
The fierce battle of "black technology" outside the arena is in full swing The Winter Olympics will witness China's scientific and technological innovation strength

The fierce battle of "black technology" outside the arena is in full swing The Winter Olympics will witness China's scientific and technological innovation strength

The sense of science and technology has become a major feature of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. When the 24th Winter Olympics arrived as scheduled, Beijing, an ancient capital with a history of more than 3,000 years, gathered the eyes of the world, and the latest technology also gave the Winter Olympics a new color.

Dating back to January 1924, a week before the opening of the first Winter Olympics in France, chamonix, the 36,000-square-meter outdoor ice rink in Chamonix melted into a pool due to sudden weather changes, an accident that almost led to the postponement of the competition. At that time, people would not have thought that today, 98 years later, with the help of artificial intelligence forecasting technology, the meteorological situation can be accurately controlled. Standing at the moment, this world-class sports event is not only a competitive stage for global athletes, but also a display platform for China's scientific and technological innovation achievements.

Robots become "internet celebrities"

Behind the magnificent audio-visual feast of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics is the concentrated display of various scientific and technological achievements such as artificial intelligence, 5G, AR, naked-eye 3D and cloud - the opening ceremony stage ground is currently the largest 8K ultra-high-definition ground display system; the vertical screen carrying ink pouring down is an LED screen called "IceFall"; snowflakes always follow the performers through computer vision motion capture, AI real-time video special effects and other technologies.

Different from previous editions, under the test of epidemic prevention and control, this Winter Olympics is full of science and technology. Among them, the participation of many intelligent robots in the services of the Winter Olympics has become a major highlight.

Before the opening of the Winter Olympics, an athlete from Canada shared his experience of encountering robots in the Winter Olympic Village. A robot found itself not wearing a mask while "patrolling", so it went forward and reminded in English "please wear a medical mask".

According to the "China Times" reporter, this robot is called "Stupid Xiaobao", which is a service robot developed by Fujian Hunter Cloud Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. Ben Xiaobao is responsible for mobile temperature measurement and epidemic prevention supervision in the venue, and when patrolling, it can actively find personnel, measure body temperature, and issue reminders to wear masks according to the prescribed route.

In addition, the major venues of the Winter Olympics are also equipped with anti-epidemic intelligent robots that provide patrol control, cleaning and killing. In addition, intelligent robots that provide various services such as guidance, delivery, logistics, stir-frying, food delivery, and translation have also appeared in the Winter Olympic venues. For example, the robot responsible for stir-frying and delivery in the main media center restaurant of the Winter Olympics has become an "internet celebrity" before the opening; Beijing's AI company Orion Starry Sky has provided smart coffee robots for the restaurant.

Intelligent voice has also played an important role in this event that brings together athletes from all over the world. According to the reporter's understanding, iFLYTEK is the exclusive supplier of official automatic voice conversion and translation for the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, providing speech conversion and translation services for participants from all over the world through portable translation equipment for the Winter Olympic Games. According to the data released by the China Intelligent Voice Industry Development Summit Forum at the end of last year, from 2020 to 2021, iFLYTEK will rank first with a market share of 60% in China's intelligent voice market.

Although various types of service robots have provided a lot of help for the Winter Olympics, some insiders believe that the "scientific and technological attributes" of China's service robots still need to be improved.

Pan Helin, member of the Information and Communications Economic Expert Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and executive dean of the Digital Economy Research Institute of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, told the "China Times" reporter, "Service robots have been commercialized on a large scale, but service robots do not have the popularity of industrial robots, service robots are mainly to complete some basic activities, such as sweeping robots are relatively popular, although chatbots are also improving popularity, but their experience in the service industry is generally limited. Most of the personalized information needs are still borne by humans. ”

At the same time, he believes that the development level of China's service robots is at the forefront of the world, but China's service robot enterprises are concentrated in the middle and lower reaches of the industrial chain. In terms of integrated service robots, the development is ideal, but it still needs to be improved in the upstream key supply chain technology, such as lagging behind developed countries in Europe and the United States in terms of algorithm originality and leading algorithm ecology.

Tech giants compete

From the construction of smart venues, logistics service support to event dissemination, high-tech such as AI, 5G, and cloud are not uncommon in this year's Beijing Winter Olympics. Behind these high-tech technologies are the display of innovative technology achievements of many technology companies, including Baidu, Hanwang Technology, SenseTime, Megvii, iFLYTEK and many other technology companies. For technology companies, in addition to being able to get an opportunity to display scientific and technological innovation achievements, it is more important to integrate with their own business and promote the acceleration of high-tech landing.

Among them, according to the reporter's understanding, in addition to the temperature measurement system, the "indoor visual positioning navigation system" developed by Megvii Technology in 2019 also took the opportunity of this year's Beijing Winter Olympics to land for the first time. On February 10, a reporter from China Times learned from Megvii that the navigation system is currently deployed in bird's nest and ice ribbon, "This intelligent application integrates AI and AR technology, compared with other indoor positioning technologies, with high precision and easy to deploy." ”

Megvii Technology also told the "China Times" reporter that this navigation system, there are no other landing scenes at present, and the follow-up will find more landing opportunities through implantation into related APP and other ways. "For sports venues, shopping malls, hospitals and other scenes with destination search needs, indoor visual positioning and navigation can be flexibly accessed with extremely low initial installation and maintenance costs."

Hanwang Technology's AI products were applied to the population detection and analysis of the Chongli Competition Area in Zhangjiakou. "Our thermal imaging temperature measuring machine and ID verification equipment can provide identity verification of passers-by and rapid temperature detection analysis of multiple populations." Hanwang Technology told the China Times reporter on February 10. "Hanwang is the first enterprise to achieve a breakthrough in mask recognition technology."

In addition, according to the reporter's understanding, in the curling event of this year's Beijing Winter Olympics, SenseTime also used visual AI perception, deep learning, three-dimensional modeling and spatial positioning technology to detect and track and track the curling movement in the competition field, and accurately restored the curling trajectory on the big screen through real-time rendering and virtual-real synchronization technology.

Jiang Han, a senior researcher at Pangu Think Tank, told the China Times reporter that for most enterprises, using their own technology to serve the Winter Olympics is a good opportunity for enterprises to display, and also let the world recognize the technology of enterprises. Therefore, for enterprises such as SenseTime, it is a better display scene in the process of promoting their own business development.

Pan and Lin ze analyzed the "China Times" reporter that for technology companies, their own technology in the Winter Olympics on the one hand is to show China's technical strength, the future in the digital trade to occupy a dominant position, to build a Chinese manufacturing brand; on the other hand, to guide enterprises to take the road of digital intelligence, through industrial digitalization to improve quality and efficiency, through the participation in the digital industry to broaden business channels, optimize the business structure.

Responsible Editor: Huang Xingli Editor-in-Chief: Han Feng

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