge, but the professor only told him that he was childlike.

A year later, TS received a call from Gibbs from Smithsonian Institution, who had won the Bell Prize for the perpetual motion machine design he had sent, and invited him to give an acceptance speech at the College's 150th anniversary celebration. TS was a little panicked and politely refused on the grounds that he still had to go to class.

A ten-year-old boy invented a perpetual motion machine and ran away from home because of his brother's death

In the leisurely afternoon, the mother studied the lice on Layton's head, while the father smiled hippie on the side. TS has never been able to understand how parents love each other, and their distinction is like day and night. A few days later, however, the palms of the two men brushed lightly again, as if they were secretly exchanging a few seeds. It turns out that this kind of love is not too much to tie and interfere with each other's life and pleasures, but is a kind of spiritual dependence.

The mother is not good at housework, always damages the bread machine, but every time she will get the applause of the family, there is some helplessness in it, only Layton is sincere, and stares at the mother with a smirk. But Layton died last year in a gun misfire accident, right next to it in a barn. Since then, the home has been shrouded in a haze, the father has become more silent, and the mother is keen to find an insect that is almost extinct.

A ten-year-old boy invented a perpetual motion machine and ran away from home because of his brother's death

One day after school, dad invited TS to the car, the first time he turned to layton for help. But TS wasn't happy because the co-pilot had always belonged to Layton, who had shot a bushwolf with a rifle 200 yards away, and his father took off his hat and put it on his head. TS was a little jealous, but he knew that this would never happen to him, because a few months ago, he had made a scale model to try to improve the hydrological situation of the ranch, only to be treated coldly by his father.

On the way, they encounter a trapped stupid sheep, TS encountered a poisonous snake while rescuing it, and his father helped him break the siege, which was also the first time his father patted him on the back, but he did not know whether it was blame or concern.

On the way back, TS felt like a bat in the sky, only to hear his own echoes. So he decided to leave for Smithsonian College tomorrow to pursue his own scientific career.

A ten-year-old boy invented a perpetual motion machine and ran away from home because of his brother's death

In the middle of the night, he began to carry out a conspiratorial plan, bringing the necessary daily necessities and tools, and leaving on time at four o'clock in the morning. Before leaving, he went to Layton's room to say goodbye, apologized for what happened in the barn, then left a message to his family, took his mother's diary with him, and then said goodbye to the silent dog cassava card.

As the morning light faded in the sky, his father drove past him without stopping. TS understands his responsibility for the death of his beloved son and is destined to be exiled from the ranch.

Arriving at the train station, he painted the signal lights red, stopped a freight train, and then evaded the staff and embarked on a strange journey.

The railway line is winding and twisting, the autumn light is stacked on top of each other, after a short drive, the train stops in Wyoming, the security personnel come to check the eighth car, TS temporary emergency response to hide in the caravan, and contribute their excellent acting skills, successfully evaded the inspection of the staff.

A ten-year-old boy invented a perpetual motion machine and ran away from home because of his brother's death

The next day, the stomach had protested against hunger because of insufficient food to carry, followed by a lingering depression and repression.

At night, the train takes a short break in Nebraska. TS stumbles upon a repairman who calls himself Two Clouds, and perhaps seeing that he is a wandering child, tells him a story.

After listening to this story, TS claimed that the thermal insulation of pine leaves was very poor, and completely rejected the story from a scientific point of view. The maintenance worker was too scared to say anything, but still gave TS some change.

When buying a hot dog, TS encounters two policemen who come to post a search notice, and the little ghost on it is himself, the boss recognizes him as the child who ran away from home, but TS says that he is an orphan.

A ten-year-old boy invented a perpetual motion machine and ran away from home because of his brother's death

Then he stood outside the public telephone booth, imagining the joy and excitement of his family when they received his call. But he didn't fight back, because he still felt that he would not be forgiven by his family.

The train slowly came on the road, watching the train drive into the unknown distance, at this moment, he could not deny that he was not a carefree wanderer, just a ten-year-old child who had escaped from home. As nature disappears, the landscape in view is replaced by man-made buildings that obey geometric principles. TS can't understand why humans create so many right angles, but their behavior is complex and absurd.

The train stopped at the terminal station, where he hid unnecessary luggage in an electric box and then packed lightly. The police mistakenly thought he was a truant child, so the old and the young began a chase. TS jumped on the bridge that was moving, causing an unfortunate rib injury. The policeman showed a worried look, woke up, and continued to intimidate him to come back.

After escaping the pursuit, TS wanted to cry without tears, and his heart was full of grievances, even if he knew more, he was just a child who needed love. He then stopped the car on the side of the road, and a driver named Ritchie was willing to take him for a ride, and the other party had a habit of taking photos whenever he met a hitchhiker.

A ten-year-old boy invented a perpetual motion machine and ran away from home because of his brother's death

TS was too tired to sleep in the co-pilot, and when he woke up, the car was parked in front of Smithsonian College. Ritchie told him while parting, and while I don't know what you're looking for, remember that the road is at your feet at all times. TS also told him that I don't know where you're going, but you'll definitely find your own perch.

When he arrived at the front desk of the academy, the staff could not believe that the child in front of him was the one who invented the perpetual motion machine, and in order not to be driven home, he lied that he was an orphan. Gibbs, who had arrived on the news, saw him and thought he was being teased, but TS opened his mouth to say a bunch of scientific terms and explained the design principles of perpetual motion machines.

Gibbs learned that he had found the treasure, so he began to package the posts like an agent, completely disregarding his thoughts and feelings.

At the academy's anniversary celebration, the scientists said all kinds of flattering things to him, but all of this seemed quite hypocritical to TS's eyes. On the podium, he didn't come here to be famous, but to find an opportunity to talk about his heart.

A ten-year-old boy invented a perpetual motion machine and ran away from home because of his brother's death

Layton and I were a lot different all along, I liked to do science experiments, he liked to shoot things with a gun, so I thought of making gun sound maps so that we could play together. But that day the Winchester rifle jammed for no reason, and I helped hold the butt of the rifle without touching a single trigger, and as a result, an explosion sounded, and Layton's body flew over the barn, and blood dripped from the haystack, and he lay there quietly, no longer my brother, and I was left alone.

TS blamed his brother's death on himself, and when he said the words he had suppressed for a long time, the audience applauded thunderously, and in the upper stand, the mother who received the invitation was already full of tears.

After Layton's death, the dog cassava card began to bite the iron barrel, and the corners of the mouth were often covered in blood. Then one day, my sister took it through the pasture. Then sit on the top of the hill and look into the distance. After returning, cassava card no longer bites the iron barrel, and begins to catch fireflies as before, seemingly accepting the fact that the little master has died, and TS wants to catch fireflies like cassava card one day.

Since TS caused a storm in academia, Gibbs has become a busy person, she does not care about the inner world of the child in front of her, nor does she care about science and knitting, she only wants to use him to gain money and fame, and even wants TS to recreate the scene of her brother committing suicide in the barn, so as to get more hype and exposure.

This hypocritical world was so overwhelming that he called home and no one answered. Subsequently, he was invited to a high-profile talk show, along with the perpetual motion machine was also put on the stage.

In fact, this is not a real perpetual motion machine, it can only run for 400 years, after which it needs to be re-magnetized. Before TS lied that he was an orphan, he did not expect that the program team invited his mother, and as the lie was punctured, he said to his mother that I was wrong.

But the mother told him that it was not wrong to give a gun as a gift to a child. Isn't it wrong for adults to leave them unattended and let two children play with guns in the barn? It's not your fault, it's nobody's fault, it's just an accident, like Father said, it happened.

All along, everyone in the family has been using their own way to escape the truth and forget the pain. They don't say anything, but it is like invisible complaints and blames, making TS, which is already lacking in love, more and more lonely and self-condemning. At this time, his mother's words untied his heart knot and dissipated the guilt and grievances in his heart.

His mother picked him up and left the studio. On the way out, Gibbs scolds TS for being a dirty little liar. The mother slapped her, and the host stopped the two, claiming that the show was not over. Then a cowboy appeared behind him, and the father punched him in the nose and motioned for his son to climb on his shoulder.

A ten-year-old boy invented a perpetual motion machine and ran away from home because of his brother's death

TS asked his father why there was no parking that morning.

Father said that I just looked down to pick up something that day and missed that moment.

TS put the hat on his head, the family's figure was gradually flooded by the light, and the ranch was once again shrouded in sunlight, bringing a hint of intoxication. The family has ushered in a new member, the bread machine is still damaged as always, the father always chooses to rain when he is angry, and the gap in TS's heart is gradually being completed.

Soon after, the Uchidai perpetual motion machine became the source of power for the cradle. At this time, the sun is just right, the breeze is not dry, and the family is occasionally sad and growing warmly.

The Bizarre Journey of Young Spyvi is directed by Pierre Geine and released in 2015. Everyone has such a period of time, everyone has an unknown other side, feel that no one understands their unspeakable grievances, so they immerse themselves in their own small world, escape those sudden pains, cover their ears and ring bells for life choices, and are unwilling to admit it. Others run away from home, set out alone, eager to get the power of salvation from afar, and on the way they will inevitably not meet those who are utilitarian, but also meet people of goodwill. In the end, I realized that leaving home did not solve the problem, and that a momentary escape was only a temporary consolation of the soul, after all, the immediate sickness could not be solved, and the poetry and redemption in the distance could not be discussed. Therefore, after going around, I found that the place of departure was the warmest haven, and I understood that only by bravely facing the pain to solve it, could I achieve true growth.

Well, today's story ends here, I am a mosquito, like the likes and attention Oh.

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