
Playing mahjong will cause you to have a heart attack? Do these 3 things well to avoid heart and brain diseases to "worship the New Year"

Playing mahjong will cause you to have a heart attack? Do these 3 things well to avoid heart and brain diseases to "worship the New Year"

A table of mahjong for four people, in addition to making themselves feel better, but also to make others uncomfortable.

This ancient game, which contains a bit of a "moderate" philosophy, has been called the darling of Chinese after tea for thousands of years.

Even if the rules are ever-changing, they cannot escape "eating", "touching", "bar", "listening" and "harmony".

However, the game belongs to the game, but there are many news in life that cause trouble due to mahjong, especially during the New Year.

Playing mahjong will cause you to have a heart attack? Do these 3 things well to avoid heart and brain diseases to "worship the New Year"

Why does a little mahjong cause such a big harm?

You know, in the process of playing mahjong, you must not only explore the opponent's card playing rules, but also change your own card order at all times. ;

At this time, the mood will begin to be excited, the adrenaline secretion will increase, and the body will produce a series of reactions such as increased heart contraction, increased blood pressure, mental concentration, and increased oxygen consumption.

If the emotion is not well controlled, the spirit is overexcited, coupled with playing cards all night, etc., it is inevitable that there will be some health risks, such as cerebral vascular rupture or embolism caused by stroke, atherosclerotic plaque rupture embolism in the coronary arteries, resulting in myocardial infarction.......

If some people themselves are three high patients, the emotions are excited, and they are undoubtedly more dangerous than ordinary people.

Playing mahjong will cause you to have a heart attack? Do these 3 things well to avoid heart and brain diseases to "worship the New Year"

During the Chinese New Year, how do we play mahjong healthily?

First, pay attention to the control of time

During the New Year, if you like to play mahjong with your family or friends, you must first pay attention to the control of time.

Do not play mahjong for more than 2 hours a day, and you can't play mahjong all night.

When playing mahjong, the whole person will present a sedentary state, which will make the peripheral blood volume decrease rapidly, which will affect the overall blood circulation, reduce the blood supply to the brain and heart, and easily induce the emergence of some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Sitting still for a long time can easily lead to too many lipid components in blood vessels, affecting the blood supply of tissue systems throughout the body. Once there is a small factor stimulus, the probability of developing a myocardial infarction or cerebral infarction will be very high.

Sedentary will seriously reduce the blood supply to the brain, once quickly get up or bend over, it will lead to rapid hypoxia and ischemia in the brain, and induce acute cerebral infarction.

Playing mahjong will cause you to have a heart attack? Do these 3 things well to avoid heart and brain diseases to "worship the New Year"

Second, pay attention to indoor air circulation

When playing mahjong during the New Year, be sure to pay attention to the circulation of indoor air. Regularly open the window for ventilation and keep fresh air flowing in the room.

During the New Year, the temperature will be relatively low everywhere, and most people will close the doors and windows to achieve the effect of maintaining indoor temperature.

In this case, the indoor air will be too turbid, which will not only easily induce some respiratory and lung diseases, but also have great damage to blood vessel health.

Especially those who like to smoke while playing mahjong, or suffer from the harm of second-hand smoke, the probability of suffering from cerebral and myocardial infarction will be very high. The tar and carbon monoxide in the smoke can damage the endothelium of the blood vessels, resulting in the formation of many blood clots. Once a blood clot blocks the cardiovascular system, it can cause a myocardial infarction.

Once the blood vessel is blocked, the chance of cerebral infarction will also increase many times.

Playing mahjong will cause you to have a heart attack? Do these 3 things well to avoid heart and brain diseases to "worship the New Year"

Third, avoid being too emotionally excited

When playing mahjong with friends and family during the New Year, be sure to control your emotions and avoid being too excited.

Especially for people with some chronic vascular diseases, if the mood is too hyperactive, it will affect the sympathetic nervous system, which will make the heart beat faster, the blood pressure rise, resulting in increased myocardial contractility.

In this way, it is easy to cause ischemia and hypoxia in the heart muscle. And when the mood is too excited, it will make the human body secrete too many hormones, resulting in a rapid increase in blood pressure, which can easily induce the emergence of some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Playing mahjong will cause you to have a heart attack? Do these 3 things well to avoid heart and brain diseases to "worship the New Year"

Why is it dangerous to play mahjong and continue to play?

In fact, like other chess and card entertainment activities, playing mahjong can make the brain spin, which requires both judgment and thinking about the situation and accurate and stable movements in the hand.

This kind of game is a good brain exercise opportunity for the elderly who are elderly and have a continuous brain recession.

In addition, in the process of playing mahjong, the joy of Hu Pai's self-touching can still make people reminisce for a long time, and playing mahjong can also promote communication and deepen feelings, which is better than being alone at home, right?

After all, mahjong requires four people to start the stage!

So, tonight three is missing one, come on?

Playing mahjong will cause you to have a heart attack? Do these 3 things well to avoid heart and brain diseases to "worship the New Year"

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