
Note (1) Where is your time and money spent?

author:Nanguo Xiaowei

Book: Beyond Expectations, Yataro Matsuura's Principles of Life Management

Author: Yataro Matsuura

Publisher: People's Post and Telecommunications Publishing House

Notes: Southern Country

When we buy anything, we more or less to meet our own needs, whether material or spiritual. Even if it is a wayward consumption, it is also to release the inner arbitrariness and indulgence.

Yataro Matsuura has a quote in Beyond Expectations: "People are willing to spend time and money on things that can solve the troubles they are facing, eliminate their current uneasiness, forget their unpleasantness, and solve their own confusion." ”

Note (1) Where is your time and money spent?

Men like to play games, and women love to go shopping together. Playing around, winning a key game, buying an elegant new dress, depressed and bored mood instantly smile, such games and clothes, no matter how much time and money we spend, we will not hesitate to swipe the card.

It can be said that every transaction that can be reached at present is because the seller relieves the buyer's anxiety and worry about the past, present and future, so the buyer is willing to pay. And the degree to which buyers pay time and money also represents the degree to which their expectations can be realized.

Think about it, where do you spend your time and money? Have you met your expectations?

Note (1) Where is your time and money spent?

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