
Ice piers are popular behind the Winter Olympics collection fever

Recently, the ice pier has become the "top stream", and in the official flagship store of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the ice pier creative dolls have been sold out.

This scene has also surprised some experienced Olympic collectors. Bian Yuewang, a veteran Olympic collector, said that when the Olympic Games were held, there were many souvenirs that were snatched up, but such a big scene was the first time to see it. "Hosting the Winter Olympics is a big event in China, and there must always be something to commemorate it, and the ice pier may be the best representative."

Hou Kun, executive vice chairman of the China Sports Philatelic and Collecting Association and Olympic collector, believes that every time the Olympic Games come, there will be a wave of buying boom, which is a relatively normal situation. "This shows that the people are paying attention to the Beijing Winter Olympics, paying attention to the Olympic Movement, and more people are really involved."

Unlike the general public's enthusiasm for buying, many collectors have continued to pay attention to the Olympic Games for many years, collecting various Olympic souvenirs such as badges, stamps, porcelain, and even collecting delegation supplies. For them, behind each collection, in addition to the unique national memory and national culture, it is more about the Olympic Games and the love of sports.


The opening and closing ceremony commemorative badges are sought after

On February 4, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics grand opening of the Bird's Nest at the National Stadium, the last Olympic torch finally became the main torch, burning in the middle of the crystal "big snowflakes". "The torch represents the whole world, and ignition is the concept of low-carbon environmental protection. This will become a classic moment in Olympic history. Zhang Yimou, general director of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, said.

"Snowflake + micro-fire" is impressive, and the commemorative badge of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Winter Olympics in the shape of snowflakes has also caught fire. "Because the subject matter is important and represents an important node, this set of badges is sought after by many Tibetan friends. On February 4, the day of the new year, I entrusted a Tibetan friend to help me buy a set. Wang Shu, who specializes in collecting Olympic badges, told reporters.

Bian Yuewang, a veteran Olympic collector, also found this set of badges more difficult to collect. "Before I booked ten sets in the Gongmei Building, it turned out that there were only three sets in hand, which was more difficult to grab." The original price should have been 400 yuan, and now the market price may have been thousands. ”

Ice piers are popular behind the Winter Olympics collection fever

In addition to the big snowflake badge of the opening and closing ceremonies, on the day of the opening ceremony on February 4, Bian Yuewang also went to the Gongmei Building to create a personalized badge of his own Winter Olympics. "You can print the photo on the badge with the date 'February 4, 2022' engraved on the bottom. In the case of not being able to enter the closed loop of the Winter Olympics and not being able to watch the game live, this is still very meaningful. ”

This badge has also become a special collection in Bian Yuewang's heart.

"In my heart, the emblems of this Beijing Winter Olympics, like the four famous works, the emblems of the zodiac signs, and the twenty-four solar terms that are now the hottest, can reflect the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation." Bian Yuewang said.


Collect tickets and competition supplies after the opening

"In fact, in 2019, the peripheral products of the ice pier began to be released, and it has been more than two years now." Bian Yuewang said that not only have he already collected these souvenirs, but he has basically collected commemorative coins, jade seals, badges, and some porcelain for the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Song Ning, who has been collecting Olympic stamps and philatelic products since 2001, said that he basically has stamps and postcards in the licensed goods of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Wang Shu said that he is still waiting for the opportunity to enrich his collection. He introduced that there are many kinds of Olympic badges, including various delegations, sports projects, and badges about festivals and folklore. "I mainly collect the badges of various delegations, because I can't enter the Winter Olympic Village, I can only wait for the volunteers to come out of the Winter Olympic Village and then exchange with them."

Wang Shu said he did not have a special preference for a certain badge, such as collecting volunteer badges, and collecting all the volunteer badges.

For those who specialize in collecting, the opening of the Winter Olympics also means the beginning of the next stage of collecting. "The previous stage was to collect various licensed goods, and the current stage is to collect things from the Winter Olympics, such as tickets, supplies for various delegations during the Winter Olympics or competition supplies. For every piece we collect, we're very happy. Bian Yuewang said.


Seven years ago, the collection of the Winter Olympics began

In the memory of these Olympic collectors, the collection of the Beijing Winter Olympics can be traced back to 7 years ago.

On July 31, 2015, at the 128th IOC Plenary Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Beijing won the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics with 44 votes. Hou Kun participated in the bidding process wearing a badge emblazoned with the logo of Beijing's bid to host the Winter Olympics, and this badge became his first collection about the Beijing Winter Olympics. "On the evening of 31 july, we attended a reception dinner in Malaysia. The invitation card for the dinner party is also an important collection of my own. Hou Kun said.

Song Ning collected the first day cover of the stamp "Commemoration of the Success of Beijing's Bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics", which, unlike other first day covers, had the signature of IOC President Bach. "I also found the signature envelope of Luo Zhihuan, the first torchbearer of the Beijing Winter Olympics." Speaking of the latest collection of winter Olympic collections, Song Ning was very happy.

Wang Shu has been thinking about a set of badges about the bid for the Beijing Winter Olympics. "I remember that there was a set of badges in the bid at that time that was about the culture of old Beijing, which was particularly exquisite. At that time, I did not get it abroad, and after returning to China, I inquired around and took a lot of effort to slowly collect this set of badges. ”

Bian Yuewang's first collection of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the first commemorative emblem for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, began pre-sales in December 2017. "It's a hexagonal badge, very sought-after, 2022 in total, and it's all 'second light' on the internet. At that time, the price was 99 yuan, and now the market price should be around 800-1000 yuan, which is difficult to find, and can only be changed in the badge circle. ”


The collection stems from the love of sports and the Olympic Games

Collecting needs continuous motivation, and for Bian Yuewang, the motivation is to like sports and like the Olympics. "Behind every badge design, there's a story. After accumulating to a certain extent, you can truly feel the culture behind the collection. ”

Hou Kun believes that the value of the Olympic collection needs to be accumulated over time. "The collection needs to have a certain degree of artistry, and the products created by excellence will definitely be sought after by everyone." In addition, "limited quantity" also makes the product more precious. "For example, some products do not have a limit, everyone can have; some products may be limited to 2022 sets, 1000 sets, it will be particularly precious."

Wang Shu also believes that whether the badge can be sought after depends on whether it can really impress collectors and whether it can impress athletes, coaches and spectators at home and abroad. "In addition to the collection, from everyone's enthusiasm for the purchase of Winter Olympic products, it can be seen that the whole people are very supportive of the Winter Olympics." Because the purchase of souvenirs of the Winter Olympics represents everyone's support for the Winter Olympics. ”

During the collection process, Song Ning was pleased to see that the enthusiasm of young people for the Winter Olympic collection was very high. "This time several post offices have launched the Electronic Seal of the Winter Olympics, and I found that many young people come to stamp the postmark, and some people take special books to stamp, which can see their enthusiasm for the Winter Olympics, which is also a better way to popularize the culture of the Winter Olympics."

(Source: Beijing News)

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