
Bi Shumin said: If you are angry, you will scream; if you mourn, you will cry; if you love, you will express; if you like, you will pursue. No self-deprecation, no self-pity

author:Erudite lark me

Bi Shumin said: If you are angry, you will scream; if you mourn, you will cry; if you love, you will express; if you like, you will pursue. Don't be self-deprecating, don't feel self-pity, go out and be brave to be yourself.

Fate is uncertain, happy life. Smile, sing, don't remember the past, don't fear tomorrow. Grasp every time in your life and move forward calmly.

The power of life is incredible. As long as there is vitality, it will grow. Therefore, life is not easy, and it is done and cherished.

Strive to maintain inner peace, stability, comfort and pleasure.

Slow down, adjust your mindset, and look farther away. Be kind to yourself, live seriously, and be the best you can be every day.

Between heaven and earth, calmly happy and safe.

Time never goes backwards, so please grasp each of your own present moments. Thanks for the years... ☀ The tenth day of the New Year, perfect.

Bi Shumin said: If you are angry, you will scream; if you mourn, you will cry; if you love, you will express; if you like, you will pursue. No self-deprecation, no self-pity

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