
17 ways top investors can make orders: When a company dies, that's the beginning of my profits


Lightyear FX: Financial Analyst, Financial Media Personality, Amateur Research Trading Technical Analysis. Stay on top of the latest cutting-edge technology and share your deepest industry insights. The following is from Just2Trade.

Susie Orman 6 ways to make a single:

1. People first, then money. The emotional foundation of your life is no less important than the financial structure you have built. Therefore, building a financial structure must start with the people you care about.

2. Respecting money attracts money, and vice versa excludes money. This is one of the reasons why rich people are getting richer. If you respect your money and do what you need to do about it, you become a magnet that attracts more and more money to yourself. When you begin to truly respect yourself, respect those you love and respect your own money, you begin to have a dominance over money, and with that comes the dominance of your own life.

3. The more you earn, the more you spend. Think you earn less, and the less you will spend. There's a simple and effective way to spend less money: spend more money to invest.

4. It's not what you earn, it's something you need to save. For us, what matters is not the amount of salary earned or how much we have to pay to the IRS, in fact, how much to save is the question.

5. You and your own money must remain like-minded. In life, we are deeply influenced by our peers. The same applies to your money. The only way to keep it alive and grow is to keep it in a healthy environment. Credit card companies are never good companions unless you wisely choose one of them. Respecting your money also means respecting those who lend you money, and respecting yourself also means getting out of debt — as quickly and efficiently as possible.

6. Inner trust comes first, followed by external actions. The tiny voice inside you is actually a powerful signal. If you listen attentively and act as it tells you, it can protect your peace and health.

17 ways top investors can make orders: When a company dies, that's the beginning of my profits

John Bollinger 5 ways to make a single:

1. People always want to find a magic weapon to invest in one fell swoop, or think that I have a supernatural ability.

2. Too many people have a superstition about technology, which gives the so-called technologists a mysterious veil, because they have a magical power to perceive future stock market changes, and trade presciently before the big market or stock market crash comes.

3. Some investors even think that these technical experts have some innate incomparable intuition about the market, which ordinary people cannot understand, and even some people think that trading according to the guidance of these technical experts can ensure peace of mind.

4. Technology for technology,Investment is inseparable from the fundamentals of the enterprise.

5. Only by relying on rational analysis methods can investors not be swayed by greed and fear.

17 ways top investors can make orders: When a company dies, that's the beginning of my profits

James Chanos 6 ways to make a single:

1. Be good at discovering and studying stocks that are overvalued.

2. Shorting three categories of companies is more likely to make a profit: industries that still look vibrant but are about to be crisis-ridden; victims of new technologies; and fashion product companies that are all the rage.

3. As a bear, you mainly earn a living by borrowing and selling shares of companies that he thinks are going to be in trouble. When the stock market is turbulent, he buys back the shrunken stocks, returns them to the people who lent them to him, and pockets the difference in the price.

4. When a company dies, he makes a profit from it. If there is a great plague and the businesses go out of business en masse, he will be richer.

5. Established a valuable network of journalists who also valued his opinions, reported his views and ultimately helped him get rich.

6. He has always been able to understand the schadenfreude look that is dealt with short selling, and he also knows that no one likes to sell short. Always self-persuading in the depths of the heart, short selling is actually a monitoring of the dynamic financial system, which is one of the few monitoring and balancing forces in the market.

17 ways top investors can make orders: When a company dies, that's the beginning of my profits

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