
In order to experience the "electric dad" I spent 3000 yuan in 4 days renting a car in Beijing, and the first charge was scared

In order to experience the "electric dad" I spent 3000 yuan in 4 days renting a car in Beijing, and the first charge was scared

Author | Zhang Cuicui

Edit | Autun

The recurrence of the epidemic has disrupted people's travel plans, and Liu Yu, who originally planned to return to his hometown for the New Year, also refunded the ticket and chose to "celebrate the New Year on the spot".

In order to facilitate visits to relatives and friends, Liu Yu considered renting a car, and she was hesitating whether to replace the fuel vehicle lottery pool with a new energy vehicle, and she came up with the idea of "renting a new energy vehicle during the Spring Festival to experience it".

After several car rental platforms to select and inquire for nearly a week, on January 22, Liu Yu finally chose to rent a 2018 BYD e5 model. In the follow-up communication, the staff told her that the car has been used for less than three years, but the total driving kilometer has exceeded 80,000 kilometers, the official endurance is 405km, and if the warm air is turned on in winter, it can only drive 120-130km now.

After being told of the "bad" car condition, Liu Yu was somewhat worried, but considering the cost of renting a car during the Spring Festival, she felt that the car rental plan was more cost-effective, and the vehicle situation could also meet her travel needs.

Although all aspects have made sufficient preparations, On the first day of using the car on February 2, Liu Yu experienced the distress caused by "electric daddy". Before renting a car, Liu Yu searched for two charging piles near 1km near home, which was more convenient, but unfortunately, the first charge appeared "jumping", causing her to be somewhat anxious when charging in the back.

"The temperature in Beijing at 10 o'clock at night is also very low, and when charging, the vehicle must be 'turned off', and the warm air in the car cannot be turned on." In addition, I was also worried about whether there was any problem with the battery during the charging process, after all, the first time it was not charged, I had seen some reports of batteries burning and burning before, so I did not dare to stay in the charging car, so I had to go around outdoors, and it was freezing. ”

According to Liu Yu's recollection, the vehicle was charged 3 times in 4 days, two of which were driving home after waiting outside the car for the electricity to be fully charged, "still a bit miserable." In daily use, Liu Yu feels that the electric car is very quiet, and the endurance performance exceeds expectations, but there will still be anxiety," I have been staring at the number of remaining power, compared to fuel vehicles, it is indeed inconvenient to see." ”

After 4 days of car rental, Liu Yu spent 2771 yuan on car rental fee + insurance fee, charging fee 101.24 yuan, plus some parking fees, the total cost is about 3000 yuan. Liu Yu admitted that he rented an old model that was not in good condition this time, and the new new energy model had more choices and better endurance performance, but the price was also more expensive. In the end, whether to really switch from the fuel vehicle number plate to the new energy number plate, she has not yet made a final decision.

In order to experience the "electric dad" I spent 3000 yuan in 4 days renting a car in Beijing, and the first charge was scared

The following is the owner Liu Yu's self-statement:

In the past two years, new energy vehicles are very hot, I am also considering whether to turn the fuel vehicle number plate that has been shaking into a new energy vehicle, just this time affected by the epidemic in Beijing can not go home for the New Year, it came up with the idea of "renting a new energy vehicle during the Spring Festival to experience it".

Renting a new energy vehicle is more expensive than a fuel vehicle, and the condition of the car depends on "luck"

Since January 18, I have begun to search for related vehicle rental news on major car rental apps, and before looking at the top car rental platforms recommended online, there are Hi Car Rental, Shenzhou Car Rental, Ctrip Car Rental, etc.

Comparison found that according to the delivery location, the first two apps did not have new energy vehicles to rent during the Spring Festival, and only Ctrip car rental had a special new energy vehicle section, which was more convenient to find prices and vehicle conditions.

It is sad that during the Spring Festival, car rental is much more expensive than usual, if you start renting a car from before Chinese New Year's Eve, the cheapest BAIC EU5 is also 370-400 yuan / day, and the most expensive SUV new energy vehicles have reached a rent of more than 2000 yuan / day.

In order to experience the "electric dad" I spent 3000 yuan in 4 days renting a car in Beijing, and the first charge was scared

I thought about it for a while, and Chinese New Year's Eve there was no plan to visit the door and go out before and after, and finally set the rental time from the second to the sixth day of the first year, a total of 4 days. On the one hand, considering the limited budget, there is no rent for too long; on the other hand, 4 days can be convenient to go out and visit the door, but also to experience the efficiency and convenience of charging.

In terms of models, I first chose BAIC EU5, the price is about 429 yuan / day, is the cheapest of the new energy models on Ctrip car rental, but when I communicated with my family and friends around me about the car rental plan, they think that BAIC's tram endurance is average, and the winter "power failure" is also more serious, it is recommended that I change a brand, after all, I drove a new energy vehicle for the first time, so it is more secure.

After a few days of hesitation between the optional model and the budget, on January 22, I found that Ctrip car rental finally had a BYD e5 model, the price was about 499 yuan / day, and I felt that the price was acceptable, so I cancelled my previous order and changed the model.

I saw on BYD's official website that the e5 model is 2018, the official mileage is 405km, the battery is 51.2kWh, considering that the car rental company's vehicle condition will be worse, the old battery also has some attenuation, plus the winter battery has attenuation, I don't know what will happen.

2 days after placing the order, the staff of this car rental company on the Ctrip car rental platform called me, confirmed the order information, and reminded me that this car can only drive 120-130km in winter with warm air, and it is recommended not to go out of Beijing or take a long trip.

However, the staff member said that although it sounds like the mileage anxiety is very large, the advantage is that the charging is particularly fast, the charging pile in the urban area can be charged, and the general fast charging can be filled in about 40 minutes, and it is no problem to plan the route in advance. He suggested that I should start looking for a charging station when I reached about 20% of the charge.

On the morning of February 2, the staff sent this white BYD e5 to my side of my community, from the location of the car rental company to here is about 30 kilometers, the staff said that the morning car is full of electricity to drive over, I see the delivery of the car when the power is only 73%.

A bad situation is that sitting in the car I found that the car's central control screen is broken, the staff said that it is because the car was long-term rental before, the first two days when the car rental user returned the car only to find that it was broken, the New Year is not good to repair, can only be made up like this, the vehicle has a reversing radar, but there is no screen display.

In order to experience the "electric dad" I spent 3000 yuan in 4 days renting a car in Beijing, and the first charge was scared

Renting a car during the Spring Festival may really depend on luck. Another point that I want to complain about is that the dashboard of this car does not show the specific remaining mileage, only the remaining power percentage of the battery as a reference. In addition, the staff said that the car has been driving for 2-3 years, and the total mileage has exceeded 80,000 kilometers.

Overall, the specific condition of this old model is not very good, but my original plan did not have to travel long distances, and I feel that the plan to drive out and around in the city should also be able to work.

On February 2, after I received the 73%-powerED BYD e5, I went from the life science park to a friend's house near the Communication University, and the one-way distance was about 40km. During the New Year, the road conditions are very good, from the Beijing-Tibet Expressway to the North Fifth Ring Road, and then to the East Fifth Ring Road, there is some congestion on the Front Beijing-Tibet Expressway, and there are not many vehicles at the rest of the time, and the average speed is about 80-100km/h.

Because the departure is close to noon, the sun is warm, the weather is also very good, but also because of the first use, did not dare to open too high warm air, when arriving near the community there is 50% of the electricity, this endurance performance is better than I expected, originally I also wanted to search for public charging piles near the destination, but I think this power should be able to go directly to a friend's house.

When I came home at night, the road was also in good condition, and when I arrived at the door of my neighborhood, there was still 29% of the electricity, which was equivalent to the car having driven for 110km, and there was nearly 30% of the electricity left, which actually exceeded my expectations.

Later, when chatting with the staff, he also said helplessly, "At this price, it will be more convenient for you to rent a fuel car." "The endurance performance of this model and BAIC is not good, Weilai, Xiaopeng and Tesla have better battery life, but the price is correspondingly very high."

When I checked the information in the early stage, I also found that fuel vehicles are generally cheaper than new energy vehicles, and the staff also said that it may be because new energy vehicles are usually unlimited when driving in Beijing, but the rental price of new energy vehicles mainly depends on the length of the battery life.

Mileage anxiety "often accompanied", the first time you experience charging, you are scared

To be honest, the first charging experience scared me. Before renting a car, I searched for public charging piles near my home, and there were two places around 1km, one was in a paid parking lot next to a subway station, and the other was a charging pile on the side of the road outside a community, so that night I thought of going to the roadside parking charging pile outside the community to make up for the electricity, so that the next day's travel.

In order to experience the "electric dad" I spent 3000 yuan in 4 days renting a car in Beijing, and the first charge was scared

Before driving past, I looked at the map where there are 20 charging piles in the charging pile area, and there are 14 free charging piles. But when I passed, I found that the roadside was already full of cars, most of them were new energy vehicles, some were standing but not charged, some were charged but did not pull out the charging gun, and even there were fuel vehicles occupying the position.

I had to choose a fuel car to occupy next to the vehicle, and the charging cable was long enough to start my first charging experience. Because I was parked side by side with the placeholder fuel car, I blocked almost all the positions of the bike lane, but fortunately it was almost 9 o'clock at night, and there were no people and cars on the road.

At that time, after getting the State Grid app, charging the value, plugging in the charging gun, it was found that the dashboard area of the vehicle showed that "the connection has been successful and is being charged", but the charging power is only 6kW, and the expected full time takes 4 hours and 17 minutes, I was still a little confused, didn't I say that the good 40 minutes of fast charging can be charged?

In order to experience the "electric dad" I spent 3000 yuan in 4 days renting a car in Beijing, and the first charge was scared

However, at that time, I thought that each charging pile rate may be different, anyway, it can be charged well, so I decided to go home first, and then pick up the car when I get up and go out tomorrow morning, just full of power, and there is no delay.

As a result, when I arrived home at night, I casually glanced at the charging status on the app, only to find that the car was automatically cut off after 3 minutes of charging... I don't know the specific reason, but in order to use the car smoothly tomorrow, I had to run out again at night to see the car.

Back near the charging pile again, the screen shows that the charging is over, I plugged in the charging gun again, and after trying again I decided to wait 5 minutes to see the situation.

This time, at first, the power supply was 8kW, and the charging time was 3 hours and 24 minutes. Then came a Xiaopeng owner on the side of the road, he asked me if I want to fill, he wanted to use my charging pile to charge, because the line of this charging gun is longer than other piles, he also faces the dilemma of not having a good position.

I complained to the owner about the automatic disconnection of charging just now, he said that if during the charging process, others can not operate or directly pull the gun, because the screen on the charging pile has a button to stop charging, and a verification code input on the mobile phone is required to stop the charging state.

In order to experience the "electric dad" I spent 3000 yuan in 4 days renting a car in Beijing, and the first charge was scared

When I came back again, I found that the charging power was increased to 41kW, and the remaining charging time was only 33 minutes, and I felt that this charging should be successful... But this time is a bit awkward, not to go, not to go is not, I decided to wait for the full charge to drive back, so that the next day do not have to come again.

However, the temperature in Beijing at 10 o'clock in the evening is also very low, and the vehicle must be "turned off" when charging, and the warm air in the car cannot be turned on. In addition, I am also worried about whether there is any problem with the battery during the charging process, after all, the first time it was not charged, I have seen some reports of batteries burning and burning before, so I dare not stay in the charging car, so I had to turn around outdoors, freezing badly, and really experienced the distress of "electric dad".

About 30 minutes or so, the car charged to 94% of the system showed automatic power failure, a total of 27.68kWh charged, charging costs 39.72 yuan, charging time is a total of 42 minutes and 11 seconds.

This is the situation of my first day of using new energy vehicles, the next two days are almost driving to and from relatives and friends, when the sun is good, it is not how to open the warm air, the overall endurance performance is better than the staff said 120-130km, it is estimated that it can drive to 150km. After the first charging experience, the back is also a lot more skilled, and I will observe more to prevent the first kind of "jumping" situation.

The next day, I went to a friend's house who lived in Chengshou Temple, and there were two fast charging piles standing on the side of the road at the entrance of her community, which was a recent charging experience, and this time I did not encounter the problem of not charging into it. The next two days of the car mileage is not much, the last day before returning the car to recharge the electricity.

In order to experience the "electric dad" I spent 3000 yuan in 4 days renting a car in Beijing, and the first charge was scared

Overall, four full days charged three times, except for one charge all night, both times are around the car, the feeling of winter is still a bit miserable. Mileage anxiety during driving has always been accompanied, and it is always necessary to stare at the number of remaining power, which is indeed much more inconvenient than fuel vehicles.

In addition, in the driving experience, there is no feeling that the tram acceleration is particularly fast, probably because this old model has been driving for several years, the pedal sensitivity is not enough, especially at the traffic lights, I always heard that the new energy car started particularly fast, anyway, this car is not this feeling. However, the car is very quiet, which is a nice experience.

In general, in addition to the first charging experience is a bit bad, everything else is OK, my fuel car number whether to convert to a new energy vehicle may also depend on the budget and charging pile situation.

Of course, the battery life performance of the new new energy vehicle is definitely better than that of the car I experienced, but the price is also higher. However, I think that driving new energy vehicles in cities with high charging pile density like Beijing is not bad, if charging is inconvenient, it may not be suitable for driving new energy vehicles at this stage.

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