
My grandmother fed me uncooked taro in order to play mahjong, and I vomited and went to the hospital overnight

author:I love to read books at night

In order to play mahjong in a hurry, my grandmother fed me unripe taro.

I vomited and was taken to the hospital overnight.

Grandma blamed me for the blame, shouting that the baby in her era was not so expensive.

Dad was angry: "It's edible, after all, a dead person can't open his mouth!"


Because I was busy with work and didn't have time to take care of me, my parents planned to hire a nanny to take care of my three meals a day on Saturdays and Sundays.

But grandma said that it was not necessary, and said that it was better to spend this money to hire a nanny for her, so the parents who came and went also dispelled their minds and took grandma to the city overnight.

But after coming here, the first thing my grandmother did was not to ask me about my situation, but to touch all the mahjong parlors around to see who had a good environment and who was in charge of the rice.

Seeing this, my father specially instructed her not to always remember to play cards, to pay attention to my safety, and not to have accidents.

Grandma nodded disapprovingly, and explained in her mouth.

However, on the first day of taking care of me, she took me to the card field, and in the smoke she quickly found a few cards to match and began to touch the cards.

In order to prevent me from making noise, she took out 5 yuan and stuffed it into me, told me to go to the side store to buy snacks, and said that if the money was not enough, I would take credit and go to the checkout when she finished playing.

I nodded ignorantly, took the money and turned around to buy spicy noodles.

On weekdays, my mother would always limit the amount of Sprite Coke I could drink, and I bought a bottle of it as well.

Sitting on the small bench in the card field, I happily ate and drank with a few children, and I didn't eat a grain of rice all day, and I relied on junk snacks to fill my stomach.

When it was almost time in the afternoon, my grandmother pushed the game and took me home.

Before her parents returned, she quickly cleaned up the house, and then took a spatula and began to cook and stir-fry, pretending to be at home all day.

Afraid that I would talk nonsense, she also specially told me: "Yueyue, you can't tell anyone about today's events."

"If your parents knew, you wouldn't be able to play with grandma anymore."

She coaxed me into promising all kinds of benefits, so I got carried away and immediately agreed to everything.

In this way, without my parents knowing, my grandmother and I quickly agreed to hide from each other and not tell anyone else.

However, the good times did not last long, I have never eaten such nonsense, and the snacks at home in the past were carefully selected by my parents and did not stimulate the stomach.

But the spicy strips of Tang monk meat in the commissary are different, these 5 cents a piece of garbage snacks are particularly hurtful, and the most hurtful thing is my stomach, which has never been exposed to junk snacks on weekdays.

So I ran to the toilet several times that night, pulled to the point where I cried and called for my mother.

Naturally, my mother was also worried, she rummaged through the cabinets to find medicine and water, and asked my father to put on a coat and go out to start the car, planning to take me to the hospital to have a look.

Grandma was a little weak-hearted: "This ...... I'll go to the hospital even if I have a diarrhea. ”

"Isn't it just a matter of taking medicine, not so much."

"Mom, what are you talking about!"

Dad replied to grandma while putting on his shoes: "The child has a weak stomach, and I don't know what's going on like this, so I don't feel at ease if I don't go to the hospital to see it."

"Besides, if something happens, we don't have to worry too much in the hospital."

As I spoke, my father took me from my mother's arms and persuaded my grandmother to go back to rest and tell her not to worry.

What can grandma say, she can only stand at the door and lip sync at me with teary eyes, telling me not to leak my mouth.

I nodded at her with the pain of my butt blooming, indicating that I would never live up to her expectations.

However, as soon as I entered the hospital, I was exposed.

The doctor pressed my little belly with gloves on, and turned to my parents with a sentence:

"Eating too much junk food."

"I'll prescribe some medicine for her to regulate her stomach, and you as parents should also cooperate, don't let your children be exposed to too many messy snacks."



"Junk food?"

My mother, who was holding me, was stunned when she heard this, and immediately looked down at me.

I quickly hid my head in her arms, not daring to touch her eyes. But Jiang is still old and spicy in the end, she shoved me into my father's arms and motioned for him to hold my hands and feet, and then asked directly:

"What's the situation, Yueyue."

"You don't seem to have eaten much for dinner today, do you?"

"You ate a lot of snacks at home today and ate them as meals?"

As soon as I asked without squeaking, I shrunk my head and didn't dare to look at my mother, biting my lip so that I didn't want to expose the secret between me and my grandmother.

Dad's brows were furrowed.

He didn't ask me like his mother, but the look in my eyes didn't look like the kind of demeanor that doesn't settle accounts after the autumn.

I could only bow my head and keep silent, and make the posture of a turtle with a shrunken head sufficient.

However, the doctor didn't give me a chance to pretend to be stupid at all, he opened a bill for my father to go down to pay for the medicine, and he squeezed some disinfectant to rub his hands warm, and then motioned to my mother to help me open my stomach and rub it for me.

"It's a bit miscellaneous, kid."

The doctor looked at me with a smile: "Diarrhea is very uncomfortable, do you know that you have to listen to your parents and eat less snacks in the future?"

I was about to say no, but a loud hiccup erupted from my mouth.

It's okay to burp, but it's okay to burp with a spicy strip.

As soon as I smelled the air, I knew I was going to do it, and sure enough, my mother's face turned black all of a sudden.

She didn't say a word, just took her father to the card field before the car drove to the gate of the community, and the two of them inquired and went straight home with a black face.

Grandma didn't know anything, and was smiling in the living room while watching TV. Seeing that we were back, she didn't raise her head and asked, "Are you okay?", and then continued to watch TV on her own.

It was the same way, she didn't notice that her parents' faces were getting darker and darker, and they stood in the living room without saying a word and just stared at her.

"Mom, how did you take Yueyue today?"

Dad asked first, "I got her an amusement park card, did you go today?"

"I see there's leftovers from yesterday in the fridge, and you guys ate them at home at noon?"

"Oh, yes. There were a lot of leftovers, so we ate them all at noon. ”

Without even thinking about it, grandma replied casually.

It was also this answer that made her reveal her stuffing again, and Dad opened the refrigerator and pointed to the onions inside and asked Grandma:

"You mean you've eaten all the scrambled eggs with onions?"

"Mom! You have to think about reality when you lie! You and I don't eat onions, Yueyue also inherited that I don't eat them, and the whole family eats onions by Yuzhen alone, and that dish is also left for her to eat alone! ”

"As a result, you told me to eat it all at noon, is it possible!"

"Tell me the truth, if you're going to play cards today!"

"Lunch is not eaten in the card field! You tell me! ”

Dad said that he was stunned by a series of interrogations, and when he saw that she couldn't answer, Dad was very angry: "I told you not to fight, don't fight!"

"You're addicted to cards, and you like to double! One or two hundred in a circle, not to mention that she can't take care of Gu Yueyue, do you know how much junk food she ate today! ”

"There's blood in the poop that I pulled!"

"You blame me for that!"

Seeing that Dad's voice was getting louder and louder, Grandma was also angry: "Is it I asking her to eat!"

"I can't control my mouth, who can blame me! There are so many things in the commissary that she doesn't want to buy, you have to eat that kind of junk food, you can also blame me, you are really crazy! ”

"Besides, what's wrong with me playing cards, your dad didn't say anything about me, you said me, you are more qualified than your dad to manage me! You're hilarious! ”

"I don't care about you?"

Dad laughed angrily: "I don't care who cares about you, do you know that Dad is dead!" I'm by you! ”

"I'm embarrassed to say that you are a person, I haven't eaten a hot meal from you since I was a child, every day I open my eyes and watch you go out to play mahjong, and when I close my eyes, I listen to you close the door and come back in the dark."

"When Dad was lying on the bed and couldn't move, you also raced against time to go out to fight, when he died and hung in the mourning hall, you still set up a table next to his ice coffin to continue."

"You're crazy, you know! You deserve to be alone! ”

The last four words Dad said gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, obviously some words had been held in his heart for a long time, and now he broke out with the incident of me eating junk food, and he also said it happily.

But that's not what Grandma thought.

When she saw her father blaming herself throughout, and her mother was dissatisfied with her indifferent face holding me, she suddenly began to cry with a narrowing of her eyes:

"Old man!"

"As soon as you leave, your son will bully me!"

"What's wrong with me playing cards, when did your dad say no when he was alive."

"You just use the topic to play, blame me for going out to work when you were young and didn't care about you, you hate me!"

"You did it on purpose!"

As if to justify herself, my grandmother kept giving examples of when I was a child, and my father was not close to herself, and she had to break the "right" of her own card play.

Mom still didn't say a word, but silently took out her mobile phone when Grandma yelled again that she was right to play cards:

"Hey, Sister Li."

"Yes, that's the last time I told you about hiring a babysitter, do you see that there is a suitable person?"

"Well, yes. I want to think about it, or find a professional person to rest assured. ”

Three sentences blocked grandma's mouth, and her mother glanced at her lightly, accurately pinching grandma's lifeline:

"Yes, the salary is easy to say, after all, only those who take money to work are safe, and there are not so many crooked reasons in their mouths."

"Let's introduce one and try it."


It turns out that the combination of the two swords of my parents is still very powerful.

My grandmother didn't dare to take me to the card court anymore, and every time I passed by the boss and told her to play a round, she waved her hand again and again.

But can card addiction be stopped casually?

Soon, she was itchy and found a few friends to fight at home.

As soon as the tablecloth was closed at the tabletable, the newly bought mahjong rolled all over the table.

Grandma soon regained the joy of mahjong and played at home.

I was a little scared, so I pulled my grandmother's sleeve and asked her what would happen if her parents found out again.

Grandma said, "What are you afraid of, if you don't go out to eat spicy noodles, how can they know."

"As long as you don't deliberately sue, who will know that we are fighting at home."

With that, she skillfully stuffed my phone into my arms and motioned for me to go and play.

In the past, my mother never let me play more, at most she played puzzle games with me. Now my grandmother takes care of me, and I can play with my phone as long as I want.

So I quickly opened Douyin and brushed it up, accompanied by the music and began to learn popular words such as "Lao Tie 666", "You Barbie Q", "Chicken You Are Too Beautiful".

I forgot to eat again after brushing too much, and I brushed from morning to noon with great interest, and I didn't even pay attention to the children who were good on weekdays calling me to go out to play.

It's just that grandma seems to be very busy, and a few card players are playing hot, and they can't take care of eating and drinking, and their eyes are red.

What's more, when they are hungry, they eat their own bread directly, and when they are thirsty, they drink the water in the thermos cup, looking crazy.

But grandma can't, she is used to eating hot meals and can't get used to seeing foreigners send bread and milk, so she still cooks near three o'clock in the afternoon.

It's just that the taro stewed in the pot is not yet cooked, and the impatient players who are waiting for it begin to shout to leave.

Now grandma is in a hurry.

She hurriedly put the taro in the pot, and immediately urged me to eat without trying to cook it, and then trotted to the card table and continued to shout and play.

I took half of the taro with chopsticks and looked at it carefully, hesitated for a long time, and finally put it in my mouth.

Just as soon as I bite it open, something doesn't feel right.

The outer layer is glutinous and powdery, but the astringency inside is so astringent that it is difficult to chew. I ate even two or three pieces like this, until my tongue was numb.

It's uncomfortable and feels so unpalatable.

At that time, I only had this one thought in my mind, so I refused to eat after putting down my chopsticks.

Grandma took time out of her busy schedule to look at me, and when she saw that the rice in my bowl hadn't moved much, and the taro on the plate hadn't eaten much, she was annoyed and angry:

"Don't eat again!"

"Later, your parents will come back and blame me for not taking good care of you!"

"You hurry up and finish the meal for me, and I have to eat two bites if I don't like it, how can you be picky eater!"

"Grandma, it's not delicious......"

I was very aggrieved: "Really, taro is not delicious, it is so hard to chew."

"My tongue hurts."


Seeing that I squirmed and refused to eat, my grandmother was very angry. She hurriedly came over and stuffed a chopstick taro into my mouth, and scolded me for being squeamish while feeding me:

"It's not delicious, it's not delicious, the fairy meat in the sky is delicious, right!"

"It's good to chew, how hard can taro be. There are so many excuses that you don't want to eat ghosts, hurry up and eat if you hear it, I still have something! ”

With that, she forced two more mouthfuls into my mouth, until my mouth was full, and she stopped.

I struggled to chew the food in my mouth, only to feel more uncomfortable. Now not only does my mouth feel uncomfortable, but I also feel a little pain in my stomach.

It's as if there's a little worm crawling in my stomach and causing trouble for me.

So after eating half a bowl, I resisted and refused to open my mouth again, seeing that I really refused to grandmother and had no choice, she hurriedly put the bowl aside and didn't bother to care about me when she went to the card table again.

So I picked up my hot phone again and started a new round of watching videos, staring intently at the characters inside, laughing and applauding.

But after a while, I couldn't take it anymore.

Holding my stomach, I felt uncomfortable.


I ran to the toilet three times in a row and it still didn't work.

I was so wet that my legs were shivering, and everything in front of me was blurry.

Under the weather...... I started to itch too......

I pulled my grandmother's clothes for a long time before I weakly spat out a sentence of grandma, hoping that she would take me to the hospital.

But after listening to what I said, she subconsciously began to retort: "Hospital!?"

"What's wrong with you going to the hospital!?"

"Born with a golden life, you can't eat this, you can't eat that, the children in the village can even eat the soil, but you're different!"

"Do you know how much it costs to go to the hospital, you really come with your mouth open!"

Grandma scolded and scolded obviously unhappy, and the disgust in her mouth never stopped, and she said that she played cards with her card friends, you look at me, I look at you, all of them don't squeak.

I was so aggrieved with red eyes that I couldn't understand why going to the hospital made my grandmother so angry.

But I was really uncomfortable, my stomach was getting more and more painful, the sweat on my body was layer after layer, and my neck, chest, and back of my hands were all itchy.

In the end, it was a mouthful of sour water that spit on her grandmother's body, which dispelled the abuse in her mouth.


"No...... No...... Isn't it, Yueyue ......."

Seeing me rolling my eyes and sliding down softly, my grandmother panicked.

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