
Latest News: The iPhone SE3 has started mass production

Driving China on February 10, 2022, it is reported that Apple has begun mass production of the iPhone SE3, and it is reported that apple iPhone SE3 will be released as soon as the end of March.

Latest News: The iPhone SE3 has started mass production

The news said that there is no obvious change in the appearance of the 2022 iPhone SE3 and the previous generation, but the internal hardware will usher in a major upgrade, and the new iPhone SE3 will be replaced by the same A15 six-core processor as the iPhone13, which will significantly improve the performance compared to the original A13 processor.

At present, the iPhone SE3 has begun large-scale production, and Apple's move is likely to grab more market share, focusing on diverting the attention of more Android users and getting more shares.

iPhone SE3 upgraded to A15 chip, with 4GB of memory, support 5G network, the price will be further reduced than the previous generation, it is likely to come to 2000-3000 yuan.

The appearance of iPhoneSE3 is still consistent with the previous generation, and the previous rumors are the same as the iPhone11, but according to the recent news, there is not much change in appearance, but in the face of low prices, the price is still quite good.

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