
King, Yi Ye, Yi Zheng and Jing Zheng; Jun, Yu Ye, Yu Yuan and Water Round; Jun, Lu Ye, Lu Fang and Water Fang. ——Xun Zi. Monarchs are like sundials that measure time, man

author:Wanqiu Poetry House

King, Yi Ye, Yi Zheng and Jing Zheng; Jun, Yu Ye, Yu Yuan and Water Circle; Jun, Lu Ye, Lu Fang and Water Fang.

——Xun Zi. King's Way


The monarch is like a sundial that measures time, the people are like a shadow, and the sundial is like a shadow; the monarch is like a plate, the people are like the water in the plate, and the plate is round and the water is round; the monarch is like a bowl, the people are like the water in the cup, and the water in the cup is also square.

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