
Spring is coming! Kaichun health care remember 4 health things ~

Lichun is the first of the twenty-four solar terms, "Li" means "beginning", since the Qin Dynasty, China has been using Lichun as the beginning of spring.

Lichun is divided from the astronomical point of view, spring is warm, birds and flowers; Spring is growth, ploughing and sowing. The period from the day of the Spring Festival until the period before the Summer Festival is called spring.

It is said that the time of year lies in the spring, Lichun has an extraordinary significance for health care, in the new year to make a good start, so that everything goes along with the good trend to develop, can be described as a double effort. The following is to introduce a few points of Lichun's health care methods.

Comb your hair

Combing the hair can play a role in unclogging blood vessels, improving blood circulation in the head, nourishing the hair, preventing hair loss and hearing, and helping to lower blood pressure.

It can also play a role in refreshing the brain, relieving fatigue and other effects, but also to keep the brain awake, prevent brain aging, and delay aging.

Spring is coming! Kaichun health care remember 4 health things ~


From the spring to the spring equinox, the body's menstrual qi is in the liver, gallbladder, spleen and stomach respectively. If there is an old disease in the above organs, it may recur in the spring. Therefore, we can often do this health exercise:

1, one foot or before or after, gently tiptoe up, and then gently heel the ground, one foot to do several times, and then the other foot, do a few minutes, feel comfortable.

2, the feet are open, the same width as the shoulders, the toes are slightly outward, to feel the body comfort angle as the principle, the right hand up, located in the ear, the palm up, the right shoulder slightly forward or backward movement, feel the right rib has the degree of hot air rushing out, if not this feeling can do the same action, a few seconds later, the right hand relaxes and droops, so repeat several times, and then change the left hand to repeat the above action.

Spring is coming! Kaichun health care remember 4 health things ~


Go to bed early, get up early, mental foot, prevent diseases first of all, and guard against wind. The first advocate of spring health is to go to bed early (go to bed before 11 p.m.) and get up early (you can get up earlier than in winter).

Wind evil can open and enter the human body through the pores on the surface of the human body, especially attacking the parts where the yang qi of the human body gathers, such as the back, head, upper limbs, etc.

If the wind evil invades the surface of the human body, it can cause urticaria, rash, skin itching, etc.; Invade the head, can make people headaches, feel sleepy all day; Invasion of the joints, which can cause joint pain; Invades muscles, can cause muscle pain, etc. Therefore, in spring, you should pay attention to keeping warm and windproof.

Spring is coming! Kaichun health care remember 4 health things ~


In the spring, everything recovers, liver yang, liver fire has a significant upward momentum in the spring and needs to be released.

Liver likes to leak depression, anger is easy to make liver qi and blood stasis is not smooth, leading to various liver diseases.

Therefore, in the spring we must be calm, optimistic, cheerful, if angry, we must learn to reassure, even if angry not for more than three minutes.

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