
What history has the Winter Olympics asked | Valley Ailing's gold medals created?

What history has the Winter Olympics asked | Valley Ailing's gold medals created?

The XXIV Winter Olympics kicked off in Beijing on February 4, 2022. The Sports Department of China News Network launched a series of columns "100 Questions about the Winter Olympics", which aims to popularize the knowledge of the Winter Olympics, answer hot questions, and talk about ice and snow anecdotes, so as to help everyone have a better viewing experience during the Beijing Winter Olympics.

No. 104 Winter Olympics 100 Questions | What history has Gu Ailing's gold medal created?

What history has the Winter Olympics asked | Valley Ailing's gold medals created?

On February 8, 2022, in the final of the freestyle ski women's big jump at the Beijing Winter Olympics, China's Gu Ailing won the gold medal!

This is Gu Ailing's first Winter Olympic medal. Not only that, but this precious gold medal has also made many histories.

1. This gold medal is the first gold medal in the event in the history of the Winter Olympics.

As one of the new events, the freestyle ski jump appeared for the first time on the Winter Olympics. The gold medal won by Gu Ailing today is the first gold medal in the history of the Winter Olympics.

2. This gold medal is the first women's snow sports gold medal in Chinese history.

Prior to this, although Chinese female athletes had achieved good results in the snow sports of the Winter Olympics, they always missed the gold medal. Today, Gu Ailing broke this "curse" and won the first gold for the Women's Snow Sports Winter Olympics for the Chinese sports delegation!

What history has the Winter Olympics asked | Valley Ailing's gold medals created?

The picture shows Gu Ailing receiving the award. Photographed by Li Jun, a reporter of China News Network

3. This gold medal made Gu Ailing the youngest freestyle skiing gold medalist in the history of the Winter Olympics.

Before the race, Swiss Matilde Grimo, who finished runner-up in women's steeplechase in freestyle skiing at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, was considered Gu Ailing's biggest opponent. Grimaud also held a record for the youngest Winter Olympic medalist in history for freestyle skiing.

Today, Gu Ailing beat Mathilde Grimor with a stunning performance. According to foreign media reports, while standing on the highest podium, Gu Ailing became the youngest freestyle skiing gold medalist in the history of the Winter Olympics.

4. This gold medal made Gu Ailing the youngest gold medalist in China's Winter Olympics.

At the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, zhou Yang, who was only 19 years old, won the first gold medal in the women's short track speed skating 1500 meters event in Chinese history, and became the youngest gold medalist in China. Today, 18-year-old Gu Ailing took over the "baton" and became the new youngest Gold Medalist in China's Winter Olympics.

In this Winter Olympics, Gu Ailing participated in a total of three sports competitions. Next, she will move to Zhangjiakou to compete in the freestyle ski U-shaped track and slope obstacle course. Looking forward to her next performance! (End)

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