
The Winter Olympics asked| What is different about this Chinese delegation?

The Winter Olympics asked| What is different about this Chinese delegation?

The XXIV Winter Olympics will open in Beijing on February 4, 2022. The Sports Department of China News Network launched a series of columns "100 Questions about the Winter Olympics", which aims to popularize the knowledge of the Winter Olympics, answer hot questions, and talk about ice and snow anecdotes, so as to help everyone have a better viewing experience during the Beijing Winter Olympics.

No. 95 Winter Olympics 100 Questions | What is different about the Chinese delegation this year?

On the 27th, the Chinese sports delegation participating in the Beijing Winter Olympics was officially established. Although the Beijing Winter Olympics have not yet been unveiled, the Chinese delegation has already set many records.

First of all, the total number of Chinese sports delegations at the Beijing Winter Olympics reached 387, the largest in the past.

Secondly, of the total of 176 athletes, 131 are participating in the Winter Olympics for the first time, which is also higher than in previous editions.

This time, the Chinese delegation completed the task of "participating in all 7 major events and 15 sub-events" of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and won a total of 104 sub-events and 194 seats (including 4 "in-competition" sub-events that need to be reconfirmed by other minor events of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games), accounting for 95.4% of all 109 sub-events. This is the first time that the Chinese team has achieved full coverage of all major events and sub-events of the Winter Olympic Games.

The Winter Olympics asked| What is different about this Chinese delegation?

On January 25, some members of the Chinese sports delegation to the Beijing Winter Olympics came to Tiananmen Square to watch the flag-raising ceremony and take the oath to march. China News Agency Development State General Administration of Sport Winter Sports Management Center Courtesy of the picture

At the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, Chinese ice and snow athletes participated in a total of 53 sub-events, accounting for about half of the total number of projects, which was the largest number of projects participated in by the Chinese delegation in previous Winter Olympics. It can be seen from the number of participating projects that in the Beijing Winter Olympics cycle, the competitive strength of China's ice and snow sports has made leaps and bounds.

In addition, the list of the Chinese sports delegation also includes 51 foreign teachers, which also refreshes the number of foreign coaches in the Chinese Winter Olympic Team. These high-level foreign teachers will help the Chinese sports delegation achieve the goal of creating the best results in the history of the Winter Olympic Games. (End)

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