
Susan Miller_ February 2022 Horoscope


This month's Aries horoscope has three main themes. The first is a friend of yours or a club you're in that needs constant attention. The second is that you have the opportunity to gain the favor of the boss or the upper class at work, so as to get career opportunities. The third theme is about love and fun, which can be fun through children or expanding their creativity. All of the above will light up your life this month.

You will find that February is much faster than January, with Mercury officially going retrograde from February 3 and Venus recovering from January 29, starting on December 19. So both Venus and Mercury are going to start regaining their energy this month, and you can see that these two stars will no longer be as confused as they were before, dragging you back, but will bring more motivation, so there is no doubt that February will be a very fast month.

Let's start with February 1 in the new moon at 12 degrees Aquarius. It is a rather friendly wish, lighting up the eleventh house where Aries represents the wish of hope and friendship. At least one of your friends will be around you this month, and you'll be happy to be with them and reconnect. Saturn will be holding hands with the sun and the moon, implying that you need to help a close friend. They may need to be given moral or financial support.

Another possibility is that you need to make a difficult decision with a friend, for example, you and a friend may be working in the same position on the same team, and now you may be promoted. Of course, you know very well why, your friend's work status is not as good as before, it may be that the other party has just experienced a very difficult breakup period, and at the same time your boss wants you to stimulate his morale, which seems to be a very difficult situation and requires some skills to handle, especially if you want to continue to maintain a good friendship. I believe that in your hearts you are not willing to face such a situation, I just gave an example, in any case, the actual situation is related to friendship, and at the same time it bothers you, but the specific matters vary from person to person. And the friend could be male or female.

Maybe you have a friend, male or female, who betrayed you, or did something that didn't care about your feelings at all, causing you to need to reconsider the friendship. It could also be that a friend who, when he needs to do something, doesn't act to hurt you. When you have a friend who can help you but doesn't, it feels very bad. So, give time and attention to those friends who can help you through difficulties together. Of course, the relevant situation does not necessarily happen, because the new moon can represent all aspects of the situation, and this is only one of the possibilities.

Because Saturn and the Sun crescent coincide at the same time, it may feel a little bit tougher at work. Maybe you will be able to complete a lot of work in a short period of time and at the same time need your time to pay attention to the family. So you have a lot of things to do, but in terms of the whole tone, this new moon is happier than the subsequent new moon, so keep smiling.

Now let's rewind. Saturn is now in the constellation of Aquarius, and in general Saturn and the Sun form a special angle of convergence every year, usually on this day no one will like it. This year, the conjunction of Saturn and the Sun will occur on February 4, and he is very close to the New Moon time on February 1, so that he can avoid the influence of the bad side of the Sun-Earth conjunction.

So what could be the possible impact? Maybe you feel stressed easily, feel a little tired, or be a little overly sensitive to any criticism. Also protect your body, because you may be a little exhausted during that time. Maybe you have lost your optimism for a while, because Saturn and the Sun are too close together. In the cold poles of the Northern Hemisphere, people are eagerly awaiting the arrival of spring, they are tired of the challenges from winter, extreme cold, short days, long nights, vast snow, must wear very thick coats, gloves scarf hats and snow boots, feel very bulky. That's how you'll feel around February 4. And what you know is that when the distance between the two stars starts to widen, you will feel better.

Scientists have found that every year on January 17th, people become a little depressed, and they call this day Winter Depression, or SAD for short, seasonal mood disorders. You can google the most depressed days of the year and find this report. I have reservations about this, because from my point of view, the day when the real sun and Saturn meet is a more accurate day of depression, after all, their union is like a battle between ice and fire. In my astrological books, it is often mentioned that when there is a combination of sun and earth, people are more likely to feel frustrated. This year, on this day, between February 1 and February 4, February 1 brings a new moon, and February 4 brings a combination of sun and earth.

The good news is that once this conjunction happens and ends, everything goes on pretty fast. The advice I can give is not to make any important fateful decisions during the first 4 days of February. Because you don't see a full truth, you only know half of it. That part of your innocence will come back, and then you will not be sensitive enough to discover that some words or a look that you could have seen will return to that innocent self.

Saturn and the Sun are both in Aquarius at the same time, and have a good relationship with Aries. And the birthday is on April 1 and 5 days before and after the Aries, you will have a greater harvest, the same for the life of the astrolabe has the moon or the ascending sign in the Aries 12 degrees or 5 degrees before and after the reader, this new moon will also be a good help to everyone.

In addition, the new moon on February 1 may also bring the opportunity that Aries will get a new look from a club, a charitable organization, an active community, a professional organization to take on a leadership role. This new position will be very important for you, and it will require you to make a solemn commitment and require you to be very efficient. In the future, you will be greatly appreciated for your efforts, and the goals you can achieve are as vast as the universe.

Let's take another look at February 8th, and Tuesday will also be a very good day, when Mars will have a three-point phase with Uranus, which represents the surprise, which is a very harmonious phase, implying that you will unexpectedly win a battle at work, thus increasing your good reputation. Because Mars is currently representing your workplace of honor and glory, and Uranus is representing the second duke of income, you will get more money out of your actions. That is to say, the prestige you gain because of your good performance on that day will be likely to raise your salary, get bonuses or gifts, or have a senior executive to give you a future promotion commitment.

On February 16 of this month, there will be a full moon at 28 degrees in leo, which is located in the fifth house representing love. This day can be said to be quite romantic, but also the most exciting moment of the month, usually the full moon will bring about 2 to 5 days before and after the impact, which is why the time of this month will be happier and happier than other months. Aries may receive a confession of love, and it may also be that they will buy some luxury goods that night. (Know that a full moon may bring happiness in three ways, and love is only one of them, continue to see my subsequent horoscope)

I love it very much, that jupiter, which represents gifts and luck, shines a harmonious light to Uranus, which means that unexpected surprises will arrive. It's as if you just poked Pinata and a lot of good gifts fell out of it. This good phase occurs on February 17, and children on December 16 are during the full moon, so the impact is doubled. You will feel the special sweetness of those two days, friends and family are around you, intimate partners make you feel incredibly warm, and there is love to lead you forward.

On February 17, because of the hexagonal phase formed between Uranus and Jupiter, this is very rare throughout 2022, and once again this phase will occur on July 21, 2026 (when Jupiter and Uranus are in conjunction in 2026, the constellations are Pisces and Taurus respectively, and this year they are in Leo and Gemini, so the influence is completely different. There is no doubt that in the days leading up to and after the full moon, there will be something special that will surprise you, at least one. This phase also represents both hope and optimism, and we may not see an impact in the near future, but then you will understand that you need it so much.

Valentine's Day on February 14 falls on Monday, but because of the influence of Jupiter and Uranus forming a hexagon phase on February 17, you have begun to feel a good luck from the weekend of February 12 to 13. Jupiter and Uranus are both slower to move, which is why they have more influence than fast-moving planets.

For Aries who are already in love or married, you will find this Valentine's Day particularly attractive. And if you are a single Aries, I hope you can go out with your friends that night, staying at home will not have any surprises, you will never know where you will meet your partner. My sister and her husband met at some party during the full moon, and good luck can only come when you wish.

The full moon may also bring two other results, in addition to seeing a small peak in the emotional life, because the moon is the dominant star of the four houses representing the family in the Aries natal chart, you may have home activities, and it is not excluded that there will be a sister visit. Remember to clean your guest rooms, you have a lot to do!

It may also be that you will consider whether you want a baby during this period, and you may be longing for a baby. If you are a pregnant Aries, you may have your baby born during the full moon on February 16. Set aside about four days for myself, and I feel that the closest day will be February 16 or 17. And if you're an Aries who already has a child, there may be a child who will bring you some news that you'll be proud of. It's not a small growth, but a son or daughter who brings you a message that makes you very happy.

I have met many people who will gradually become more and more distant with their children as they grow up, but they also hope to return to the original intimate time, and these stories are heartbreaking to listen to. So the advice I want to make is, Aries, if you have what you called this situation earlier, then try to make some effort in this full moon of February 16th, I can't guarantee that the situation will get better, but at least you have a chance to make everything softer, the first step is to get closer to each other, which is a very worthwhile attempt.

And the last way this full moon affects you is the fifth house where he is in charge of love, and the children are also involved in some creative projects. On February 16 and the 4 days before and after that, you may finish a very good creative project, and can't wait to tell you that you have done everything, because this full moon takes place in the fifth house, usually representing entertainment or art, and you may intersperse a piece of music, a painting or a new photo to show the image or do a series of illustrations in the final details of the project.

Depending on your profession, you may also have ideas about costumes for an upcoming film or theater production. And if you're a fashion designer, what's the final theme for the Winter 2023 show during the full moon? There may be many different examples, but overall, this full moon will excite Aries and help improve themselves, and those around you will treat you with more admiration and rainbow farts.

Birthdays fall on Aries between April 18 and 19, and your feelings about this full moon are the strongest, and earlier, Aries born from April 14 to 15 will feel it, but it will be slightly lighter.

Now let's go back to Mars, the dominant planet in Aries, and see how he gets direct attention. Mars is currently located in the tenth house representing professional reputation, and Aries is eager to establish a good career reputation for itself. Mars usually enjoys being with Venus, but it's usually a little farther away because they orbit differently from each other. But this month both Venus and Mars will come to the top of the Aries chart at the same time to represent the tenth house of the cause. This means that management or customers will prefer you, and you will also be very open among senior colleagues and subordinates.

The whole month Mars will be in Aries time, so you will feel that you can easily get the attention of the top, and then get their approval, then continue to add a force, this trend will last for two years, because with the help of Mars, it stays in the tenth house, so that you can easily get appreciation, and have a certain popularity in the industry, you have to know that Mars is not always in a place that can help you, and once on March 6 Mars will leave the tenth house, seize the time.

Remember to circle the day of February 23, which is very easy to produce creative results. Because Mars will have a good phase with Uranus, Uranus usually represents art, so it will trigger the birth of your artistic inspiration. Mars will be in Capricorn, and Uranus will stay in the 12th house of the Aries subconscious, which is where the dream begins, and the location of Mars implies that you will express power from a higher-level perspective, and your creativity has a very solid foundation. But it's important to note that Aries needs someone to think independently and work in order for magic to appear. Spend a little more time on your own whimsy on February 23, and there will be very worthwhile results.

In summary, you will find that February is a very lovely month, Mars will be particularly good for you, so dear Aries, keep happy!


February will be a very exciting month for the Aries career. At the beginning of the month, Mars climbed to the top of the Aries chart, along with Venus, and came to the tenth house representing honorary achievements and rewards. As long as you have the opportunity to eat very well at the top, they have realized the good qualities you have shown, you will receive appreciation, and all the clues show that the future of the career is promising.

Saturn will form a phase with the sun on February 4, when you will feel a little stressed, easily tired, unable to see full progress, and a little bit of depression. But everything will pass, saturn and sun meeting is not a very easy phase, especially when you are not very happy when you are criticized, then use everything at hand to make yourself better, do not let anyone define or criticize you. We usually think that it is because of the extreme winter climate in the northern hemisphere that people feel this way, and Saturn is not a star that can help. But you know, when this phase occurs, 1 to 2 days after that will be much easier than the original.

Jupiter and Mars will have a six-in-one phase on February 4, giving you the opportunity to break through in your career. By attending confidential meetings, you may have a chance to get a promotion or get a good career opportunity from a competitor's company. Mars has not been to Aries's career palace for two years. And now he happens to be there, and for Aries to spend enough time at work before March 6.

The new moon happens in Aquarius on February 1st, and he will start a good wave of trends, no matter what aspect of life, it gives you the opportunity to realize your dreams, continue to work hard, and thus gain something. The expressiveness of the phase formation between Saturn and the crescent moon is also very prominent, suggesting that the Aries may form an important commitment with a certain person or a certain thing. And this commitment will be very serious and serious.

Saturn is in charge of Aries' cause, and may be waiting for you in the future development path of Aries, and may have a higher rise or decision-making role in a humanitarian organization or charity. Whether you accept a new job offer or stay where you are, you'll be paid better quickly. Since Uranus is also involved, there may be a little surprise that things will come.

Aries started this month and felt they needed to balance their lives better. And your friends will be more than happy to listen to you, and they will arrange some dinner around you, and everyone will get together to talk. Because there is a very perfect angle between Uranus and Venus, you will be very happy to see these friends and may receive small gifts.

It may be that each of your friends is going through a very difficult time, and you are very eager to help him, and it is also possible that a friend will disappoint you and even betray you, if this is the case, then pay attention to the real friends and spend your time and energy for them.

The full moon on February 16 will be very romantic and full of love. This is probably one of the most romantic and attractive full moons of the year, this full moon falls on Leo, representing luxury and beauty, so you may buy and buy in the store for a very attractive night, and Valentine's Day on February 14, just a little before the full moon, the influence of the full moon is usually within 2 to 5 days before and after the occurrence, including Valentine's Day.

In addition to this, in astrology, Venus and Mars usually represent a pair, and once the two of them are together, the atmosphere becomes extraordinarily romantic. And this time they just met the full moon, so it will take your love life to a new level, will bring more breakthrough experiences, this full moon with Venus and Mars, make this Valentine's Day a day of solid feelings, let it become deeper and more passionate.

Martial arts are also in charge of the child's affairs, so you and your partner may consider whether to have a child, and for Aries who is pregnant, it is likely that the child will be in the during this full moon. February 16 or February 17 and 18 are both highly likely times. And for Aries who already have children, you will spend a happier time with them, whether it is a son or a daughter, will bring some news that makes you proud.

Single Aries, remember to go out with friends around the full moon, Valentine's Day falls on Monday, but please remember that the full moon has a longer impact period, so unless you don't want to go social, you can arrange a spa for yourself, or buy a gift that you have wanted for a long time, or go out to the party, because this full moon happens in Leo, you will really love it.

There is also good news, from February 17th, a special day, there will be more money to come to the door, this month, really golden, you will at least get a beautiful and very expensive gift.

The month continues For love, the magical night will also appear on February 24, venus and Neptune work together to circle a beautiful dream. It's a Thursday, but this special time is rarely coming, and you can meet new people through friends, and if you're already in love with an Aries, find a special restaurant and a lover for dinner. You're already working very hard at work, and remember to spend more time this month enriching your personal life.


Your career ambitions are constantly rising, and it seems that you have made the decision to make yourself famous. The new moon at 12° Aquarius will help you step forward with a perception of reality, a down-to-earth attitude and a cautious heart. Now Saturn is the tenth house of your astrolabe, and this house represents remarkable career achievement. Saturn will ask you to raise your standards and learn the norms and norms carefully and carefully as you enter a new environment. If you are ready, then you are already able to meet most of the random events in your life, and this truth is true at every stage of our lives.

Saturn is long-term, and his appearance shows that you are fully armed and ready to take on great responsibilities in your work. You may be promoted to a very important position in your current company, or leave your current company to jump ship and accept invitations from competitors. It's also possible that you plan to start your own business. Saturn will stay in your Career House until 2023, Saturn will ask you to dedicate yourself to your career goals, and Saturn will run through this requirement when it is running in Career House. Saturn came to your career house on December 17, 2020, so this feeling is not new to you. At the end of 2020, after Saturn entered the tenth house, the desire to go to the next level began to become more urgent.

2021, which was last year, is different from now: last year, gifts and good luck givers Jupiter and Saturn were together, also in your tenth house. Jupiter came to the tenth house on December 19, 2020, but recently, on December 28, 2021, Jupiter left here completely and moved into Pisces, so Jupiter will not add extra luck to your career progress. That's okay — if you work hard under Saturn's guidance and ultimately achieve your life goals, these things may become the proudest accomplishments of your life. Saturn requires you to be humble as dust and pay attention to a great deal of detail.

This time the new moon in Aquarius will cast its beam on Uranus, which represents the accident. Uranus is in Taurus and is also the guardian star of the tenth house – as mentioned earlier, the tenth house represents outstanding career achievement. Luckily, Uranus will form a very ideal phase with Venus, which is your guardian star. Now Venus is in Capricorn and has ended retrograde (Venus ended retrograde on January 29, so now Venus is in retrograde). Mars is also in Capricorn, and Venus will travel with her cosmic sweetheart Mars. This phase is unusual and very lucky.

Venus and Mars travel together, and both stars will be very happy, and they will burst into sparks of love and joy. Moreover, Capricorn and Taurus also get along happily. Venus and Mars are in the ninth house of your astrolabe, and the presence of a cosmic lover means you'll gain an extra advantage. The Ninth House is in charge of travel, higher education, the media (broadcasting and publishing), and all efforts to obtain a higher education qualification. During the appearance of the New Moon on February 1, the Ninth House is very kind to you, so in February, one of the many things that the Ninth House is in charge of will be lit up for you. You should be able to see good results emerge.

During the New Moon, both Venus and Mars form phases with lucky Jupiter, so this phase suggests that someone in your friends or network will be of great help to many aspects of your life, including your career efforts. From now until the beginning of May, it will be wise to expand the circle of friends, the circle of communication, and the expansion of contacts. Socializing and networking will help you in all areas of your life, and you'll be able to help more than you might think.

If you regularly share your expertise on social media, starting this month and ending May 10, you're likely to attract a whole bunch of new followers.

Mars enters Aquarius from March 6 and leaves on April 14, and high-energy Mars will give your career a strong boost. As you can see, you're on your way to success, but you have to put in the effort and work hard (Saturn will only give you that method). If you're going to work with Saturn, then meet Saturn's requirements and the universe will help you and give you a boost. Before March 2023, you will enhance your reputation, and you will gain the admiration and admiration of others for your achievements.

The New Moon on February 1 is very close to the date when the Sun and Saturn formed. It was an encounter of ice and fire, so it wasn't a welcome time of year. The conjunction of the Sun and Saturn occurs once a year, and always on different dates. This year, the Sun and Saturn formed a conjunction on February 4, but it is very close to the new moon, so it will also have an important impact on the new moon.

The conjunction of the Sun and Saturn can frustrate you because you feel like your career is progressing slowly. You may feel like you haven't made much progress, or you may be dealing with a setback you've just experienced. Be sure to take care of your health problems in early February, as your health can also be relatively stressful. You'll also be more sensitive on this day, especially if you receive any criticism on February 4. If someone you admire does give you a less than ideal evaluation on this day, don't be overwhelmed by it, see it as it is— it's an evaluation designed to help you get better.

Pay attention to your own life situation, the combination of the sun and Saturn may change your life situation. The sun is in charge of your family and parents, you may have to move, you may have to live somewhere else temporarily, you may have to finish work at home, or move in with your parents to take care of each other. You may also decide to move in with your daughter and help her take care of her newborn baby. The possibilities are many, just give some examples to help you think. Keep up with my rhythm – there's more to the family and family behind.

As mentioned earlier, your guardian star, Venus, is in a good phase this month, which is a very fortunate thing for you. Mars and Venus will form a beautiful phase with lucky Jupiter, and Uranus will also form a phase with Venus, bringing unexpected surprises to all aspects of life. If on February 4 you feel a little depressed, then you know that the feeling will pass quickly and will disappear in one or two days after the 4th. At this time, you will not feel depressed in winter at all.

First of all, I want you to circle February 8th, on this day, Mars in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus, and Uranus will throw silver and electric blue beams of light into your ninth house. The Ninth House represents travel, media, legal matters or higher education. You may get a wonderful surprise in one of these areas.

Now, let's talk about Valentine's Day. February 14 is a Monday and a sparkling day throughout the year. On February 14, Venus and Mars will hug each other in Capricorn (the two stars are half a degree apart), and on February 16, Venus and Mars will form a precise conjunction. Oh my God, that's great for you, too! Some Taurus get engaged or married on Valentine's Day — or the weekend before Valentine's Day, February 12 to February 13. The lucky moon will be in Leo, so at the very least, you'll enjoy a glowing night in a lavish restaurant. Or, a lover or lover might give you a very heart-warming gift.

If you don't have a lover or lover in your life at the moment, and you haven't met someone you admire, then you have to go out with your friends. When you go out and enjoy life together, good, happy things will appear randomly. Don't hesitate on Valentine's Day – you have so much to look forward to!

Now, I'm going to say back to your family and your family. On February 16, the full moon occurs at 28° Leo, corresponding to the fourth house of your astrolabe representing home, family, and family. This full moon will immediately draw your attention to related matters. You may have to make decisions about your home, or a relative may need your help. The full moon brings the climax of the event, so on this day you may find that the decoration, renovation and other things are over. Or, a full moon can bring news of pregnancy — it could be your sister, adult daughter, cousin, or other relative. This full moon may also allow you to focus on your parents or other elderly relatives.

I really like this full moon because the full moon appears at the same time as the auspicious planet Jupiter and the surprising Uranus form a very critical phase, which will only happen once this year, and then, until July 21, 2026, will not appear again. This is one of the most prominent astrological signs of 2022, and this day is also very dazzling. Because this phase will give you a lucky breakthrough and also bring you hope, happiness and optimism. Uranus is the guardian star of your career house, Jupiter is the guardian star of the eighth house, and the eighth house represents commissions, royalties and bonuses. You may suddenly sign an order from your own customer, or, if you are an independent operator, then it is profitable to recommend a side job to a friend or someone you met by chance.

Friends will be the source of happiness in your life, they care about your life situation, if you need advice, need a friend to recommend an introduction or need a friend to help you do something else, friends will support you and help you. Jupiter's position suggests that friends may bring joy to your recent life. However, friends aren't the only good part – love can be special too.

During the New Moon on March 2nd, your friends and social circles will become even more important. At the same time, there will be a lot to celebrate this month. So, enjoy.

After entering February, you will have two thoughts. On the one hand, you are passionate and eager to prove the success of your career and prove that you are a leader in your field; on the other hand, you also want to withdraw from your daily routine and want to take a break. In order to give yourself a rest, you can change the environment and go to beautiful places so that you can fulfill your wishes. Your guardian planet, Venus, is walking hand in hand with Mars in the ninth house, which represents travel, so a trip will make life interesting – however, the New Moon on February 1 offers great opportunities to explore potential possibilities to grow your career – and they may be the best opportunities of the year.

The full moon on February 16 will quickly get you focused on residential and family matters. Some exciting things will culminate – the person renovating the home may install a brand new kitchen, the interior designer may create a new home for you, or the landscape design may complete his design. Your roommate may move away, and if so, you'll find the right new roommate in the middle of the months. You can also find someone to fix items that need attention near your house, or hire a painter to paint the room.

Or, you might receive a message from a sibling or other family member that would bring family members together. If a few weeks ago, the parents needed your help, now you can get the final solution. For example, find a new doctor, or a new living caregiver, or just in case, you can also live with your parents to help take care of them.

Although it's best to be able to stay home this month so you can take advantage of some dazzling career opportunities to do something. However, you can also temporarily escape from work on weekends, which is your own choice. From February 12 to February 14 (if you can get an extra day off, count Monday, February 14), consider going out for a Valentine's Day holiday.

On Valentine's Day, Venus and Mars are close to converging, and they will form a precise conjunction on February 16. February 16 is also the full moon in Leo. This astrological sign brings a series of wonderful coincidences. Venus is the lover of Mars, and when they are together they ignite a spark of love – it's their duty, and they do it well. This year, they formed a conjunction in Capricorn, capricorn and Taurus are both earth signs, Venus and Mars forming a conjunction in Capricorn will bring you extra good luck, and, in the two days after Valentine's Day, will bring more good luck. A full moon like February 16 will always keep you warm. Leo will bring you a yearning for love and luxury, so you may receive a delicate and elegant gift.

Look at the days around the full moon on February 16, all of which have an impact on the two days before the full moon and the four days after the full moon.

The full moon of February 16 will light up your family palace, so although I see you wishing to travel, this month, travel may not be practical. Your lover or the two of you will celebrate your relationship by making a sumptuous dinner together. The best place for you to enjoy Valentine's Day is at home, where Venus and Mars will meet and light a fire of love for you.

February 17, the day after the full moon, is also a day to score full marks. Jupiter will form a harmonious phase with Uranus, which represents surprises, and this phase may give you career opportunities and let you take on big responsibilities. If you accept the challenge, you know, you will naturally form a force within the industry that cannot be ignored. Uranus is in charge of your career palace, so in February you may be able to boost your prestige by writing, speaking to a group, or posting content on social media. A friend or someone who is may trigger this opportunity.

A full moon brings together everything you've done in the previous weeks and months, so you might receive a new home or accept your own. Something special is about to climax, and all the news is colorful. This Valentine's Day and the full moon two days later will intertwine love, romance, and friendship, weaving the sparkling memories of birth with precious silk threads. The full moon may bring surprises, and there may be visits from close friends, which will make mid-February more interesting.


You'll be busy this month and things will feel a lot better compared to January. Once your guardian planet Mercury travels along February 3rd, you'll be relieved. Mercury has been retrograde since Jan. 14, during which time you may have been plagued by procrastination. It's possible that you've been in a state of confusion, waiting for approval from your leaders, who are either being indecisive or not calling you back.

It's best that you stay on top of important investment projects, and you now have a better environment to do so. In addition to this, Venus, the planet that governs your finances and profits (the eighth house) and your love life (the fifth house), has been retrograde since December 19 and eventually turned prograde on January 29. These are just a few of the many reasons why February will make a lot of progress over January.

This month begins with a new moon at 12 degrees Aquarius on February 1. It will illuminate and activate your ninth house of intelligence, which governs writing, speaking, and editing—all areas that everyone knows gemini is very good at. This house is in charge of the media, so you might discuss a new, important task and let you show off all your abilities. Or, you may be the protagonist of an important story that brings you valuable publicity.

Saturn will merge with the Sun, and this aspect will put you in a very serious state. This phase forms part of the New Moon on February 1, when Saturn and the Sun are already very close to each other. The actual phase peaked on February 4. Some people find this phase to make them more sensitive to criticism from others. If an authority figure (the sun) finds a mistake in what you do or the decision you make (Saturn), don't let it shatter your confidence and just look at what it meant to be — a small piece of feedback that makes you perform better.

This phase takes place in the house where you're in charge of publishing and broadcasting, so if the editor asks you to revise a character in the manuscript, or if the producer thinks you can express an idea in a different way, take that information. If you disagree, discuss your point of view to clarify the situation, and then, listen to the editor or producer. You're a house of change signs, which means you're naturally flexible, and this advantage may come in handy during the new moon.

There are other possible explanations for the New Moon in Aquarius on February 1. You may start an international relationship at work because you may want to import or export goods, services, or ideas. You can do this without leaving home, or if you feel it's safe to do so, you can go overseas and meet your colleagues face-to-face.

If you're ready to go to college or graduate school, you might be watching applications from various institutions, or waiting for that precious letter of acceptance to see if you're accepted.

The new month of February 1 may open up a legal matter, such as signing a contract or applying for a trademark or patent. It doesn't need to be a dispute unless you have a dispute in mind that needs to go to court. Or you may be preparing for a long trip, and if the epidemic subsides, then the trip will be possible, and you may go abroad. We all miss traveling, so we'll see how it goes this month.

Moving to the other part of your astrolabe, your eighth house is filled with several planets, so your mind will also be on finances – paying others, accepting payments, and possibly adjusting your portfolio to improve your investments. The orbits of Venus and Mars are very close, so the negotiations you have will definitely go fairly well. Mars may be a mess, but his lover Venus will give you a soothing ointment to charm. Venus is not only about love, but also about profit, so Venus in your financial palace is a good sign of attracting money.

The eighth house in your astrolabe, the one that shines for you, also holds any financial obligations you need to pay, so it looks like you might be busy taking care of those obligations by sending telegrams and checks, or it could get you caught up in them. Among these responsibilities, including preparing your tax return, you may be anxious to collect your receipts and retirement expenses for review by your accountant. Mars recently entered this house near the end of January, so you may find it to be a very expensive period until Mars leaves on March 6, and if you are self-employed, the high-spending part may be taxes.

On February 8, Mars will send a signal to Uranus tauris in Capricorn, please draw a circle at that time. It could be a really good day for you to get more news about the money or get a bargain worth a lot. It may come to you in a form other than your salary, such as through insurance claims, bonuses, winnings, tax refunds or inheritances, or you may receive commissions or royalties outside of your salary. It doesn't matter where the money comes from – the money you receive or the news about finances will be a very welcome surprise.

If you're doing your research, you'll find that February 11 is a wonderful day where you can dig deep and get clues to the obscure information you're hoping to find. Mercury will coincide with Pluto on this day, perfect for digging deeper into any theme of your choice. Pluto is in Capricorn, so forensic or financial studies are particularly advantageous, as well as any study of ancestral or valuable heritage jewelry and antiques.

Let's take a look at your outlook for Valentine's Day, which falls on Monday, February 14, and the new moon in the evening will fall on Leo, a constellation that represents luxury and royalty. You'll be in the mood to enjoy some elegant pampering, and you deserve it all. Leo is a fire sign that blends well with your wind element. On this day, Venus and Mars will meet precisely in your house representing physical love and affection, so you will have a very powerful charm.

Venus and Mars rarely work together because they have very different orbits, but when they meet, they spark a magnificent spark of love. In addition, Jupiter will send golden signals to Venus and Mars, forming a hexagram phase, which means that there will be opportunities. There's another reason I love Valentine's Day – it's the perfect night for you who are married or have an existing partner. Valentine's Day 2022 is really good, just two days before the full moon of Leo on February 16, strengthening the emotional band.

This full moon takes place in your other representative travel house, your third house, so you may spend a long weekend with your loved one in a place with a charming bed and breakfast, or in a luxury hotel. You don't need to be 200 miles away from home, and you'll most likely find the perfect place closer.

The range of a full moon is two days before the full moon and four days after it appears, so you may feel the cute effects of this full moon at this time.

There are also a few things that may come up – you may get a contract to sign. If you can get a contract, give it to your lawyer, and then sign it if everything is in place. The interaction between Mars and Venus will mix with Leo's full moon action, and all of this will mix together. There is another phase at this time, which is related to the news of your career, which will put you in a cheerful and festive mood.

On February 17, Jupiter and Uranus will be synchronized, a very rare phase that will appear after this year and then not reappear until July 21, 2026. This is a very major feature phase for 2022, as its impact will continue to reverberate in the coming weeks and months. It looks like you're about to make a substantial breakthrough in your career, and when it happens, it's going to be very surprising. It's a phase of hope, happiness and optimism that's sure to lift your spirits.

On March 2, when the new moon appears in Pisces, your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievements, any excitement in your career will become unusually full, and an exciting opportunity will appear.

You're in a very positive and productive month, and probably a fairly romantic one. Dear Gemini, you already have the whole program.

It will be a glorious month full of good news. Your finances will see strong growth, and a lot of money will pour in at the most unexpected times for you. Mars is speeding through your financial house (the eighth house), and Mars appears in this house of your star chart, either forcing you to increase your expenses or giving you the desire to spend. This often means spending more than revenue, but not this month. In February and March, Venus will travel with Mars in this financial house, and together they will turn you into a magnet for money.

Last month, your guardian planet Mercury was retrograde, which slowed things down. Dates and plans are canceled, and you find it almost impossible to get a definitive answer from someone else, so no matter how close you get to the final negotiation, everything you do can't be straightforward and refreshing, instead, it brings a lot of twists and turns.

In addition, you may be experiencing difficulties on your computer or a malfunction of your machine that needs to be repaired.

You may be negotiating a lucrative deal this month, and on February 8 Uranus and Mars form a perfect phase, and your chances of making big money may suddenly appear, most likely through commissions or royalties. Jupiter is at the peak of your famous tenth house career, so you can't do anything wrong these days.

Note that on February 17, your career will have a sudden, unexpected breakthrough, when the unexpected Uranus will send a sweet letter to Jupiter, and you will receive praise and a rather lucrative offer.

February 24 is another miracle day for your financial and career advancement, when Venus in your finance house will receive a dazzling beam of Neptune from your career house, stimulating your creativity and imagination. It will be your month and you are so sparkling. If you want to negotiate, have the courage to ask for yours.

Meanwhile, the new moon of a harmonious february in Aquarius on February 1 may bring exciting travel, so in the coming days or weeks, you may be happy to head to the airport. You seem to have a goal in mind, and once you reach your destination, you start working on it, and it's a commitment that you have to take seriously. If you are unable to travel because of certain responsibilities previously arranged, you may interact frequently with a foreign GUEST, and you may work together on a project by phone and email.

If you work in publishing or media, it's the perfect month to talk to your agent about publishing your book, or send an inquiry letter and write an important cover story. Any aspect of communication, including speaking, marketing, public relations, sales, social media, computer technology, and coding, will blow your mind – these are often your lucky signs. Some Geminis may be considering the idea of going to graduate school, and if you're one of them, this new month will motivate you to line up for interviews and submit your application to each university of your choice.

Things will end on the full moon of February 16, no matter what communication project you're doing, like launching a new app, publishing your book, or signing a contract, or coming back from a trip. At this point, you will most likely travel to a nearby place. You may be in the mood to see a relative, such as your siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles or grandparents.

Valentine's Day will see the moon transiting in Leo, bringing a warm and affectionate feeling on February 14 as the moon moves towards a full moon on February 16. Venus and Mars, the lovers of the universe, are usually far apart, and they long to be together. Happily, the two planets are now embracing each other, sending you a spark of love and affection. Last month, Venus was retrograde, but on January 29 it will turn anterograde, giving Venus time to boost her energy for Valentine's Day. There are more things to cheer for.

Amazingly, Venus and Mars will meet in Capricorn on Valentine's Day on February 14, showcasing love with excitement and warmth, while also increasing your chances of receiving a beautiful and heartfelt gift. Capricorn is in charge of heirlooms and heritage jewelry, so it could be a piece of jewel with family significance. It will be a special evening and worth remembering.


There's no doubt that February will be brilliant for Cancer, but you might be skeptical of that statement in the first week. If there is no doubt, there is no need to rush to conclusions. This month is certainly much better than January, and with the following sparkling factors, Cancer will remain motivated and optimistic. Last year, in 2021, we had almost no sweet, shining moments, and yes, almost none! So under the dark clouds of gray, life seems to bring one challenge after another. This year is different and you'll soon see that it's true!

February will give Cancer a more thorough understanding of 2022 than January. One of the most important astrological signs of 2022 will take place on February 17th, and listen to me nagging you! Early February can be stressful, but by the end of the month, there will be more good news in the same area. This is unusual. I've never seen a month like February. Come on, follow me through the month's horoscopes from beginning to end, and I'll outline the important astrological signs in chronological order. Cancers mark them with stars on all the special days I've pointed out! That starts at the beginning of the month!

One more thing: Venus is retrograde from December 19, 2021 to January 29, 2022, and Cancer is slow to progress in family affairs, as well as social activities involving dating. To make matters worse, Mercury has also joined the retrograde bandwagon, but fortunately, on February 3, Mercury will return to retrograde. Later, you can sign the contract with confidence, there will be no more delays, and the communication will become smoother and smoother. However, it is recommended that everyone slow down for a few days after the end of the water retrograde.

Venus and Mercury are retrograde because their trajectories are too close to Earth (mars is the same, but its orbital image is not much affected). Now, both Venus and Mercury are busy regaining momentum, just like we did in the morning when we just got up. It will take some time to return to the previous state. As Venus and Mercury accelerate their anterograde, February will become sweeter and more productive.

The new moon on February 1, at 12° Aquarius, lights up the eighth house of Cancer, your outer financial house, which governs commissions, performance, insurance claims, legal damages, inheritance and bonuses. The house also includes taxes, rebates, government projects (such as stimulus packages, food stamps, and other activities to promote economic development), bank loans, mortgages, and venture capital. What worries me is that Saturn is closely aligned with this new moon.

Saturn usually simplifies the areas affected, so Cancer may be disappointed with the progress of a financial project. Commissions are also less than you would expect. In addition, the company may improve your performance indicators (and higher than other colleagues), which makes you feel very unfair.

For example, Cancer may have applied for a loan, and the bank approved it, but did not provide a minimum interest because it was your first mortgage as a self-employed business (yes, this is a fact that cannot be changed, as the bank clearly stipulates).

If you have been providing writing services to a variety of clients before, there may be some clients who will reduce their budgets in this regard, and you will have nothing to do but terminate your cooperation with them. Another possibility is that your home insurance company may write to you to inform you that the amount of compensation they are giving is much less than the cost of the claim you deserve, which makes you feel very unfair. If you're a college student who has to take the school's bursary every year to pay for your tuition, this year's bursary may be much less than last year's. The above situation is not a Cancer problem, it is caused by external factors.

If you're in a similar situation and get less money than expected, I suggest cancer can write the above application as well, don't stop it. If you want to work hard for a bright future for your children, then everything depends on your ability to get the funds you need. When you're striving for a goal, never underestimate the power of passion.

The new moon on February 1 is not in good phase with Uranus, so when it comes to finances, it may bring a lot of shocks. Cancer's dominant star is the Moon, and this effect will only be stronger for you. With Uranus in the eleventh house of Cancer and the sun and moon in your eighth house, you may have to put off a certain shopping plan. I don't want Cancer to be like this, so I've been urging you to file an appeal. You may have to consult a few more banks in order to get a satisfactory loan amount. However, if you're self-employed, banks will raise interest rates (making you pay more interest). Banks will improve their credit records through reliable mortgages, for example, but it will take years.

While this new moon has 2 poor phases, there are also 2 very positive phases (see here, rejoice, Cancer!). The next thing is the good news! )

First of all, Jupiter, the god of good luck, is in good shape with Mars. Jupiter is in the ninth house of Cancer, Mars is in your seventh house, and you will gain the loyal support of some expat, both in relationships and careers.

Mars is the tenth house of Cancer , the dominant star of prestige and achievement , and even if you're not satisfied with the current salary increase or commission ratio, you'll prove you're the Star of the Year, even if you haven't done it yet! They don't want to lose you! What does the future hold? Let's walk for the next few months and see! It's just the beginning, and from May onwards, Cancer will ride the waves and usher in wave after wave of victory!

In early February, Venus and Uranus are in a trichotomy (auspicious phase), and Venus is protecting your family palace and bringing you good news that will surprise you. If Cancer is selling real estate, it will sell at a higher price than the market. If you plan to buy a home, you may be in a hurry to sell it and settle for a more favorable price. There are many similar situations. For example, if you want to buy a home, whether you browse online or go to the offline showroom, you can get a surprise discount.

In february, when the financial situation is highly concentrated, the 16th occurs in the full moon of Leo 28°, and Cancer will pay off the bills, get the money won, reach a major cooperation, or achieve a major merger. Cancer is also confident that it will be able to complete its own tax returns or provide your accountant with receipts and financial details, such as a profit and loss statement. It's a good idea to try to get it done, this year has been such a busy and successful career harvest year for Cancer, you don't want to waste too much time on tax filings.

If you can't complete the tax filing task yourself, you can develop a revenue plan that meets the policy with the help of the relevant departments, don't ignore this step, if you don't submit an application, the finance department may charge a high fee. If you voluntarily submit an application, the amount of tax reimbursement will be lower, even if it cannot be paid in full before it expires. Pluto is in charge of government and taxation, and its energy cannot be ignored! Also, if you need a tax refund, be sure to check it out in advance!

Once again, Cancer will be helped by a friend abroad (most likely the same person mentioned earlier). Meanwhile, Jupiter and Uranus are perfectly integrated with this full moon. Legal matters, everything related to the university/school, the media, import and export trade will benefit. Jupiter and Uranus are on February 17, which is a major astrological sign for 2022, and the next time the Wood-Sky conjunction will not appear again until July 21, 2026 (but the 2026 Jupiter-Celestial Conjunction is located in a different constellation, which is incompatible with the influence of this year' time).

Let's talk about Valentine's Day, for Cancer who has been dating for a while, this day will be a must be sweet and happy. This is said because there are 4 friendly planets located in the seventh house of Cancer – the house of marriage and long-term relationships. New love is within the realm of the fifth house, but the love committed to each other is the domain of the seventh house. Cancer, who has already established a long-term emotional relationship, has an emotional advantage this month.

I know that Cancer has been bumpy in recent years, facing a series of challenges, and the seventh house has been affected by slow-moving planets, but this year, the situation has finally improved. I'm not sure if your feelings will heat up quickly, or if you'll be able to get into a new relationship, and there's no hint in the Seventh House to give me that. All I can say is that Cancer feels better and better when it gets with someone she truly loves.

Throughout February, Cancer's seventh house, which represents serious relationships, spouses, and long-term relationships, is under the care of 3 planets, Pluto, the Almighty King, but this month its main mission is to provide Cancer with a passionate and different experience. Isn't there a love song about the love revolution? This month, with the companion Cancer, you will truly appreciate.

There is also Venus, the god of love, and Mars in the marriage palace. Venus and Mars are a pair of tacitly compatible stars when they meet, but the two are not always synchronized, they meet every 2 years, the next time is February 22, 2024.

This year, the two Eros will rarely meet twice: the first is the full moon of Leo on February 16, this time very close to Valentine's Day on February 14, and the two almost coincide (only half a degree difference); the second time is March 6.

Back in February, if Cancer feels that their marriage/relationships become dull and boring, Venus and Mars will add fuel to you, and they will even let Cupid take a fleet of little angels to sprinkle roses on you to spice you up. If you are emotionally stable and you love each other very much, but don't know what he/she thinks, Valentine's Day may get a positive answer. Cancer may find that the other person cares more about him than he thinks. On Valentine's Day, Cancer will feel the rich emotions of the full moon on February 16 and receive a very valuable gift from the other party. Cancer may receive precious jewelry or beautiful clocks, both men and women.

On February 23/24, Neptune brings a higher passion than Eros Venus, it will light up unconditional love, and Cancer will love the atmosphere at the end of February. On the 23rd, Mars in Capricorn cooperated with Neptune in Pisces; on the 24th, Venus also cooperated with Neptune. Both phases allow Cancer to rest for a while. Dear Cancer, the stars of the night sky are shining for you!


February is one of the most romantic phases of the year for Cancer. The mission of the universe CP Venus and Mars is to ignite the love of the two, and this month they are both in the seventh house of Cancer. The conjunction of Venus and Mars is very rare and often cannot be completely combined because their trajectories are not the same and they are too far apart. This month, however, because Venus is retrograde (which has now returned to anterograde), Mars and Venus will be perfectly matched in the seventh house of Cancer representing marriage and long-term relationships (such as those that have already established a long-term relationship).

The cosmic CP pair also binds to Mercury and Pluto in the seventh house of Cancer. Married Cancer will return to the sweet period with her lover again; Cancer, who is in serious love, will commit to each other this month and further deepen your relationship. If you're ready to give each other a permanent commitment, you'll even have (or propose) a marriage proposal on the day of the golden fire to celebrate finding true love.

On February 8th, the surprise god Uranus meets Mars in your seventh house, and Cancer will feel the atmosphere of Valentine's Day in advance, and get engaged on Valentine's Day on the 8th or later.

This month is a little friendlier to a partner Cancer, but there's also good news for single Cancers, and in both February and early March, you have the opportunity to meet someone special, the type of person you'd like to bring to meet your parents (not that it has to be, but rather that the person you're dating during this time may be your potential marriage partner).

It is also possible that a single Cancer, with the perfect combination of Venus and Mars, may reach a lucrative business cooperation based on mutual respect. Your partners (agents, commentators, accountants, lawyers, etc.) are friendly and have a strong willingness to work together, and you can complement each other's areas of expertise. Together, then join forces. Venus is also related to money, and this cooperation is quite profitable for Cancer.

This month's focus is on money. The new moon on February 1 will bring blessings, and already more opportunities, Cancer will close deals with generous fees and commissions. If you don't get the salary increases, commissions, insurance benefits, legal claims, or other foreign money you deserve, don't be disappointed. Cancer will get super surprise income in the coming months and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.

On February 16, the full moon of Leo, Cancer will complete an important business negotiation. The effects of a full moon last until 5 days after the occurrence. On February 17th, the lucky messenger Jupiter echoes Uranus, and Cancer's efforts will be generously rewarded and you will receive a satisfactory income.

If a contract needs to be signed, try to arrange that after the full moon on February 16, Venus and Mercury will return to full speed ahead. Cancers are especially lucky when dealing with foreign friends, and even get rewards from their superiors. Jupiter and Uranus meet on Feb. 17, and Cancer may travel, and this month or later this year, there will be places where passports are required. Get ready, Cancer!


At the beginning of the month, you will be very busy and engrossed in the task at hand. You may have a big project to do, or are planning an activity to stay productive. Mars, Venus, Pluto and Mercury are in Capricorn, your sixth house of work. At the beginning of the month, Uranus will emit a beam of light at Venus, and it looks as if you'll enjoy the work at hand — and you're happy. The position of Venus also indicates that the work you do in the upper echelons is well recognized.

Venus is associated with love, happiness, art and all that is good. If you work in art, music, photography, film, theatre or dance, or you are an actor, poet or scriptwriter, fashion or costume designer, you will receive a lot of customer demand. The appearance of Venus indicates that you will make a lot of money.

Mars will remain in this area of your astrolabe until March 6th, and the fiery state will continue, and you will need to continue to move forward quickly. Breathing in after March 6, the four planets in Capricorn suggest that you may be budgeting, dealing with taxes, or including budgeting as part of your job for personal reasons.

The New Moon on February 1 occurs at 12 degrees Aquarius, and in the weeks and months that follow, it draws your attention to a career or love partner (your spouse or stable, mature partner). Saturn will join hands with the Sun and the New Moon, and your guardian star is the Sun, so it may feel unusually serious. If you're an actor, you're probably preparing for a starring role that will generate you a decent amount of income. You may be aware of the heavy burden of responsibility on your shoulders, and when you start paying attention to your partner, you realize that there is a lot at stake.

The new moon has a fresh start, so you may meet new collaborators, such as new lawyers, financial advisors or agents. Saturn will bring a serious tone to the discussion. Maybe your investor, business partner, or agent makes you feel too cautious or too critical.

Remember, on February 4, the day of the earth-earth conjunction, you will be very sensitive to anyone's criticism. It will be a meeting of fire and ice, and no one likes this phase. If someone criticizes you, don't let it overwhelm you. In a day or two, you'll feel better. Accept feedback to make your project better.

The new moon on February 1 also has an optimistic phase (with implications for the coming weeks and months). Mars, which represents mobility, will form an ideal phase with Jupiter, which represents good luck and gifts, and there will be a lot of money flowing to you. It looks like the money comes from the project you're working on. Mars is located in your sixth house of work, and Jupiter is located in the eighth house of other people's resource houses, and it seems that you will earn very substantial commissions and commissions. This month could be outstanding for your finances. This phase will be part of the new moon, but it will also reach its peak of influence on February 4, the day Saturn meets the Sun. If you invest in stocks, bonds, real estate, education, etc., you may get a huge return in March.

February 8 is also a star-studded day when Mars in Capricorn (your house of work) will touch Uranus in your tenth house, Taurus. Around this day, you might do something to make your resume sparkle and make you famous in the industry.

Sociologists say most people in the Northern Hemisphere will have winter depression on Jan. 17. It's not that day—this year is February 4, the day Saturn meets the Sun. (If you go to Google SAD – Seasonal Affective Disorder , ask what time of year the saddest day of the year is, and the answer will come up on January 17.) If only people knew astrology! However, the combination of day and earth can also be a great day. The day I started the site was a combination of day and earth – a precise fit. Saturn gives you the perseverance to achieve your goals, as well as the determination to succeed.

Regarding marriage, Saturn is testing attitude in this position, and the universe is asking you, is this partner right for you now? It will ask, how important is this person to you? Although Saturn stays in a constellation for two and a half years, you will only feel its presence when it hedges against the Honmei disk Sun. Lions born in July have completed this challenge and have been tested in 2021.

Now Saturn is moving across from the sun in the lion's natal disk in early August. Saturn will go deeper into Aquarius until March 7, 2023, before it enters Pisces, and will not return to Aquarius again (a position that is hedged against the Sun in your Natal Disk) until January 2050, 28 years later. This new moon will strongly affect Leos whose birthdays are within 5 days around August 4. A partner may haunt your mind, and your task is to learn to dance fluidly with your business or lover, in a natural rhythm of compromise.

Uranus, which represents surprises and surprises, will also form a difficult phase with your guardian star, the Sun. Uranus is currently located in your tenth house, the House of Fame and Honor, but Uranus is in charge of your House of Partnership. I think it's more likely that a business partner, colleague, partner, major client or investor will need you to compromise and find ways to work with it.

Admittedly, it is your spouse who may be in the situation. If so, it may be because of your long working hours that your spouse sees as neglecting the family. It's just a possibility – your spouse may have different sticking points that involve your career, so express it. If the relationship is important to you, you can go and fix it.

Sometimes Saturn hedging against the sun means that your career has changed, or it's not good for your health, so be kind to yourself. See what happens this month.

Now let's look at the full moon that happened on February 16 at 28 degrees in Leo. This is a very special time of the month. You may seem to think a lot about your partner, spouse, or business partner, but during this full moon, some of the things that are very important to you will come true. It's so important to you that only you know what it is —I can't even tell you at this moment. You'll know when the time comes. Leos born on August 20 or within five days will feel the full moon directly, but all Leos can benefit from everything.

At the same time as this full moon, strictly speaking, the next day, February 17, Jupiter and Uranus are in a sextant phase, which means that the opportunity for surprise will appear. Uranus is located in the tenth house that governs your professional reputation and prestige, which is the illuminated part of your astrolabe. Jupiter is currently located in your eighth house of other people's resource houses, so once again, money will come to you. This time the amount will be more lucrative than any one you receive in February.

This is the only time in 2022 that Jupiter and Uranus will be in harmony phase. That will be a major feature of 2022, and it will only happen once. This is the five-star phase of hope, happiness and luck.

It won't be until July 21, 2026, that this dazzling phase will happen again. At that point, the two planets will migrate to different house positions and constellations. It takes 84 years for Uranus to orbit the Sun and 12 years for Jupiter to orbit the Sun. As you can see, February 17 will tie your money to your professional reputation, the kind of configuration that makes you famous and well paid, only once in a lifetime. See if you can find ways to make the most of it, such as agreeing on an important meeting, giving a presentation, or scheduling other important events.

Now let's look at Valentine's Day on February 14th. The full moon will occur in two days, so you've already felt the strong emotions of the full moon in Leo, and the lucky moon will be located in Leo on Monday night, February 14. This day is for you. The fact that Saturn will be with the moon on the day of the new moon on February 1 at the beginning of this month means that you are ready to make a firm decision or commitment, or take action, and stick to it for a long time afterwards.

That's why I feel like some Leo readers get engaged on or near Valentine's Day, while others who are already married make new plans with their spouses and are eager to take more advantage of the relationships they've already established. The two of you may discuss saving money to buy a house or have a baby. Others may decide to do business together, or save money for exotic adventure trips, and travel together once the outbreak is under control. You'll come up with your own plan – I'm just giving some possibilities.

Yes, it's a big month, and it's going to end beautifully. March is also star-studded!

You're known for your leadership skills, but in the first half of February, you can sit down and let others take control. You'll be busy at work because Mars brings a lot of tasks and you'll be an integral part of the team, completing all tasks. Uranus, which represents surprises and surprises, will join hands with Venus and Mars, and the top will notice your work and appreciate your performance. You'll also enjoy the work you do, which is most likely related to art, including music, design, poetry, dance, or other creative arts.

If you're unemployed right now and are struggling to find an interesting job, don't worry, you won't be unemployed for long. You'll easily find a part-time or full-time job. February 8 is the day of lightning strikes, and a job that excites you may appear. The cooperation between Mercury and Uranus will be very pleasant on this day.

Whether you're working or not, employers value your ability to make informed allocations, manage budgets, or generate profits. Employers will also be interested in your fashion taste and creativity. If your employer wants you to work in sales and suggests a commission system, agree. If you're selling art (for yourself or someone else), the commission system is better than a fixed salary.

If you're self-employed, you'll probably find the perfect expert to advise you, work for you, or work with you. This magical month is perfect for people – even in business, your prospects for success have never been great. You might draft a contract, but luckily Mercury will resume its journey on Feb. 3. Set aside a few days after that date – I prefer February 8th, or better yet, February 17th.

February 1 Aquarius Crescent will take place in your marriage and partner palace, so you may be engaged during this glorious month. Venus went retrograde last month, but turned antagonistic on January 29, which is a positive aspect, and Mercury also retrograde last month and turned anterograde on February 3 – wait until after this day to accept and make a plan, as mentioned earlier, can consider February 8 or 17.

If you're very unhappy in your marriage or business partnership, it might be time to make a decision: stay or leave. If you want the relationship to continue, consider couples therapy or discuss the issue together. See how it goes. It's an extreme month – recommit your love forever, or leave without regret. Last month, everything went slowly, but this month it's the opposite — things will move faster and March will be faster.

This year's Valentine's Day should be special, it will be supported by several planets, and just as importantly, this month's full moon will appear in leo on February 16. An event or decision that is very important to you will culminate in five days on February 16. Fortunately, the period of influence of this full moon includes Valentine's Day.

On February 17, Jupiter, which represents good luck and gifts, and Uranus, which represents the unexpected, will have an extremely rare exchange, linking your money house to professional honors, awards, and achievements. Your partner will be able to bring money and prestige.

Also on February 17, the glittering five-star day, you may receive a large sum of money.

In your private life, you may be thinking about the guy you've been dating, and with this month's romantic star shining behind you, you may feel ready to give the promise of love.

This month will favor Leo who already has a partner, but if you're single, Venus and Mars will collaborate on shiny duets in your sixth house of daily work, and you'll probably meet someone through the office (assuming you're not working from home alone). The person who catches your eye is on the same level as you. Don't underestimate online meetings – I've received letters from readers who started a relationship by collaborating on Zoom. Dear lions, this is your time.


February is more active, more efficient, much better than January experience, January Venus almost a full month of retrograde, starting on December 19, 2021, until January 29, 2022, the downgrade itself is good news, Venus is in charge of happiness, beauty and love - these areas have lost their vitality when Venus is retrograde, and now it is gradually returning to its previous normal strength. Venus can return to normal speed on Valentine's Day, and it's good luck. Your love prospects are particularly spectacular, and I'll talk more about the details later.

There is also a reason for the slowdown in January, your main star Mercury also began to retrograde on January 14, only on February 4, after Mercury returned to normal, you almost immediately feel the energy rise, the rhythm will be significantly accelerated, there will be no more delays, no longer always call the technician to help you repair the department computer or other crashed equipment. Mercury retrograde in your daily work house on your astrolabe, it seems that most of the delay occurs at work, and when Mercury goes along on February 4, it will not be, you can also sign a contract and restart your life.

The New Moon on February 1 takes place at 12° Aquarius and may bring a lot of weight to the big project and take you down a new path. Aquarius is a futuristic constellation, and this project may involve digital, science, pharmaceuticals, games, driverless cars — all kinds of innovative things.

The new moon sets the trend not just for a day, but for the weeks or even months after the new moon, and the universe gives you a white envelope telling you what awaits you in the future. If you work for the company, you don't necessarily have to change jobs, you can still get this kind of new project. If you're self-employed, the project may come in the form of a customer.

During the New Moon, Uranus is in a tense phase with the Sun and the New Moon, and you may encounter unexpected difficulties that must be resolved. This involves the ninth house of your astrolabe, which may be related to overseas relations and overseas work. For example, the goods are stuck in the customs, and they need to find a way to clear customs. Or, supply chain issues are heavily impacting you in private, and you have to scramble to find ways to meet the needs of your customer base. At this time, some unexpected problems arise, and it is difficult to guess what it is--Uranus is always something that has not been thought of before.

Not only is Uranus tense with the Sun and The New Moon, Saturn is also in harmony with the Sun and the New Moon, which is a very heavy influence. There is a lot to learn, and the older, more experienced, high-level people will take care of you and constantly teach you experience in new areas. Saturn has been working in the sixth house of your astrolabe for more than a year, and there is still a little more to go, after which Saturn will not come here for twenty-eight years, and then it will be 2050. What is completely different now is that Saturn and the Sun merge with the new moon, accentuating Saturn's presence.

Saturn is the main star of the fifth house of your astrolabe (Capricorn), and you may be doing highly creative projects that contribute greatly to the unique style of the project. You may want to add structure to the overall process (because of Capricorn energy) and integrate new elements into the project (because of Aquarius crescent energy). It's good to deal with difficult tasks – so you can make a name for yourself, Virgo, and be the best way to stand out from the crowd.

Just discussed work because your astrolabe sixth house is so prominent. The sixth house is also in charge of health, and the initiatives you take for health, you are already interested in this kind of thing. Virgos are very careful about what they eat and do a lot of exercise. If you want to say which zodiac sign knows how to care for the body the most, it is not Virgo. It is you who teach other zodiac signs how to be healthy.

But now, because Saturn works in the sixth house of the astrolabe and the house of health, and stays for a year after that, especially this month, Saturn's energy is very heavy, you should be careful not to overdo it in these aspects. Virgo always works so hard, accomplishes more things in a week than other zodiac signs do in a month, and sometimes you are not sensitive to time, you don't know how long you have been working, so you will be overworked.

To complicate matters further, Saturn is in the sixth house of the astrolabe, and it is difficult to hire full-time or part-time employees to help you handle part of the workload, and even if you find someone you want, they may ask for more salaries and benefits than the company's budget. This means that you alone may be able to wear several hats, and this situation will not easily improve before Saturn leaves the sixth house on March 7, 2023.

To deal with this kind of problem, if you need to hire someone, whether full-time or part-time, find someone you know to recommend. Save every resume you get and make a document that you can read carefully when you need to hire someone. Of course, many online recruitment sites can also help you, listing your needs and what you can offer for job seekers. (For example, New York State has a new bill that takes effect this month, requiring a clear list of salary ranges when hiring, in order to end the state of salary inequality, but this rule is too new, some groups oppose, after all, the specific compensation depends on experience, technology, education, attitude, ability to integrate into the team and so on.) )

Well, talking about the 28° Leo full moon that happened on February 16 also emphasizes your physical and mental health and well-being. The full moon takes place in your zodiac, a very creative realm that stimulates your subconscious, where a great deal of creativity exists in the subconscious. It's just that the zodiac points out that in order to achieve the most moving results, you have to do things alone, excluding all kinds of distractions. The calm of doing things alone is also attractive to you at this time.

This is a very important position in charge of psychology on the astrolabe, if you have some heavy things in your heart, it is very suitable to find a qualified psychological counselor and listen to different perspectives.

Now when it comes to February 14, Valentine's Day, some readers may think that this is a talking holiday, but dear Virgo, this year's Valentine's Day, February 14, this day, may really be very beautiful. Good luck Jupiter in the seventh house of your astrolabe marriage and serious partner house, more than a decade, Jupiter came to the astrolabe this house for the first time.

The seventh house of the astrological chart is not a newly started relationship, but a seriously committed love, such as a promise made through marriage. This energy can also be used for careers, and if you decide to join forces with others who have the professional resources you need, the relationship also belongs to the seventh house. Relationships in the seventh house often require written contracts to make explicit commitments. So this year's Valentine's Day is happy for Virgo lovers.

Valentine's Day on February 14 is very close to Mu Tianji on February 17, and Daifuku Star Jupiter and the sudden surprise Uranus are auspicious, which can open up wonderful opportunities. These are two slow planets, and it's possible that the fireworks they created appeared as early as Valentine's Day. This astrology is rare and an important background horoscope for 2022, and is seen as a reason to bring a breakthrough, remain optimistic and expectant. 2022 happened only once on February 17, and the next time it happens is on July 21, 2026.

Jupiter is in your astrological marriage house, very conducive to Virgo marriage, if married, your partner will be very good this year, the other person's success and financial security, giving both parties more choices that they did not have before. And after the middle of May, your fortune will also rise. Mu Tianjixiang shows that you may be surprised by the marriage proposal, or you may be surprised by the proposal.

In addition, there are other ways for you to use Mu Tianjixiang to combine forces with colleagues or experts to help you in your career. You may work with a new accountant, a lawyer, a broker, a partner, or you may have the ideal wedding planner, a home nanny, these are all examples that you can refer to and think about yourself. On February 17, Kitenyoshi may feel its energy from February 14 to February 18.

Speaking of love, there are many more reasons why I feel that you are very happy this Valentine's Day, experiencing joy and love throughout February. Now Mars is in the fifth house of your astrolabe, true love house, for the first time in two years, and Mars meets his lover Venus here, and the golden fire is in Capricorn, a sign of perfect harmony with Virgo. This month Mars is celebrated in the fifth house of your astrolabe, as Mars stimulates love opportunities.

Mars is with his lover Venus, bringing everything into a new dimension of the divine. The lovebirds will meet on February 16, when the full moon falls, close to Valentine's Day, just 1.5 degrees away. Cupid and his little angels come with a mission — to help you find love — or to enjoy the love you've already received.

Venus and Mars like to be together, but the golden fire is short-lived, and when luck is good, it is once a year, and it is often almost two years to meet once. Mars gives you the courage to show yourself, you get greater confidence from Mars, and your attraction naturally strengthens. At the same time, Venus reinforces your charm in Capricorn, and when you have the double boost of Venus and Mars, you are a double threat – haha, explain it to overseas readers – a double threat means you're really unstoppable – and you'll win the race. Dear Virgo, you have everything you need to find love, and if you have found true love, you will see the deepening of feelings, and you will dive into the ocean of love together.

If you're still single, Jupiter is in the marriage house, lasts until the first half of May, and then returns here from November to December 20, which is good news. Jupiter helps you find the type of power, and you can imagine the type of person who will marry and live with one day. Of course, if you're married or emotionally stable, you'll enjoy the year.

If you're still single, the best time to meet someone new is when you're working on a big project that looks like it's coming up in early February. Your encounter may be an online conference, and this opportunity should not be ignored. In short, when it comes to work, you are most likely to meet someone new, and you may also be in the gym (if you go). I also think it's possible to meet new people while participating in sports activities. These are some of the points I've seen on your chart, but depending on each person's chart, there are other possibilities as well.

If you are not affected by the epidemic, it is also recommended that you go on vacation in a tourist resort, and you may know the love target. If you do travel, take precautions.

February 8th is fascinating if you're traveling, because you're on fire, inspiring improvisation and a little luxury when you arrive at your destination. Or, Uranus is in the ninth house of your astrolabe, and you may know a foreigner who is currently living in your country, which may be your neighbor. Cupid can do the same.

Finally, there is a day to remember, Thursday, February 24, Venus and Neptune are in good shape, connecting your Palace of True Love and the Palace of Commitment, which should be your super romantic day, and the golden sparkle will make you unforgettable for a long time. For you, dear Virgo, February is full of Valentine's Day, whether you are married or single, you will feel the warm embrace of sincere love.

By the way, there are still many readers who care about having a baby, and this month is the most beneficial for getting pregnant or looking at a maternity specialist. The indicators on the astrolabe in this regard are obvious, if you don't want children, use this cute energy to cultivate your creativity, true love, pregnancy, and creativity are all under the control of the fifth house.

Your mood is to love and play, so invest more in social activities, dear Virgo. Mars is in the house of true love in the fifth house of your astrolabe, hand in hand with his lover Venus. Two love birds are always eager to be together, but because of the different tracks, it is not easy to meet once. Most of the time, they looked at each other across the starry sky and could only fly. February is different, very valuable, and they all try to support you.

This means that if you're still single, this month is especially good for being active, and the astrolabe celebrates how precious a more balanced, rich emotional life is and how much it supports your greatest dreams, so get out of your desk and see what the world has to offer you – obviously, a lot for you! The best place to meet someone new is at a small social event or office, and the person may be working in the finance/finance space, on a par with you.

If you have a partner, you and your loved one may find new ways to hang out and have fun – make the most of that energy and make plans together. You have gifts with messengers of good luck in the seventh house of the astrological chart marriage/commitment house, sudden surprises with Uranus and active Mars both talk to the happy and good luck jupiter. There may be a sudden proposal or be proposed. If you're in a relationship and it doesn't seem like you need to wait any longer, if you're married, you might get big surprises from your partner.

February is a great time to get engaged, and if you're married, celebrate your love with a great trip or a bespoke dinner at a special restaurant.

February is suitable for buying new clothing accessories, but also suitable for strengthening the shape. Venus is very important for things like appearance, and now Venus is very helpful. Ask a hair stylist or consultant to see a dermatologist or makeup consultant. If you look for a beauty expert you trust, you can improve your appearance very easily, and you will like its effect. Venus is no longer retrograde, and on February 4th, your main star, Mercury, is also going down, followed by blue sky and white clouds, all the way.

Valentine's Day on February 14 is close enough to the beautiful full moon of Leo, who loves fun and luxury on February 16, to ensure that you have a happy Valentine's Day. Venus and Mars coincide with the full moon to enhance feelings, and the full moon is close enough to Valentine's Day to bring brilliant fireworks to your night sky.

At the same time, contrary to this romantic background, new tasks fall on your desk, and the workplace becomes busier and more interesting. It may require you to plunge into entirely new areas of innovation and contribute your taste and style. February 1 Aquarius Crescent requires concentration, and this special mission has the power to give you valuable experience in new technologies, pharmaceuticals, sciences, or other forward-looking research areas.

Classical astrologers intelligently place workplace and health in the same house, indicating that small daily breaks are important. Fortunately, Virgos are naturally focused on dietary nutrition, adequate sleep and exercise, and if you have not done an annual physical examination, new technology or drugs may help you solve chronic problems in early February. This month, we will look at health options, perhaps by asking for other diagnoses, treatment opinions, and more.

After two weeks of social excitement and plenty of fun, you may want to step back and enjoy rest and privacy, as the full moon of February 16 takes place in your zodiac, and the energy remains strong for five days after the full moon.

Plan to meet your loved one on February 24th, as Venus and Neptune are in good shape, bringing a charming and enchanting night for two. Virgos with companions have more advantages this day, so be sure to make reservations and go out for a night.


Your family, love life and other matters will be on your mind in February, and you will eventually have time to take care of all aspects. February is faster than January, because your guardian star Venus has been retrograde since December 19 last year and will resume on January 29. Normalizing Venus's trajectory helps you see progress on your deepest personal plans. Mercury also began to retrograde from January 14 last month and resumed on February 3.

The New Moon on February 1 takes place at 12° Aquarius, a sign that blends perfectly with your wind-like sign Libra. This new moon has a serious atmosphere because it has a strong connection to Saturn – only within 3°. You may have to decide where to stay with the person you're dating, because love has recently become a serious topic for you. You don't want to be with a partner who is different from your goals, such as getting married, getting pregnant, or adopting a child.

In fact, Saturn is in your fifth house, in charge of love and children' houses, and single life may begin to fade. Saturn is the planet that matures us and prepares us for everything that we may have felt just a few years ago was incapable of dealing with. But now you're desperate to get started. You don't want to tell your life story over and over again on a first date. Saturn controls the idea of time, and you now want your time to have practical meaning in your life. You're ready to enter a new chapter in your life, and the twinkling stars in the sky will reveal that you'll do better than you think. This month you will welcome the Sun, the New Moon and Saturn all in Aquarius, forming a divine angle to each other.

On Feb. 4, Saturn will be precisely aligned with the sun, a day when most people will be tired of routine and extra sensitive to criticism. If the Sun represents fire, then Saturn is completely ice, and fire and ice are incompatible elements. Something may arise that makes you hesitate to do the tasks and work on the list for a while. Stay calm – in a day or two you'll improve. Sociologists say people feel overwhelmed and a little frustrated at this time of year, especially those in the colder climates of the Northern Hemisphere. You may get tired of the cold, the dark, the heavy coats, boots, scarves, and hats. Sociologists also say that January 17 is the day most people feel this way (you can search for SAD – Seasonal Affective Disorder). But I disagree. This is the day Saturn meets the Sun (every year is always a different day), and this day of the year takes place on February 4. It doesn't matter if you live in Brazil, China, the United States or any other climate. Fortunately, the day of February 4 is only temporary.

And on the same day on Feb. 4, Mars will be a six-in-one Jupiter, a dazzling phase that could bring a surprising opportunity to sell, buy, or lease any property you're looking for. It will be sensational!

When it comes to homesteads, homes, and other assets, you seem interested in finding a new place to live or vacation home. You will welcome Mars, Venus, Mercury and Pluto all squeezed into your fourth house of family. This energy is very large. I'd love to see Mars power your family palace, so if you have time to browse some space this month, you might find an apartment or house you like.

In the middle of this month, February 17th, good luck Jupiter and the unpredictable Uranus will bring a surprise of love that may lead you to a valuable gift, or another message of new customers or new tasks. This month will be full of good news.

Venus and Mars always want to be together – they are cosmic lovers – and when they hold hands, they bring the beauty and spark of new love. The two planets tend to meet only once a year, and we tend to wait two years for this union to occur. Unexpectedly, Venus and Mars will meet twice this year – first on February 16 in Capricorn, your family house, and then on March 6 in Aquarius, your house of true love.

When Venus and Mars meet precisely on February 16, the romantic encounter between the mandarin ducks will occur at the same time as the full moon, making the emotions more intense. When you look at their trajectory in February, they will stay close throughout the month, including Valentine's Day. When they are together, the main job of Venus and Mars is to spark a spark of love. Then on March 6 they will meet in Aquarius' House of Love, making March a better month for you to enjoy romance with your partner, or if you're single, there may be a fateful encounter. A friend may be the introducer, because the full moon of February will fall on your eleventh house, it will also be in charge of friendship, and the influence of this phase will extend to March.

In February, Venus, which is associated with beauty and comfort, will bring her talents into your house or other assets. Venus will help you create the décor of your home or update the décor you already have. Venus is also associated with money, so if you're going to sell a property this month, it should be fine.

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