
SAIC Motor's latest announcement: Sales of new energy vehicles in January increased by 25.54% year-on-year

SAIC Motor announced that it produced 467,800 units in January, an increase of 8.71% year-on-year, of which 78,000 new energy vehicles, an increase of 29.11%; January sales of 455,600 units, an increase of 13.02%; of which 72,000 new energy vehicles, an increase of 25.54%.

SAIC Motor's latest announcement: Sales of new energy vehicles in January increased by 25.54% year-on-year

The chairman of the company is Chen Hong. Mr. Chen Hong: Born in March 1961, Han ethnicity, CPC member, Chinese nationality, bachelor degree, professor-level senior engineer, senior economist, former vice president of Shanghai Automotive Industry (Group) Corporation and general manager of Shanghai General Motors Co., Ltd., president and deputy secretary of the party committee of SAIC Motor Group Co., Ltd., vice chairman of the board of directors and deputy secretary of the party committee of Shanghai Automotive Industry (Group) Corporation, president, vice chairman and deputy secretary of the party committee of SAIC Motor Group Co., Ltd., president of SAIC Motor Group Co., Ltd 2. Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee, President and Vice Chairman of SAIC Motor Group Co., Ltd. He is currently the chairman and party secretary of SAIC Motor Group Co., Ltd., and the chairman of Huayu Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.

The above content is compiled by Securities Star based on public information, if you have any questions, please contact us.

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