
Mercedes-Benz co-branding? Redmi K50 Esports Edition released on February 16th!

Tencent denied that it would never hire fresh graduates who were angry with management

Public relations director Zhang Jun's cost of rumors is too low

Mercedes-Benz co-branding? Redmi K50 Esports Edition released on February 16th!

A few days ago, it was reported that the fresh graduates who had been reported to have angrily intimidated the management of the company a few years ago had left their jobs, and were marked by the personnel department as "never hired".

The news also said that the fresh graduate not only can not continue to work in Tencent, even if he joins other Internet manufacturers, he will most likely be rejected, and may even be sued for "damaging the company's image".

This news has triggered a heated discussion among the majority of netizens, who believe that it is inappropriate to mark the employee as never hired, sue and other practices.

Zhang Jun, public relations director of Tencent, denied this, calling it a rumor, and posted in the circle of friends: "The cost of creating rumors is too low now."

It is reported that at that time, the fresh graduate mainly publicly complained about the high-intensity overtime problem caused by the "catch-up version", and questioned the management: "Do you have to let the developers add more than 20 hours of work to make this version full of your wishes?" Have you ever considered the lives of your men when you do the scheduling of your missions? ”

At that time, Huang Tieming, head of Tencent's WeChat, where the employee was located, said: The student's courageous expression once again reminded us of rapid optimization, and a three-point optimization plan will be made, including timely planning, healthy and reasonable working hours, and clear evaluation orientation.

Mercedes-Benz co-branding? Redmi K50 Esports Edition released on February 16th!

Energy Jun: If you were the boss, would you hire such an employee?

The $66 billion acquisition of ARM is still yellow!

But the hardest part is not NVIDIA

Mercedes-Benz co-branding? Redmi K50 Esports Edition released on February 16th!

On February 8, Beijing time, NVIDIA officially terminated the $66 billion acquisition of chip design company ARM, thus ending an 18-month regulatory review process. Analysts say the 18-month review period set by NVIDIA and SoftBank for the deal was doomed to fail because it drew opposition from all sides in the semiconductor industry, which relies on ARM technology.

The failure of this huge deal raises a series of thorny questions. For example, as an independent company, how will ARM generate enough cash to keep up with competitors like Intel and respond to the growing interest from customers in open source technologies (ARM competitors)?

In addition, it is unclear whether SoftBank can find a new ARM "exit plan" that can be as profitable as the "NVIDIA acquisition of ARM deal"?

Analysts say the decision to seek a listing on ARM would hit SoftBank's Vision Fund, which bought a 25 percent stake in ARM in 2017.

SoftBank has been divesting assets in recent years, hoping to focus on the Vision Fund's venture capital business and make up huge losses from some of these investments.

Recently, SoftBank sold stakes in U.S.-based mobile company Sprint and asset manager Forresse Investment Group and is likely to continue selling non-core businesses.

Mercedes-Benz co-branding? Redmi K50 Esports Edition released on February 16th!

Energy Jun: The biggest loss of acquisition unformed is SoftBank... Regarding ARM, I believe that a big country in the East must be interested, and I don't know if Sun Zhengyi has the ability to contact Ha?

The crooks also came to rub the heat of the ice pier

Someone was scammed 3.8 million

Mercedes-Benz co-branding? Redmi K50 Esports Edition released on February 16th!

The ice pier of the Beijing Winter Olympics mascot continues to be hot, and "one pier is difficult to find". Although the official has repeatedly reminded rational consumption, the behavior of queuing up overnight and looking for scalpers at high prices still exists, and even scammers have come to rub the heat.

According to the Hubei Internet police, recently, Mr. Liu of Jiangsu met a netizen who claimed to be an employee of an art company, and the other party recommended three sets of Winter Olympic souvenirs such as the mascot of the ice pier and the commemorative badge, which was said to be of great collectibility.

Mr. Liu was moved, transferred and paid 38,000 yuan for the purchase, but after receiving the souvenirs, he found that the texture was not good and the invoice was not formal.

Since then, Mr. Liu has asked for a return of goods several times, but without success, and then found that the company has been written off, and netizens have disappeared.

At present, there are many fraudulent ways to rub the heat of the Winter Olympics, including counterfeiting the official website of the Winter Olympic Games, selling Winter Olympic tickets, launching false winning information in the name of enterprises, false Olympic fundraising, recruiting volunteers in disguise, issuing false celebration "red packets", recommending ski resort discount cards, and so on.

Anti-deception reminder: For activities related to the Winter Olympics, it is necessary to verify through official channels and authoritative institutions; the purchase of commemorative goods is limited to official sales channels; anyone who needs advance payment, deposit, handling fee or demands bank card number, ID card number, and verification code cannot be trusted.

Mercedes-Benz co-branding? Redmi K50 Esports Edition released on February 16th!

Energy Jun: Friends, please be patient and wait for the replenishment, beware of being deceived! Olympic souvenirs are not limited sales, and the follow-up inventory will be very sufficient! Now it is out of stock entirely because of the Spring Festival holiday!

Cold-blooded flagship without dead ends!

Redmi K50 esports version of mercedes-benz joint poster first exposed

Mercedes-Benz co-branding? Redmi K50 Esports Edition released on February 16th!

Today, a number of Weibo digital bloggers exposed a poster of the Redmi K50 e-sports version and mercedes-Benz, which aroused the attention of fans.

Judging from the poster, the Mercedes-Benz co-brand of the Redmi K50 e-sports version adopts a color combination of silver gray and fluorescent blue, which matches the high-tech appearance design of the phone itself, giving people a smooth and speedy visual experience.

In addition to the color matching, the Mercedes-Benz co-brand model has not made many changes in other places, but only added the Mercedes-Benz logo logo logo as a decoration on the back cover.

In addition to the joint name with Mercedes-Benz, the Redmi K50 esports version is also a pretty good flagship product.

It is reported that the Redmi K50 e-sports version adopts a 120Hz mid-hole cutting screen solution, equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 flagship processor, supporting 120W super second charge, which is the most powerful Redmi performance flagship so far.

At the same time, composition of a game phone, Redmi K50 e-sports version equipped with a game shoulder key, compared to the mainstream touch "soft shoulder key" on the market, the former can bring a better operating feel, and the accuracy is higher, allowing users to achieve four-finger operation through the shoulder button anytime and anywhere.

According to the introduction, the shoulder key will support custom mapping, without the need for game manufacturers to adapt separately, with a wider versatility.

In addition, as a "cold-blooded flagship", the Redmi K50 esports edition will be equipped with a dual VC heat dissipation plate heat dissipation design, bringing the ultimate heat dissipation ability to the mobile phone.

At present, the Redmi K50 e-sports version has opened reservations in Xiaomi Mall and major e-commerce platforms, and the conference will be officially held at 7 pm on February 16.

Mercedes-Benz co-branding? Redmi K50 Esports Edition released on February 16th!

Energy Jun: This K50 e-sports version co-branded with Mercedes-Benz is most likely equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 processor, which is also the flagship processor with the top performance on the market. Based on the two points of view of brand co-brand and top processors, there is a high probability that this K50 e-sports version will sell very expensive!

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