
Orthopedic experts support how not to make fitness hurt

Step on your legs and move! Many people will make a New Year fitness plan for themselves at the beginning of the year, but at the end of the year, they are often "punched in the face". Why can't the plan be implemented and not adhered to? Maybe it's that the plan you made doesn't work for you, or maybe it's that the improper exercise causes an injury and has to be stopped. Therefore, before starting your workout, it may be helpful to listen to these suggestions from Zhang Daojian, deputy chief physician of the Department of Orthopedics of Peking University First Hospital.

Everyone knows that sports will make the body better, so what changes will the body make when exercise? Zhang Daojian said that exercise can protect joint health and exercise cardiopulmonary function.

Moderate exercise contributes to joint health

Orthopedic experts support how not to make fitness hurt

The gray part in the image above is articular cartilage.

Joint cartilage is very important for joint health, if the joint cartilage is not smooth and worn, it will grow bone spurs, bring pain, limited movement. The nutrition of cartilage comes entirely from the synovial fluid inside the joint, after moderate exercise, the synovial fluid fully moisturizes the joint cartilage, provides the nutrition needed by the joint cartilage, and ensures the health of the joint cartilage. If you do not exercise, the synovial fluid is not stimulated, cannot be dispersed, and cannot provide nutrition to the cartilage.

Some people have symptoms such as joint friction sounds, pain, and squatting during activities, and some people have looped legs after they are old, which is a problem caused by joint cartilage wear.

Therefore, moderate exercise helps with joint health.

Exercise exercises cardiopulmonary function

In addition to protecting joint health, exercise can also exercise cardiopulmonary function.

In the "Healthy China Action (2019-2030)", the National Fitness Action pointed out that "scientific fitness can strengthen musculoskeletal muscles, help maintain a healthy weight, reduce disease risk, improve vitality; promote mental health, and improve the quality of life.". Physical activity has become the most active, effective and economical way of life to enhance the national physique and improve the level of health.

How do I choose the exercise that suits me?

Be scientific and fit, don't exercise blindly. First of all, a comprehensive physical assessment should be carried out, and a professional doctor should be found to determine which parts of your body may be problematic, so as to pay attention to it during exercise. For example, if someone has a cardiac arrest during exercise, it may be a congenital heart disease that has not been checked before. Second, let the experts judge which exercise you are suitable for according to your age, joints, and bone conditions, so as to choose the safe and effective exercise that suits you.

Experts recommend that you choose swimming, cycling and other sports methods, in the process of doing these exercises, the joint cartilage is not strong enough to protect the joints. At the same time, swimming can also exercise the muscles of the whole body and exercise cardiopulmonary function.

Two exercises not to do: stair climbing and squat

Both of these exercises are not friendly to the joints. Climbing and squatting use the joint between the patella and femur in the front of the knee joint, called the patella joint. Knee pressure is relatively high during climbing and squatting, and this place is most prone to wear and degeneration.

It should be known that the thickness of the joint cartilage of the human body is only 5 mm to 1 cm, basically can not regenerate, excessive use will cause further wear and tear of cartilage, resulting in osteogenesis, osteoarthropathy, pain, limited function and so on.

How can damage to the knee be reduced or avoided?

Expert reminder: Before squatting and during squatting, let the muscles tense up first.

Orthopedic experts support how not to make fitness hurt

Quadriceps is important for knee stability. Practicing the muscle strength of the quadriceps muscles will make the patella of the knee joint more stable.

Orthopedic experts support how not to make fitness hurt

Crouch against the wall

Squatting against the wall is conducive to exercising the strength of the quadriceps muscles of the knee joint and is conducive to enhancing the stability of the knee joint.

When practicing, the feet are shoulder width apart, the toes and knee joints are facing forward, the back is against the wall, and the knee joint is gently bent. The buckling angle is less than 90 degrees, and it is insisted on for 1-2 minutes according to your ability. When squatting against the wall, be careful not to exceed the tiptoe of the knee in front of the knee.

How many exercises in a week is appropriate? It is necessary to formulate a certain frequency of exercise according to their own situation, and it is possible to exercise once or twice a week, three or five times.

What kind of intensity is the right amount of exercise to achieve? According to the individual's tolerance, if you feel particularly tired and sore muscles the day after exercise, it means that the amount of exercise is quite large, and if you continue to exercise, it may cause further damage to the muscles, and you should rest.

The exercise intensity of the elderly, to exercise heart rate to reach 170 minus age can be, try not to exceed this heart rate.

Young people can exercise more intensely, and their exercise heart rate can reach 200 years.

There are a few simple and easy exercises that are great for "low-headed people" and office workers:

Head-up movements

"Low head family" is prone to cervical spondylosis, cervical spine curve is poor, in the future there will be serious cervical spondylosis, so after working for a period of time, try to look up and backwards, maintain a period of time. Doing so improves the curve of the cervical spine and relaxes the muscles in the back of the neck.

Note: Patients with cervical spondylosis with spinal stenosis and spinal cord compression should not perform head-up movements.

Posterior extension of the shoulder blades

Wrap your arms around the chest wall, then turn outward, and tilt your head back in the process of turning. Keep your chest up during the stretch, and don't tilt your shoulders forward to avoid poor results. This action relaxes the muscles of the back of the neck and is good for the curve of the spine, the thoracic spine, and the cervical spine.

Yan Fei

Orthopedic experts support how not to make fitness hurt

Before going to bed, lie on the bed and do Yan Fei's movements, hands and head back, legs back, stomach against the bed surface. Doing so is good for restoring the physiological curve of the lumbar spine and is also conducive to exercising the muscles of the lower back. The muscles on both sides of the spine in the lower back become stronger, and they will also protect the lumbar discs, and it is not easy to protrude from the lumbar discs.

Scientific fitness is good for health, moving is beneficial, and it is expensive to insist.

The elderly should engage in exercise that is compatible with their own constitution, and pay attention to muscle strength exercises while attaching importance to aerobic exercise. Proper balance exercises to strengthen the musculoskeletal system and prevent falls.

Children and adolescents should accumulate at least one hour of moderate-intensity exercise per day and develop a lifelong exercise habit. Improve physical fitness and master motor skills. At the same time, it can increase vitamin D and calcium supplementation, and promote bone growth and development.

Netizens asked:

How soon can I return to normal exercise after my foot break?

The foot will more or less cause ligament damage, slight damage to the ligament, first cold compress, two days after the hot compress, less walking, a week or so basically can recover.

In more severe cases, the ligament is torn, and it is generally necessary to rest for at least two to three weeks, or even four weeks, so that the ligament is repaired and then slowly rehabilitated.

If it is a severe fracture, it will take at least 3 months to recover slowly.

What's wrong with hearing a knee ring as soon as you exercise?

Knee ringing during exercise may be physiological or pathological.

If there is no pain during exercise, there is no discomfort, it is generally physiological, do not worry too much.

If the ringing process is accompanied by pain, the situation of the joint stuck, often pathological, it is recommended to go to the hospital to find a professional doctor for examination, do MRI to determine whether the joint cartilage wear, or meniscal tear caused by the joint bounce.

Does running or cycling on a treadmill hurt my knee?

If the treadmill is used well, there is generally little damage to the knee joint. The speed of the treadmill is constant, and the speed of the treadmill should be reduced in time to avoid damage when tired. If the speed is not reduced, it will cause passive damage to the knee joint.

Cycling can adjust the seat a little higher, so that in the process of bending and extending the pedaling, the knee will not flex too much, and there will not be much damage to the joints.

Can I still exercise after suffering from arthritis?

Arthritis is chronic and acute. Inability to exercise in the acute phase of arthritis; if it is a smooth non-morbid phase, moderate exercise may be achieved.

In the acute phase of arthritis, the onset of acute inflammation in the joints may be accompanied by a large amount of fluid in the joints, joint swelling and pain, the treatment at this time is first of all to brake, to rest, if the swelling is more severe, but also cold compresses, so that the inflammation slowly subsides.

If the arthritis has passed the acute stage, it is relatively stable, and the joints are not swollen or painful, and you can exercise appropriately. As mentioned earlier, the joints need to move moderately and cannot remain motionless. Because inactivity leads to joint stiffness, it can lead to adhesions around the joints, muscle atrophy, osteoporosis, and joint cartilage not being nourished.

It's okay to go up the mountain when climbing the mountain, and what is the reason that the knee joint hurts so much when you go down the mountain?

During the climb, the contact between the patella and femur is not the same as the position of contact when descending the mountain. In addition, when going up the mountain, the muscles are generally more energetic; when going down the mountain, they are more tired, the quadriceps muscles have no strength, and the stability of the joints decreases, so the bone force increases, which will lead to joint pain when going down the mountain. (Content source "Population" column)

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