
99% of the mothers will ignore the safety hazards, absolutely can not stand!

Many parents may think that when the child is at home, it is the safest, in fact, in every family, there are many hidden dangers that need to be paid attention to, which may be a small problem for adults, but for children, it may be fatal, so parents need special attention.

99% of the mothers will ignore the safety hazards, absolutely can not stand!

Small low cabinets that may collapse

Children like to climb cabinet furniture, and fixing them can completely avoid tragedy. China's "General Technical Conditions for Children's Furniture" also clearly pointed out that all high tables and cabinet products with a height of more than 60 cm should provide connectors that fix the products on the building, and clearly indicate the installation and use method in the instructions for use.

Pay attention to kitchenware such as stoves

Children's skin is thinner than adults', and a cup of hot water can cause severe burns for 5 seconds. Many children have super imitation ability, lighters, matches, candles, firecrackers, etc. as toys, adults should often check the gas stove that is easy to cause a fire, power supply, etc., but also check the location of the water dispenser and boiling water bottle at home, try not to let the child touch.

99% of the mothers will ignore the safety hazards, absolutely can not stand!

Home cleaners, disinfectants

Dish soap, laundry detergent, alcohol, disinfectant, etc. must be stored out of reach of your baby. There are also all kinds of laundry gel beads, colorful, and the baby sees that it is very easy to pick up and put in the mouth. These detergents and disinfectants can cause a strong irritating reaction in case they come into contact with the mucous membranes of the skin or the eyes. If you are ingested by mistake, the consequences are very serious, in addition to coughing, vomiting, and even symptoms such as apnea and coma.

Bedding (pillows, bedding, plush toys)

In order to create a warm sleeping atmosphere for the baby (especially the baby), do not put a variety of furry toys, pillows, cushions on his small bed. Although it looks cute, it is actually a huge safety hazard and is very easy to cause sudden infant death syndrome. Also do not cover your child with too many quilts to prevent the occurrence of fever syndrome.

Drawstring curtains that may cause suffocation

Incidents of suffocation of children by drawstring curtains occur from time to time! The common denominator of the incident is that the caretaker may have been away for a few minutes, but it was enough to suffocate a child by being wrapped around the neck with a rope.

99% of the mothers will ignore the safety hazards, absolutely can not stand!

Parents should never leave their children alone at home, in the car, or anywhere else. There is no small matter in the safety of children, and we must be cautious and cautious. Please forward this article to all parents! I really understand the baby, I understand you more about the baby!


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