
How are newborns fed? The "breastfeeding reminder" that 7 elderly people often chant are not reliable

Wen 丨 Jing Ma said, original content.

The birth of the baby has not only brought more laughter to the whole family, but also become the fuse of many family parenting conflicts.

For example, baby feeding, new mothers have no experience, will often ask the experience of the elderly at home, but in fact, the breastfeeding reminders given by the elderly are not necessarily reliable, such as these 7, new mothers will judge on their own.

How are newborns fed? The "breastfeeding reminder" that 7 elderly people often chant are not reliable

Reminder 1: After the baby is born, drink milk powder first

Many elderly people feel that after the birth of the child, the mother has not yet milked, there is no breast milk, you must first feed the baby milk powder, so that you can eat enough.

In fact, as early as the pregnancy of the mother's body began to prepare for breastfeeding, after the baby was born, let the baby suck can eat breast milk, but the amount is not much.

But newborn babies have a stomach capacity of about 5-7ml, equivalent to the size of a glass pinball; by the third day, the stomach capacity increases to 22-30ml; by about a week, the stomach capacity is about 44-59ml, equivalent to the size of a ping-pong ball.

Therefore, as long as the baby sucks a few more times a day, as the baby's stomach capacity increases, the amount of breast milk will also increase. As long as the parents do it right, under normal circumstances, there is no need to drink milk powder first.

How are newborns fed? The "breastfeeding reminder" that 7 elderly people often chant are not reliable

Reminder two: Mothers who have a caesarean section cannot breastfeed for the first few days after childbirth

First, it is inconvenient for the mother to move, and second, after all, the mother used medicine during the operation, and the postpartum wound recovery also took medicine, so the baby could not be fed breast milk.

But in fact, caesarean section does not affect breast milk secretion, postpartum contact should be early, early opening of milk, adhere to exclusive breastfeeding.

According to World Health Organization guidelines, medications commonly used after caesarean section do not affect breastfeeding. After the mother regains consciousness after the operation, she can make skin contact with the baby and start feeding.

But it is true that breastfeeding is not convenient, you can hold the baby by the family to complete breastfeeding, the first few days, lying down to feed is more convenient, you can choose a semi-lying breastfeeding position.

How are newborns fed? The "breastfeeding reminder" that 7 elderly people often chant are not reliable

Reminder three: Colostrum can not be given to children

At that time, my mother also reminded me that "colostrum cannot be eaten", and said that when I was a child, I did not eat a bite, and I squeezed it out and poured it out.

But in fact, colostrum is known as "milk gold", high nutritional value, easy to digest, enhance the baby's immunity, for the newborn baby, is the best food!

Therefore, such precious breast milk must not be wasted, and it must be fed to the baby!

How are newborns fed? The "breastfeeding reminder" that 7 elderly people often chant are not reliable

Reminder four: The front milk looks innocent, indicating that there is no nutrition

One of the precious things about breast milk is that it "changes".

The composition of breast milk will be different from the baby's colostrum at birth to the mature milk in the back; specifically, the composition of the milk is different in the first and back milk of each feeding.

The front milk, which looks like water, is not as thick as the back milk, but it is not that it is not nutritious, but the nutritional composition is different.

The front milk is rich in lactose, which helps the baby's brain develop, and the back milk meets its energy and protein needs. This is also the magic of breast milk, the mother's body automatically regulates the composition of breast milk to meet the needs of the baby.

How are newborns fed? The "breastfeeding reminder" that 7 elderly people often chant are not reliable

Reminder five: "thick soup" milking effect is better, so the soup should be thick

Just because of this sentence, how many new mothers drink soup during the confinement period to have psychological shadows, and many new mothers who drink are blocking milk and swelling and uncomfortable.

Drinking soup during lactation does increase the amount of breast milk, because most of the ingredients in breast milk are water.

But only by drinking the soup correctly can it really work.

The white ingredients in the soup are not the so-called "nutrition", but fat, and drinking too much is not only easy to get fat, but also easy to block the milk.

Therefore, the milk soup for nursing mothers should pay attention to light and nutritious, and should be drunk with different kinds of soup.

How are newborns fed? The "breastfeeding reminder" that 7 elderly people often chant are not reliable

Reminder six: as long as the baby is crying, he is hungry, and he must be fed quickly

The power of "next-generation relatives" is deeply appreciated by many mothers.

From the birth of the baby always want to hold, do not allow the baby to hum, let alone wow cry, as long as the baby cries, it will inevitably be determined that "the baby is hungry", urging the mother to hurry up and feed.

In fact, crying is the only way to express the baby, in addition to hunger, it may also be cold and hot, pulling urine, uncomfortable, want to let the mother hug...

As a new mother, it is more important to judge for yourself what is the need for your baby to cry?

Don't feed as soon as you cry, it is easy to overfeed and accumulate food, spit milk spillage, obesity and so on.

How are newborns fed? The "breastfeeding reminder" that 7 elderly people often chant are not reliable

Reminder 7: After 6 months, the breast milk is out of nutrition, and it is necessary to wean and eat

It is really a lot of elderly people who are "guided" in this way, and even less than 6 months often remind that "it is time to feed the baby, breast milk is not nutritious".

As mentioned earlier, breast milk will change at different stages, and the amount of various nutrients provided will also change with the baby's growth needs at different times.

Generally after 6 months, the baby's energy and nutritional needs can no longer be met by breast milk alone.

Therefore, authorities such as the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children's Fund recommend that complementary foods be added on the basis of continued breastfeeding after 6 months.

How are newborns fed? The "breastfeeding reminder" that 7 elderly people often chant are not reliable

A breastfeeding may have so many pits, which is why many new parents find it difficult to raise a baby.

In fact, not only feeding, but also nursing, early education, growth and development, etc., there are often problems in all aspects, it is important to learn some parenting knowledge in advance, or learn while taking the baby, reduce anxiety, reduce pitfall.

How many of these previous statements about feeding have you heard? If you have any questions about the feeding process, you are also welcome to share and discuss with the mothers.

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