
Is HIV patients in domestic IVF scrubber, is the child 100% healthy and safe?

The whole process of sperm washing takes about 2 hours, after washing can obtain a high proportion of normal, motility of sperm, so that high-quality sperm can be used for IVF, is a very safe technology, there are many successful cases.

Detergent, the laboratory will be layered after the sperm using the upstream method can effectively exclude dead sperm, deformities, viruses, etc. can be eliminated, and confirmed by the laboratory that the sperm state is healthy, the detergent passed, in addition to the three generations of test tube screening then it is 100% healthy, not infectious, not infected, the child's health preservation, such a good technology has been used for many years, do you want to do it, the following to give you a look at the initial washing and test tube technical process.

Is HIV patients in domestic IVF scrubber, is the child 100% healthy and safe?

Preparation before the elution

1. Both husband and wife must do a good pre-test tube physical examination and provide a complete report.

2. Provide the man's HIV infection viral load and CD4 value, and the doctor will assess whether he can go to the test tube.

The specific process of washing up liquid

1. The semen sample is stratified by density gradient and centrifugation;

2. Peel off the sperm placed at the bottom, and then recycle the upstream method to obtain healthy and vigorous sperm;

3. The laboratory tests the sperm after washing to determine the available sperm.

The woman's menstruation begins to promote ovulation on the second day, and the induction of ovulation is about 12 days, and then the sperm is extracted for fertilization with the woman's egg, becoming an embryo, and then transferred according to the woman's menstrual cycle.

This will be effective in getting pregnant with a healthy baby!

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