
Amphibious! Tesla Cyberruck electric pickup transforms into hydrofoil electric boat

Although production of the Tesla electric pickup, cybertruck, has been delayed for another year until the end of 2023, many third-party accessory suppliers are already waiting in line to get it on the market, the coolest of which is one that can convert cyberruck into an electric yacht.

Amphibious! Tesla Cyberruck electric pickup transforms into hydrofoil electric boat

Cybercat is a company founded by Dr. Anthony Diamond based in Seattle, Washington. According to the company's website, Dr. Anthony Diamond "dreams of having a way to cross the waters of the Puget Sound at any time easily and quickly, cheaply, without the need for dock moorings and, most importantly, given my background in climate technology, which must use clean energy." ”

Amphibious! Tesla Cyberruck electric pickup transforms into hydrofoil electric boat

Anthony Diamond

Dr. Anthony Diamond himself is a Tesla Model 3 owner who also booked Cyberruck in line. He was thrilled when he saw a tweet from Tesla founder Elon Musk. The tweet said Cyberruck can be used as a short-haul boat, and the rotation of its tires will drive the boat, but the speed of sailing will be limited, and the speed will never be too fast to be heartwarming.

Diamond's concept solution is an easy-to-assemble kit that turns cyberruck into a catamaran equipped with 1 to 5 50kW outboard machines that will be powered by Cyberruck's battery pack.

Amphibious! Tesla Cyberruck electric pickup transforms into hydrofoil electric boat

While there is no working prototype yet — due to the lack of physical Cyberruck, the site shows a top speed of 25 mph (22+ knots) and a range of 50 to 115 miles depending on the specific speed – provided cyberruck can travel more than 500 miles on land. The kit is set in the price range of $22,900 to $32,900 based on the number of outboard units equipped.

Amphibious! Tesla Cyberruck electric pickup transforms into hydrofoil electric boat

There's also a hydrofoil version of the kit that's being designed, with speeds of over 40 mph (35 knots) and a price between $35,400 and $442,900.

Amphibious! Tesla Cyberruck electric pickup transforms into hydrofoil electric boat

According to the site, both versions offer 335 horsepower. (Author: Tony Esposito)

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