
Huawei Kirin Nirvana is back, the mobile phone processor ranks sixth, and MediaTek ranks first and UNISOC is fourth

author:Said the mobile phone idler

Canalys, the world's leading data research agency, announced the first quarter of the mobile phone processor market ranking, the most interesting shipments, MediaTek continues to lead, 39% of the share ranks first in the world, up to 114 million shipments of brilliant results, up 17% of the share compared with last year.

Among MediaTek's several major customers, Xiaomi ranks first, accounting for 23%, Xiaomi currently uses MediaTek not much in the domestic market, mainly estimated to be models in overseas markets, many models use MediaTek chips, because the performance and cost performance are very good, the second MediaTek user is Samsung, followed by OPPO, Transsion and vivo.

Huawei Kirin Nirvana is back, the mobile phone processor ranks sixth, and MediaTek ranks first and UNISOC is fourth

Qualcomm ranked second, this quarter is 75 million, several major customers, Samsung is Qualcomm's largest customer, the previous largest customer Xiaomi ranked second this time, accounting for 20% of Qualcomm's share, Honor ranked third.

Apple ranked third, down 16% in the quarter, but due to Apple's high unit price, the processor share market also accounted for 41% of revenue.

UNISPLC is ranked fourth, 26 million, China's overseas brand Transsion is the largest customer of UNISOC, Transsion is now hot in the African market, the Indian market, and the Southeast Asian market, and UNISOC's processor is also rising. The fifth place is Samsung, 18 million, mainly for Samsung mobile phones.

Huawei Kirin Nirvana is back, the mobile phone processor ranks sixth, and MediaTek ranks first and UNISOC is fourth

Huawei HiSilicon ranked sixth this quarter, with a score of 8 million, for well-known reasons, Huawei HiSilicon Kirin processors are currently mainly supplied to Huawei mobile phones sold in China, mainly Huawei Mate60 series, Huawei nova12 series and Huawei Mate x5 folding mobile phones, etc., with such a performance and breaking through the 5G blockade, it is indeed gratifying. In April, the Huawei Pura60 series was launched hotly, and it is estimated that it will also perform well in the second quarter.

Huawei Kirin Nirvana is back, the mobile phone processor ranks sixth, and MediaTek ranks first and UNISOC is fourth

Congratulations to MediaTek for taking the lead, congratulations to UNISOC for ranking fourth, congratulations to Huawei Hisilicon Kirin for its return to nirvana, Chinese chips will continue to work hard to break through more core technologies and avoid being stuck many times.

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