
The man shook the 8888 license plate, did not hesitate to give up, "hanging up the endless trouble"

Buying a car is a big thing in the life of a car owner, and getting a license plate is an indispensable step. Every time he shakes the license plate, the owner feels very excited and just wants to shake a smart and memorable license plate. Some car owners obviously choose a leopard number plate but resolutely do not want it, why is this?

The man shook the 8888 license plate, did not hesitate to give up, "hanging up the endless trouble"

Mr. Liu, a car owner in Hebei, had particularly good luck, and after buying a car, he randomly selected it in the number machine and shook to an 8888 license plate. 8888 is one of the more auspicious of the Leopard license plates, with a local market price of more than 300,000. Mr. Liu was very excited after seeing the license plate he had selected, and he wanted to send a circle of friends to show off, but then he thought about it and gave up this plan.

The man shook the 8888 license plate, did not hesitate to give up, "hanging up the endless trouble"

Mr. Liu believes that he bought a domestic car of about 100,000 yuan, and since the price of the car is so cheap, there is no need to hang up the 8888 license plate. After thinking for a few seconds, Mr. Liu gave up the license plate, saying that he did not want the 8888 license plate not too stupid, but because he did not want to cause trouble.

The number plate of the newspaper is hung on the luxury car, which can play the icing on the cake, and there is no conspicuous place in hanging on the ordinary car, and it may also attract criticism from others. Many people who see ordinary cars with leopard number plates question the use of decks, and some owners will call the police.

The man shook the 8888 license plate, did not hesitate to give up, "hanging up the endless trouble"

Traffic police will pay close attention to the license plate of the car during the inspection process, if you find that the ordinary car is hung with a leopard number, the license plate will suspect that there is a problem with the license plate. There is a van in Guizhou with an 88888 Leopard number plate, the traffic police think that the vehicle uses a deck, three days and two ends of the owner of the car to check, affecting the normal life and work of the owner.

There is a car owner in Guangdong who hung the 66666 license plate on the van, and the traffic police also thought that this license plate was fake, and checked the car at both ends in three days. Although the traffic police will let it go after the inspection, the owner feels very troublesome. Mr. Liu was afraid of encountering the same troubles, so he would not hesitate to give up the leopard license plate.

The man shook the 8888 license plate, did not hesitate to give up, "hanging up the endless trouble"

The staff of the vehicle management office believes that Mr. Liu is very smart, and the ordinary daily vehicle is hung with an 8888 license plate, which will indeed cause others to suspect, in case of frequent traffic police inspections, it will delay the work of the owner. Ordinary cars can hang ordinary license plates, and license plates are legal proof of the road, not a tool for car owners to show off.

The man shook the 8888 license plate, did not hesitate to give up, "hanging up the endless trouble"

Rich people care about the meaning and number of license plates, mainly because rich people drive luxury cars, they think that good horses have good saddles, and good cars have good cards. A million-dollar luxury car with a leopard license plate can play a more important role in the icing on the cake, so these rich people will not hesitate to spend millions to get a leopard license plate.

The man shook the 8888 license plate, did not hesitate to give up, "hanging up the endless trouble"

There is a female driver in Hunan who has a particularly good luck, he shook the 688 license plate in the number machine selected by the car management, and did not expect that the license plate became 246 when the license plate was on the second day. Some people questioned the staff of the car management office to operate in the dark box and change the license plate, but the female driver said that the license plate was changed to 246, which was also a good thing, at least to avoid the traffic police from checking the car.

In the past, many Chinese car owners had the mentality of comparing with each other, believing that the more auspicious the license plate, the more face-saving. Now the owner's thinking is more and more rational, although the leopard number license plate will bring face to the owner, but also bring unnecessary trouble, ordinary cars hanging ordinary license plates are the most practical.

The man shook the 8888 license plate, did not hesitate to give up, "hanging up the endless trouble"

Xiaobian thinks that Mr. Liu's approach is very smart, he shook a piece of 8888 license plate that everyone wants but did not hesitate to give up, from then on, it can also be seen that Mr. Liu is a broad-minded, thoughtful person, what do you think?

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