
Keeping An Eye on the Goal, Stepping Up Efforts, And Striving to Push jianyang's economic development to a new level | The Economic Work Conference of the Municipal Party Committee was held

author:Jianyang release

Jianyang Rong Media Center

Keeping An Eye on the Goal, Stepping Up Efforts, And Striving to Push jianyang's economic development to a new level | The Economic Work Conference of the Municipal Party Committee was held
Keeping An Eye on the Goal, Stepping Up Efforts, And Striving to Push jianyang's economic development to a new level | The Economic Work Conference of the Municipal Party Committee was held

On February 9, Jianyang held the Economic Work Conference of the Municipal Party Committee to fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party and the 19th Plenary Sessions, deeply study and implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference and the Provincial Party Committee Economic Work Conference, the 10th Plenary Session of the 13th Chengdu Municipal Party Committee and the Economic Work Conference, summarize the economic work in 2021, analyze the current situation, and arrange the deployment of key tasks for economic work in 2022. Zhan Qing, secretary of the municipal party committee, presided over the meeting and made a speech. Su Chengxiang, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, attended the meeting and made a speech, and Li Jianzhong, chairman of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and Wang Anning, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, attended the meeting

Keeping An Eye on the Goal, Stepping Up Efforts, And Striving to Push jianyang's economic development to a new level | The Economic Work Conference of the Municipal Party Committee was held

The meeting summarized the city's economic work in 2021 and arranged the deployment of economic work in 2022.

The meeting noted

In 2021, the city focused on the overall goal of building the eastern regional center city of Chengdu, coordinated the promotion of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, did a solid job in the "six stability" work, fully implemented the "six guarantees" task, the city's economic operation showed a good trend of healthy and stable development, achieving a GDP of 46.91 billion yuan, an increase of 7.9% in the whole year, a 12.1% increase in general public budget revenue, an increase of 8.1% in the added value of regulated industries, an increase of 18.1% in retail sales of social consumer goods, and an increase of 18.1% in urban and rural areas. The per capita disposable income of rural residents increased by 8.9% and 10.5% respectively.

In 2022, all departments at all levels should fully and accurately implement the requirements of "three new and one high", adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress in stability, highlight green and low-carbon development and connotation improvement, coordinate development and security, and unswervingly promote the strategy of rejuvenating the city according to Hong Kong, strengthening the industry, establishing an ecological city, opening up and living the city, benefiting the people and the city.

❖ It is necessary to cultivate the advantages of Lingang, cultivate a linkong industrial system with complementary advantages, create a linkong platform carrier for the integration of industry and city, build a coordinated linkage of the airport development pattern, and promote the formation of the airport Jianyang.

❖ It is necessary to focus on building a strong chain of circles, strengthening advanced manufacturing, doing a good job in modern service industries, accelerating the development of urban modern agriculture, solidly carrying out the battle of attracting investment and wisdom, improving the level of element guarantee, and promoting the strength of Jianyang to a higher level.

❖ It is necessary to highlight green and low carbon, optimize and adjust the spatial layout, improve the livability level of livability, strengthen ecological environmental protection, and promote livable Jianyang to be more textured.

❖ It is necessary to concentrate on reform and opening up, deepen reform in key areas, continue to optimize the business environment, enhance the level of opening up to the outside world, and promote the charm of vitality and vitality.

❖ We must adhere to the development of feeling, continue to optimize the supply of public services, improve the social security system, effectively maintain social security and stability, and promote happiness and health.

Keeping An Eye on the Goal, Stepping Up Efforts, And Striving to Push jianyang's economic development to a new level | The Economic Work Conference of the Municipal Party Committee was held

All levels and departments of the city must comprehensively and profoundly understand the deployment requirements of the party Central Committee, the provincial party committee, and the Chengdu Municipal CPC Committee, accurately grasp the direction of economic work throughout the year, firmly grasp the general tone of seeking progress in a stable manner, firmly grasp the macro policy orientation, firmly grasp the theoretical and practical issues, always adhere to the economic construction as the center, firmly grasp the first priority of development, and take practical actions to ensure that the decision-making and deployment of the party Central Committee and the work requirements of the provincial party committee and the Chengdu municipal party committee are implemented in Jianyang to the letter.

The meeting stressed

As the "bridgehead" for Chengdu to promote the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Area Twin Cities Economic Circle and the Chengdu Metropolitan Circle, Jianyang must always keep in mind the "great power of the country", serve the "great plan of the province", grasp the "major events of the city", seize the opportunity, take the initiative, and play a strong role and make contributions in the upgrading of the core trunk energy level. All levels and departments of the city must enhance the awareness that if they do not advance, they will retreat, and if they advance slowly, they must pay close attention to the goal, step up their efforts, dare to strive for excellence, continuously improve the level of potential energy, and strive to promote the city's economic development to a new level.

❖ We must twist the key of industrial development and do a solid job of strengthening the strength of Jianyang. Unswervingly take the road of industrial strength, go all out to make the manufacturing industry bigger and stronger, strengthen the guarantee of industrial development, accelerate the development of the airport economy, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system that is compatible with the development of regional central cities, provide a stronger power source for urban development, and promote the economy to be stable and far-reaching.

❖ It is necessary to deeply implement the battle of major projects and continuously enhance the momentum of economic development. Resolutely implement the project work requirements of the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee and the Chengdu Municipal Government, pay attention to strengthening the leading role of major industrial projects in the real economy, the role of major infrastructure projects in improving urban functions, and the role of major public service projects in ensuring a better life, focus on the four major links of major projects to attract reserves, start construction, accelerate construction, and complete and put into production, and make forward-looking plans to do a good job in project planning, do everything possible to grasp project attraction, strengthen service guarantee project construction, and promote investment, stable growth, and transformation with key project construction.

❖ It is necessary to highlight the optimization of the industrial energy structure and explore a new path for urban green transformation. Proceeding from the perspective of serving the major strategies of the country, provinces and municipalities, and from the perspective of promoting the healthy and sustainable development of cities, firmly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, always adhere to the concept of green and low-carbon development, take ecological environmental protection as a priority area for improving people's livelihood and well-being and an important foundation for building a livable shanshui park city, focus on achieving carbon peak carbon neutrality goals, promote the development of low-carbon industries, accelerate the formation of a green clean energy system, promote the research and development of energy-saving and low-carbon technologies, and coordinate production, life and ecology. Accelerate the formation of an industrial structure, production mode and way of life that conserves resources and protects the environment, and strive to promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development.

❖ It is necessary to adhere to the priority development of agriculture and rural areas and thoroughly implement the strategy of rural revitalization. Deeply study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the "three rural" work and the spirit of the central rural work conference and the provincial party committee rural work conference, firmly adhere to the two bottom lines of ensuring food security and not returning to poverty on a large scale, do a solid and orderly job in the three key tasks of rural development, rural construction, and rural governance, take the planning and construction of digital rural industrial functional zones as the traction, grasp the point and lead the comprehensive development of rural revitalization, comprehensively consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation, and grasp the "second half" of the two reforms. Accelerate the planning and construction of digital rural industrial functional zones, continue to deepen the construction of beautiful and livable villages, and promote stable agricultural production and increased production, farmers' steady income, and rural stability and tranquility.

❖ It is necessary to give prominence to the orientation of development to benefit the people and benefit the people, and constantly strengthen and improve the people's livelihood. Persist in focusing on the needs of the people and the satisfaction of the people, do everything possible to stabilize employment, constantly improve the social security system, and earnestly do a good job in the people's livelihood, and truly achieve "what the people are worried about, I will remember; what the people hope, I will do."

❖ It is necessary to always maintain the spirit of "breaking through", the momentum of "creating", and the style of "doing", take the initiative to participate in reform and support reform, strive to be the promoter of reform, comprehensively deepen the reform of "decentralization and management of services", comprehensively promote the linkage reform of medical, medical insurance, and medicine" linkage, deepen the reform of modern public cultural service system and mechanism, actively explore and broaden the path of new rural collective economic development, continue to promote the three-year action plan for the reform of state-owned enterprises, optimize and improve the system mechanism for project attraction and construction, and improve the policy system for leading industrial development. Add impetus and vitality to high-quality economic development.

The party's leadership is the greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and the fundamental political guarantee for achieving high-quality economic and social development. The key to doing a good job in this year's economic work lies in the party's leadership, and the key lies in the hard work of cadres at all levels. Party organizations at all levels in the city should further emancipate their minds, forge ahead, focus on improving the ability to lead economic work, enhance the spirit of officials in starting a business, continue to strengthen the effectiveness of assessment, and resolutely promote the implementation of the decision-making and deployment of the central and provincial party committees and municipal party committees.

The whole city should unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, unite and work hard, innovate and work hard, accelerate the construction of the eastern regional central city, create the "five new Jianyang", strive to create a new situation of high-quality development, and greet the 20th National Congress of the Party and the 12th Provincial Party Congress and the 14th Party Congress of Chengdu with excellent results.

While doing a good job in economic work in 2022, we must persistently grasp the normalization of epidemic prevention and control work, go all out to undertake the relevant events of the 31st World University Games, and resolutely adhere to the bottom line of safety and stability, so as to create a good environment for the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party, the Two Sessions of the National People's Congress, and the Provincial and Municipal Party Congresses.

At the meeting, Jiang Liwang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and executive vice mayor of the municipal government, explained the "Key Points of the City's Economic Work in 2022", "Compilation of Projects in Jianyang City in 2022", "Work Plan for Enterprise Relief and Difficulties in Jianyang City in 2022", "Ten Incentive Policies for Stabilizing Market Entities in Jianyang City to Promote High-quality Economic Development", and Vice Mayor Chen Wenya and Yang Ke respectively explained the "Implementation Plan for cultivating Market Entities in Jianyang City in 2022" and "Action Plan for The Battle Action Plan of Jianyang City Investment Attraction Conference".


Leaders of the Municipal Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal Government, the Municipal Cppcc Committee, the President of the Municipal Court, the Chief Procurator of the Municipal Procuratorate, and the leaders of the Industrial Functional Zone (Park) attended the meeting. The main responsible persons of the party and government of various departments (units) at the municipal level, the main responsible persons of the party and government of each town (street), the relevant deputy directors of the municipal government office, the main responsible persons of the Economic Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and the Economic Committee of the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, the chairman and general manager of the municipal state-owned enterprises, the responsible persons of key enterprises and the responsible persons of financial institutions attended the meeting.

Reporter | Cao Liqin Gu Hang

Image | Deng Siyuan

Edit | Li Na Hu Yu

Responsible Editor | Cao Liqin

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Keeping An Eye on the Goal, Stepping Up Efforts, And Striving to Push jianyang's economic development to a new level | The Economic Work Conference of the Municipal Party Committee was held
Keeping An Eye on the Goal, Stepping Up Efforts, And Striving to Push jianyang's economic development to a new level | The Economic Work Conference of the Municipal Party Committee was held
Keeping An Eye on the Goal, Stepping Up Efforts, And Striving to Push jianyang's economic development to a new level | The Economic Work Conference of the Municipal Party Committee was held
Keeping An Eye on the Goal, Stepping Up Efforts, And Striving to Push jianyang's economic development to a new level | The Economic Work Conference of the Municipal Party Committee was held

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Keeping An Eye on the Goal, Stepping Up Efforts, And Striving to Push jianyang's economic development to a new level | The Economic Work Conference of the Municipal Party Committee was held
Keeping An Eye on the Goal, Stepping Up Efforts, And Striving to Push jianyang's economic development to a new level | The Economic Work Conference of the Municipal Party Committee was held
Keeping An Eye on the Goal, Stepping Up Efforts, And Striving to Push jianyang's economic development to a new level | The Economic Work Conference of the Municipal Party Committee was held

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