
What history has the Beijing Winter Olympics created |?

What history has the Beijing Winter Olympics created |?

The XXIV Winter Olympics will open in Beijing on February 4, 2022. The Sports Department of China News Network launched a series of columns "100 Questions about the Winter Olympics", which aims to popularize the knowledge of the Winter Olympics, answer hot questions, and talk about ice and snow anecdotes, so as to help everyone have a better viewing experience during the Beijing Winter Olympics.

No. 100 Winter Olympics 100 Questions | What history did the Beijing Winter Olympics create?

What history has the Beijing Winter Olympics created |?

The opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics will be held on February 4. IOC President Bach once admitted that in the context of the epidemic, the significance of the Beijing Winter Olympics as a "new Olympic benchmark" is undoubtedly evident, and it will become a milestone in the development of ice and snow sports in the world.

As he said, under the influence of countless "firsts", "most", and "firsts", the Beijing Winter Olympics will surely leave its own strong mark in the long river of history.

What history has the Beijing Winter Olympics created |?

Beijing, January 30, rehearsal for the opening ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics was held, and fireworks bloomed over the bird's nest. Image source: People's Vision

What history has been rewritten at this ice and snow event?

Beijing is the first city in the world to host both the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics;

The Beijing Winter Olympics is the first global comprehensive sports event to be held as scheduled since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic;

Beijing Winter Olympics 100% use of green clean electricity, the first time in history;

For the first time in history, more than 45 percent of the athletes participating in the Beijing Winter Olympics were women;

Beijing was the first Host City to host the Winter Olympics to use today's most environmentally friendly CARBON dioxide ice-making technology on a large scale;

What history has the Beijing Winter Olympics created |?

Evening view of Beijing Winter Olympic Park on November 12, 2021. Beijing Winter Olympic Park is close to Shougang Park, and the ski jump and Shougang Bridge reflect each other. Photo by Niu Yungang, China News Agency Image source: CNSPHOTO

The Beijing Winter Olympics is the world's first 5G full-coverage Winter Olympics;

The National Bobsleigh Center has the world's first 360-degree slalom track;

"Water Cube" is the world's first Olympic venue to complete the "water ice conversion";

Shougang Ski Jump is the world's first permanently preserved ski jump;

For the first time, the United Nations issued stamps for the Winter Olympics, with the theme "Sport for Peace";


From the ancient capital of a thousand years to the "City of The Two Olympics", Beijing, a city that constantly writes and creates history, once again witnesses the shining moment of condensing the world. (End)

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