
Girl, these 5 sleep habits will make you ugly, quickly change

author:Six-story doctor
Girl, these 5 sleep habits will make you ugly, quickly change

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Image: Sweet potato ya | Written by: Amu | Editor-in-Charge: Ke Xin

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Girl, these 5 sleep habits will make you ugly, quickly change

In my mind, the most beautiful thing in the world is probably sleep. (Put away the car keys, I'm talking about the serious one who sleeps.) )

Every day, especially on weekdays, after completing the required tasks, fall into bed, get into the bed, or roll a few times with one of the small corners, (and then go to the platforms to see your "husband") and then go to sleep contentedly, and if you are lucky, you can also go to some wonderful dreams.

Of course, there is a big premise above, that is, it must be carried out in the room with the night light on, if the surrounding is dark, the six lucky assistants in the quilt are in a different state: cover their heads with a quilt, hide in the bed and play with their mobile phones to divert their attention, dare not extend their hands and feet out of the bed for half a minute, for fear of crossing this boundary, they will be dragged by some demons and ghosts, until the sleepiness is getting thicker.

The experience of having to go to sleep in the dark left a deep shadow on me. Although the habit of turning on the light to sleep seems to the people around me to be really different, I have not felt that there is anything wrong with sleeping like this in the past few years, but there is a related study that makes me a little unable to sit still...

Girl, these 5 sleep habits will make you ugly, quickly change

Turn on the light to sleep for a while, but it is possible to get fat?

NIH scientists followed 43,722 healthy women aged 35 to 74 in the United States and Puerto Rico for 5.7 years and found that women who slept with the lights on or on their televisions had a 17 percent higher risk of gaining more than 5 kg compared to women sleeping in dark environments, while the risk of obesity and sudden overweight increased by 22 percent and 33 percent.

To further validate this conclusion, the researchers adjusted for factors such as diet, sleep duration, sleep quality, and exercise habits, and found that this association was still strong. And, regardless of the initial weight of these women, as long as there is an artificial light source while sleeping, the risk of weight gain increases.

Looking at the "layers" that gradually appeared on my stomach, I couldn't help but sigh, don't I turn on the light and sleep, how can I still affect my weight?

The presence of light is indeed a disadvantage for sleep, because light may interrupt the sleep process, thereby reducing time and quality. If the quality of sleep is often poor, the secretion of leptin in the body will also be reduced, making people hungry, especially want to eat high-calorie foods, so the weight may rise .

In addition, light will also reduce the secretion of melatonin in the human body. When it comes to melatonin, everyone is certainly not unfamiliar, have you ever come to one or two when you can't sleep at night?

In fact, the main role of melatonin is not to promote sleep, but to regulate the body's circadian rhythm, that is, the "biological clock". Melatonin secretion decreases, the biological clock is disrupted, the quality of sleep decreases, and other hormone levels fluctuate with it, and over time, it enters a vicious circle.

Since light will reduce the secretion of melatonin, wouldn't it be better to supplement melatonin every night? Do not do this, melatonin is not suitable for everyone to take, and long-term supplementation of exogenous melatonin will cause melatonin synthesis and secretion disorders in the body.

In fact, the study on the effect of artificial light sources on weight is not only the one mentioned earlier, once, the Japanese and British teams have done similar studies, and the results have also found that people exposed to artificial light sources at night have a significantly higher risk of obesity.

What about people who are afraid of black and fat? Exposure to artificial light sources at night is indeed associated with obesity, but it is not an absolute causal relationship, so there is no need to panic too much. The most important thing is to develop healthy habits, eat a balanced diet, and maintain exercise.

Girl, these 5 sleep habits will make you ugly, quickly change

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Friends who are afraid of the dark can try to slowly get rid of their dependence on light, listen to soothing music or do other things that can relax and help them sleep before going to bed, and divert their fear of the dark. If the fear of darkness is because of the shadow left by childhood, you can turn to psychological professionals to get effective solutions.

Of course, if you have a better mentality or feel that it has no impact, you can continue to maintain your original habits. However, regardless of whether you are afraid of darkness or not, it is recommended that you sleep at night and pull up the curtains, and the light source that affects the human body also includes artificial light sources such as street lamps outside the house.

Girl, these 5 sleep habits will make you ugly, quickly change

Small sleep habits that threaten health and appearance

Whether you turn on the lights or not may not have to care too much about sleeping, but the following small habits, if you have developed, you should pay attention to it.

  • Sleep with your mouth open

Long-term open mouth to sleep, the most intuitive impact on the human body may be to change the face, severe will cause facial development deformity, even if it is a natural beauty billet, the appearance must be damaged by a few points.

Girl, these 5 sleep habits will make you ugly, quickly change

▲Image source: Google

Under normal circumstances, the nose is the main organ that takes on the breathing of the human body, and when the nose breathes, the lips are closed, the teeth are lightly closed, and the tongue naturally presses against the palate. A small movement of the tongue, but an important force in the development of the human face and the arrangement of teeth, if the mouth is open to breathe, the tongue can not be in the correct position, may cause tooth decay, jaw contraction, cervical vertebrae forward and other conditions, may also bring respiratory discomfort and a series of chain reactions.

Nose hair can filter out fine particles in the air, the nasal passage is moist, there is a role in heating and humidification, human organs perform their duties, and the role of the mouth in the process of human breathing is far less professional than that of the nose.

Germs, particulate matter, etc. in the air are less obstructive barriers, and they are directly inhaled from the mouth to the throat and even directly into the lungs with great fanfare, which may induce oral diseases and respiratory diseases. In addition, sleeping with your mouth open for a long time will accelerate the loss of water in the human body, and may also cause lesions in the gums, mucous membranes and even respiratory tract due to direct stimulation of air.

If you have the habit of sleeping with your mouth open, you must have the awareness of adjustment, and at the same time cooperate with lip and cheek muscle training, that is, repeatedly use the upper and lower lips to pinch a piece of cardboard and quickly withdraw it, so that the lips can be naturally closed and turned into breathing through the nose. Of course, most of the fundamental problems lie in poor respiratory tract, whether there is rhinitis or adenoid hypertrophy, it is best to seek medical attention in time to find out.

  • Sleep on the pillow

Whether it is sleeping in bed at night, or a simple nap on the table when tired, it is also a bad habit to rest the arm under the head, which will not only affect blood circulation, easily cause numbness and soreness in the upper limbs, but also increase the pressure in the abdomen, resulting in reflux esophagitis and affecting digestive function.

You need something to pillow when you sleep, but don't use your hand as a pillow.

  • Side

In general, it is recommended to sleep on the right side. In this state, the limbs are naturally bent, the heart is high and uncompressed, which is also conducive to maintaining the normal physiological curve of the spine, reducing the pressure on the back and neck, and reducing the phenomenon of sleep apnea.

Girl, these 5 sleep habits will make you ugly, quickly change

But it also has drawbacks. On the one hand, lying on your side may cause sleep wrinkles. Sleep wrinkles arise as the skin of the face is in direct contact with the pillow and is squeezed when lying on your side, resulting in skin deformation. On the other hand, people who lie on their sides need to choose a pillow that suits them, otherwise it will also increase the pressure on the spine.

Therefore, you can also change the direction of the side lying down, do not just let one side of the face be squeezed, I hope that the two sides can be pressed evenly and impartially.

  • Stay up late

When it comes to sleeping, I have to mention an old topic - staying up late. I know that for most people, only the night is really at their own disposal, but with pleasure, the physical protest will become louder and louder.

Perhaps the damage to the reproductive system and the increased risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases may seem far away from us, but memory decline, unresponsiveness, etc. can be slowly felt.

Not only that, but there are many changes that are visible to the naked eye: once a dense jungle above the head, now gradually divided into a wide road; once the skin was not perfect, but it was also smooth and elastic, and now it is gradually rough, and the acne also comes out from time to time to see the outside world...

alas...... Don't say it, say too much is tears!

So the question is, when is it time to sleep and not stay up late?

Currently, the recommended sleep time is from 11:30 pm to 7:30 pm, but this also varies depending on the environment and people. Some people are accustomed to going to bed late and getting up late, such as sleeping at 2 o'clock at night and waking up at 10 o'clock in the morning, which ensures the length of sleep, but it is difficult to avoid the impact of light, sound, temperature, etc. on sleep quality, which may further affect the circadian rhythm of the human body.

Therefore, ensuring the quality of sleep is actually more important than ensuring the length of sleep.

Although it is difficult to change for a while and a half, if you are willing to make a little effort, maybe you will accumulate over time, and you will reap the changes that surprise you and set yourself a small goal, for example, starting with insisting on not staying up late for a month!

Girl, these 5 sleep habits will make you ugly, quickly change
Girl, these 5 sleep habits will make you ugly, quickly change

In such a hurried and panicked world, a good night's sleep becomes very precious, sleep allows our busy day's body and spirit to inhabit, and a good sleeping environment, posture and habits are fully necessary for a good night's sleep.

If you find that you have bad sleep habits, adjust back in time, and the precious time for rest and relaxation at night, don't let your body live too wronged. Get a good night's sleep and meet the day's work with a full spirit... No, bright sun, how nice!

Promise me, start tonight, sleep well ~ if you say yes, poke down like ~

If you don't agree, then... Then poke one too...

I love the world!


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Science Popularization China. Oral breathing affects the appearance value, not quick to correct? [EB/OL]. (2019-09-15) [2022-02-06].

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