
I'm a snail spirit, other people's snail girls are hardworking and capable, I'm different, I'm stinky

author:I love to read books at night

I am a snail, and the meat was dug up at the pass of becoming a fine and made into a bowl of snail noodles.

Other people's snail girls are hardworking and capable, but I'm different, I stink.

It wasn't until a certain tyrant said to me with his angular jawline that I had a taste that hit the soul.

Big injustice, give money, I'll give you powder to eat.


When I became a sperm, I was homeless.

My shell has been pried on, and I have no choice but to wander around.

Fortunately, I have great ability, and I have made snail noodles in one hand, and I have established myself in Liuzhou with this, and I have become a famous snail powder Shih Tzu here.

People are afraid of being famous, pigs are afraid of being strong, and as soon as the name of snail noodles spread, my snail flour sales fell off a cliff.

What's going on?

I stood at the door of the store with my cuffs on my sleeves and was stunned, there were piles of people lined up at the door, but I was holding a mobile phone in my hand, and the flash flashed to my eye.

The regular customers who were eating seriously were all crowded into the outer circle, and they simply changed their homes to eat when they saw this posture.

"Hey, this is snail powder Shih Tzu, it's so beautiful!"

"Good figure, too!"

"Why is your skin so supple? What kind of concealer do you use? ”


commented on my appearance one by one, what's the matter, isn't my snail powder worthy of two sentences from you?

I rolled up my sleeve: "Come in if you eat, give way if you don't eat!" ”

"Hey, if it's hot, it's floating, we shoot you to give you face, do you know?"

I took out my mobile phone with my backhand, turned on the flash, and slapped him in the face: "Okay, okay, do you think I give you enough face?" If it's not enough, I'll get a few more phones. ”

"You're sick!" The other side covered his face and shouted.

Me: "You're right!" I'm allergic to flash, you just shot me, and I got a pimple. ”

As I spoke, I bared my smooth arms and cast a little mana, and red bumps broke out in front of them.

The crowd retreated in large numbers.

"You are Tian Luoluo?"

I looked up, and a man in a crisp suit and shiny leather shoes stood out from the crowd.

Several men with black umbrellas stood beside him.

The man in the suit looked down at me with his head half-tilted, his carved jawline.

After the baptism of many TV series, I reacted in an instant, this is the boss I have met!

"Well, Tian Luoluo." I nodded.

"Good." Mr. Ba raised his index finger: "From today onwards, I bought this store." ”

"1 million?" I had a smile in my eyes.

Although I knew that gesture was just the signature cool move of the boss.

Mr. Ba said contemptuously: "It's just 1 million." ”

"Deal!" With lightning speed, I drafted the rental contract of the snail noodle shop and handed it to him: "Sign it, and the store will be subleased to you for a sublease fee of 1 million." ”

Rao is the boss, and he was stunned for a moment when he heard the sublease fee of 1 million.

"Sublet?" Mr. Ba's sword eyebrows twisted: "What about you?" ”

I snorted and held up my phone to him: "What, what, you still want to buy and sell people?" This blue sky and white day. ”

"Mr. Chen didn't mean that, I heard that Miss Tian's snail noodles have a unique taste, so I came to taste them." Behind Mr. Ba, a person who looked like a housekeeper hurriedly took a step forward, which was able to block my mobile phone camera, and explained with a smile on his face.

"Eat powder, line up." I gestured to the crowd watching from the sidelines.

The housekeeper took out a stack of red bills from his arms: "It's hard for everyone to line up, can you let it go?" ”

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Who can have a grudge against the front, in a minute, the people in front of my door were all bought behind the boss.

I patted my head: "Ah, this store has just been transferred to Mr. Chen, and lo and behold, the contract has been signed." ”

After that, I looked back at the small shop that had been in business for many years with some regret: "Snail noodles, I can't make it." ”

I stew myself in boiling water every night just to make snail noodles, and now that I have money, why should I suffer from this sin?

With the naked eye, the butler was petrified.

He'd probably never seen anyone as brazen as me.

But I'm not a human being, I used to be a snail, and now I'm a snail powder.

My only long-cherished wish is to get my shell back.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, I left them with a dashing and fearless back, and raised my index finger in the distance: "Remember, a million." ”


I was still bought.

Mr. Ba, 5 w's buy me a bowl of snail noodles.

Isn't it just a boiling bath, who has too much money.

That night, I stayed in the boss's single-family villa.

Because the rice at the entrance of the Bazong must use pure natural and pollution-free organic ingredients, in order to avoid me from using low-grade materials, they have prepared all the ingredients I proposed.

I entered the villa door empty-handed, hungry.

For the sake of exclusive secrets, I am the only one in the entire villa.

As soon as I entered, I went straight to the refrigerator, and although it was worth a lot of abalone, bird's nest, and lobster, it was all my dinner.

In the past, I used to be a snail, and my life was hard, so I shrunk in my shell cautiously, hid in the field ditch, and couldn't escape being dug up by someone.

Where have you tasted any delicacies, and lobster? When the lobster eats our snails, the lobsters are sharp!

When I had eaten and drunk my fill, I lay comfortably in the bathtub.

Rich is a trench, even the bathtub with massage and music, for a while, the sound of the massage water, the sound of music and the sound of boiling water rubbed my body and ears almost drunk.

In order to provide Mr. Ba with a luxurious soup of snail noodles, I soaked it all night until I was almost bald.

Scoop out a pot from the bathtub, and then throw some side dishes and powder into it, and Tian Luoluo secret snail noodles are done.


Mr. Ba seemed to be in a hurry, and he came as soon as dawn.

I sent a WeChat message to the housekeeper last night, asking them to prepare masks in advance, and the smell of authentic snail noodles is not used to ordinary people.

The butler was extremely polite, saying that it was better to smell.

Now, I looked at the butler who stood outside the door and couldn't enter, and smiled without saying a word.

I soaked all night, and the smell filled the whole villa.

Moreover, the most original and rich taste.

Ordinary people can't bear it.


The boss actually came in.

His footsteps lingered in the doorway for only a moment.

As soon as I entered the door, his sword eyebrows were twisted, and his sharp eyes swept over me, and after a while, he showed a look of surprise.

"Stink?" He asked.

Me: "Authentic snail noodle flavor. ”

Mr. Ba turned his head: "Lao Zhou, I smell a stench!" ”

"Young Master!" The butler looked at death as if he were at home, took a step forward, and stood on the threshold with mixed joy and sorrow: "This is really good! ”

Seeing my unbelievable expression, the housekeeper explained to me: "Miss Tian, Mr. Chen lost his sense of smell and taste due to high fever in his early years. A few days ago, Mr. Chen accidentally smelled the smell in the company, and after asking, he learned that an employee had bought your snail noodles. That's why I'm so presumptuous, no matter what, I want you to make a snail powder for Mr. Chen. Now, Mr. Chen finally smells the smell again, which is a miracle. ”

There was originally some sadness, but I saw the housekeeper standing at the door, and from time to time he was disgusted by the smell of snail powder, and with the boss who took a deep breath and showed an intoxicated expression, there was a strange sense of joy.

"Why don't you taste it?" I took out the snail noodles and bit my lip to keep myself from laughing.

After all, it's already pitiful to lose your sense of smell, you don't have a sense of taste, you can't even enjoy a little food when you have a mountain of gold, everything you eat tastes like chewing wax, how much fun can you have in such a life.

If I laugh again, I really don't have any sympathy.

And for a while, it's not easy to negotiate the price.

"Okay." Mr. Ba sat down.

The housekeeper didn't know where to find the mask, put it on and chased it in, skillfully took off his coat for the boss, put the bowl aside, and then took a small bowl and handed it to the boss's mouth.

"Suck in—"


Mr. Ba's eyes lit up, and he pulled the big bowl on the side in front of him, and didn't raise his head until the soup in the bowl was drunk.

"Young master, pay attention to your image." The housekeeper trembled and wiped the oil stains from the corners of the boss's mouth with a handkerchief, and wiped the spicy snot from the red oil with a tissue.

The corners of Mr. Ba's eyes were slightly red, and he didn't know if it was spicy or what's wrong.

"This smell goes straight to the depths of the soul."

After a long time, he spoke.

"The recipe for snail flour, how much does it cost."

My spirit was shocked, oh ho ho ho, here it is!

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