
Gu Ailing's father is not a Google 5 employee, but his mother's family is a highly educated athlete

Mengchen Jin Lei from Oufei Temple

Qubits | Official account QbitAI

The name Gu Ailing has now been swept across the Internet.

The reason is that there is no other reason, in the Winter Olympics to achieve a stunning reversal, for the Chinese team to win the historic freestyle ski women's big jump gold medal, such a value and talent are on the line of 00, anyone who looks at it does not sigh a Niubility.

Gu Ailing's father is not a Google 5 employee, but his mother's family is a highly educated athlete

Image source: Imago

But with the explosion of Gu Ailing, the background of her family members has also become the focus of public attention. There was even a connection with the tech community.

For example, recently some netizens broke the news that Gu Ailing's father was "Google Employee 5".

Gu Ailing's father is not a Google 5 employee, but his mother's family is a highly educated athlete

All kinds of messages pointed to a person named Ray Sidney, who recently replaced his social account avatar with a photo with Gu Ailing when he was a child.

Gu Ailing's father is not a Google 5 employee, but his mother's family is a highly educated athlete

However, this is not the case.

Ray Sidney's own latest response goes like this:

I dated Gu Ailing's mother for a few years.

I only met Gu Ailing after she was born.

Gu Ailing's father is not a Google 5 employee, but his mother's family is a highly educated athlete

At this point, as to who Gu Ailing's father is, he still stays in the "American" and "graduated from Harvard" on the Internet.

But in addition to her father, Gu Ailing's mother and other family members, as well as the past of how Gu Ailing grew up, have gradually entered the public eye.

From a family of sportsmen

Gu Ailing fell in love with skiing without the influence of her mother.

According to public information, her mother, Gu Yan, was a short-track speed skater while studying at Peking University and also worked part-time as a ski instructor.

Gu Ailing's father is not a Google 5 employee, but his mother's family is a highly educated athlete

Gu Yan started out at North University in chemistry and biochemistry, under the tutelage of Shen Tong, an expert in synthetic bovine insulin.

After continuing to study biology in the United States for a while, he went to Stanford University for an MBA, and later engaged in venture capital work, working for Lehman Brothers.

From an interview with China Science and Technology Information magazine in 1998, it can be learned that Gu Yan returned to China from Wall Street in 1997 to start a business and became the chairman of Beijing Oriental Weibo International Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Gu Ailing's father is not a Google 5 employee, but his mother's family is a highly educated athlete

In 2000, Gu Yan went to work for an investment company in the San Francisco Bay Area, during which time Gu Ailing was born in September 2003.

Gu Ailing once said that her mother did not deliberately train herself to ski, but her mother would take her with her when she was a part-time coach.

Gu Ailing's father is not a Google 5 employee, but his mother's family is a highly educated athlete

When Gu Ailing was 3 to 5 years old, Gu Yan worked as a part-time coach at the Lake Tahoe Ski Resort

Gu Ailing was exposed to skiing when she was 3 months old, and under the influence of her mother, she began to learn to ski at the age of 3.

After Gu Yan saw her daughter show her love and talent for skiing, Gu Ailing's mother hired a professional coach for her.

In addition, Gu Yan taught Gu Ailing to learn Chinese culture from an early age, and every summer vacation will take her back to China to live for a period of time.

In high school, Gu Ailing also attended a cram school in Huangzhuang, Haidian, and in the words of Gu's mother, Huangzhuang's ten days of study could withstand the United States for a year.

Gu Ailing's father is not a Google 5 employee, but his mother's family is a highly educated athlete

Gu Yan's cultivation of her daughter is mostly supportive and encouraging, and she once said, "My education for Gu Ailing is that the first is to sleep more, the second is to study, and the third is to play. ”

Gu Ailing also said in an interview, "My mother is better than other mothers."

Gu Ailing's father is not a Google 5 employee, but his mother's family is a highly educated athlete

In addition to her mother, one person Gu Ailing often mentions is her grandmother.

However, because Gu Ailing followed her mother's surname Gu after her parents divorced, Gu Ailing herself would call her Grandma.

According to the official public account of the Ministry of Transport, Gu Ailing's grandmother Feng Guozhen is a retired cadre of the Ministry of Transport and a senior engineer of the former Department of Structural Reform of the Ministry of Transport.

Gu Ailing's father is not a Google 5 employee, but his mother's family is a highly educated athlete

After retirement, he went to the United States to take care of the young Gu Ailing, accompanied her to grow up together, and had a deep affection for Gu Ailing.

Gu Ailing's father is not a Google 5 employee, but his mother's family is a highly educated athlete

This grandmother was also an athlete when she was young, and was a famous women's basketball player at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Grandpa Gu Zhenguang was also the main player of the famous school football team when he went to school, and he was also good at swimming, skating and skiing.

In this way, the family that Gu Ailing grew up in is not only a "family of scholars", but also a "sports family".

"In addition to talent, there is also love"

Finally, our focus returns to Gu Ailing himself:

He started skiing at the age of 3

She joined the ski team at the age of 8 and became the only girl on the team

At the age of 9, he won the National Freestyle Ski Junior Championship

The 14-year-old already holds more than 50 gold medals in adult and junior skiing


And just yesterday, at the age of only 19, she won the gold medal in the winter Olympic freestyle ski women's big jump, breaking the record with a super difficulty of 1620.

Under such achievements, many people will call Gu Ailing a "genius girl".

This is true, Gu Ailing not only showed great achievements in skiing, but also said in her previous speeches that she loves many other sports.

Gu Ailing's tennis coach when he was a child said, "If Ai Ling practices tennis, he will definitely become a world-class player in the future."

Gu Ailing's father is not a Google 5 employee, but his mother's family is a highly educated athlete

But at the same time, behind the talent, there should be more love and focus.

Because in addition to Gu Ailing's identity as an athlete, she is also a "full-time high school student" like her peers:

I'm not the kind of student who takes online classes or takes one-on-one culture classes with a teacher alone, I'm an ordinary student who goes to school normally.

Gu Ailing once counted that in 2019, she only had 65 days in training and competition, and the rest of the time was normal classes at school:

I was especially focused on skiing during my skiing days, and I didn't want to ski when I was in class, so I was very attentive, so it would be more efficient.

The more important thing is actually the love, and I am very happy every time I go on the slopes. Sometimes my mom said I couldn't go skiing without washing the dishes, and I did it right away.

Xinhua Net commented in this regard, "The spirit of dedication and proud talent have made Gu Ailing never leave his studies behind on the road to becoming a top athlete."

Because of this, Gu Ailing was able to get all A grades in high school and completed high school courses ahead of schedule.

(PS: Gu Ailing also took olympiad classes in Huangzhuang, Haidian, Beijing because of her interest. )

And in 2020 SAT, he achieved a nearly perfect score and got an acceptance letter from Stanford University.

Of course, Gu Ailing also revealed a secret of success - to sleep 10 hours a night:

Gu Ailing's father is not a Google 5 employee, but his mother's family is a highly educated athlete

In her opinion, "sleeping is to promote the growth of the body and brain, and at the same time sleeping is also a review time to review all the things learned during the day."

(After all, Science has previously released a scientific study that "staying up late will make you stupid")

Finally, if you summarize Gu Ailing's success, it may be boiled down to two aspects:

Proper guidance and education of the family

Their own love and dedication

And Gu Ailing said the most after winning the gold this time is "I am not going to beat others, I want to show the best of myself."

Perhaps, this is the "Olympic spirit" displayed in this generation of new forces.

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