
Never make important decisions at night! The reason is...

author:Shangguan News

The night before, lying in bed, I bought a park ticket on impulse, and the next morning I found myself tired and didn't want to move at all.

The morning run had been planned the night before, but the next morning there were reasons not to carry it out.

The night before I decided what to eat the next day, woke up and changed my mind...

Never make important decisions at night! The reason is...

Zhou Jiandao/Photo

Why do you make impulsive decisions at night?

This is because the abundance of life during the day fills the cerebral cortex.

The visual, auditory, sensory, and olfactory systems transmit a large amount of external information to the cerebral cortex, which processes information in a complex manner and then passes it out through the motor system to respond.

The amount of information the brain receives and processes from the outside world is almost fully loaded. So, in a state of relative exhaustion.

At night, when people return home, the external sensory stimulation that people receive will gradually become smaller, their attention will be more concentrated, they will have more energy to consider the problems they care about in their brains and the details of special attention, and they will also have time to add more personal emotional factors to their thinking, and pay more attention to their own joys and sorrows.

In quiet nights, especially alone, it is easy for us to make impulsive decisions under the guidance of emotions, so it is best not to make important decisions alone in a state of emotional and mood instability.

Before making an important decision, eat a good meal

A 2010 study found that people tend to be more adventurous when they're hungry, but tend to be more conservative and less adventurous when they're full.

The study showed that after eating, as the level of hormones that control appetite in the body changes, appetite decreases, and financial risk appetite decreases accordingly.

That is to say, after people have eaten enough, they tend to become more conservative and less willing to take risks.

In other words, many times you may not be able to control yourself very well if you are hungry or not. Then, in order to make better decisions, eat a good meal first.

Source: Health Times

Editor: Wu Xingting

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