
Who can you sue for the panic of stay-at-home mothers? Who understands?

I've always wanted to say something for a high-risk career (i.e., stay-at-home moms), but because of a variety of things, I have the energy to say a thing or two. I have been in the position of full-time mother for nearly 6 years, and I know best how much bitterness and suffering there is during this period. Of course, there will always be a difference between first, last, light and heavy, and I think I have a slight say, the following and when it is a self-statement of a stay-at-home mother for many years!

One is the neglected pay of stay-at-home moms

Among the many social relationships, the most powerful force to defeat the psychological defense line of stay-at-home mothers is the other half, that is, the father of the child. It is undeniable that there are many qualified other halves, but we also have to admit that there are also many unqualified ones. How many men go home and turn on geyou lying mode, and then start to pick thorns, why is this placed here, why is that not washed, etc... Many men even think in their eyes and even in their hearts that the roles of "wife" and "mother" should take good care of children, the elderly and do housework; especially full-time mothers, they should do very well. In the eyes of individual men, the happiness index of stay-at-home mothers should be very, very high, because they don't have to worry about making money, and do a good job in the family and bring their children well. As everyone knows, the payment of full-time mothers is not as simple as it seems on the surface, taking care of children, cleaning, laundry, handling members and other trivial things, which one can be easily done? Just taking care of the child is enough to make the human body feel what it means to be exhausted, vegetables and fruits will not run to anyone's kitchen with long legs, let alone run to anyone's table.

I once heard a man arguing with his wife: Not everyone can be a stay-at-home mother like you. For the rest of his life, the wife remained silent for the rest of her life. It's just that they give everything they can, but they don't get the respect they deserve.

Second, there is tremendous mental stress

On the one hand, the loneliness and uneasiness brought about by the long-term isolation from the masses. At this time, if there are few or no people around you, it is almost certain that there will be different degrees of postpartum depression. Logically, in fact, the period of taking children is a stage that requires more understanding and attention, especially for full-time mothers with children alone, but many people have not noticed this, and it is easy to ignore the feelings of mothers. In the long run, it should be a natural thing to have a psychological situation.

On the other hand, if it is a stay-at-home mother who does not have a stable income, the fear in her heart is easily magnified infinitely. They are all laymen, and too much security is still based on the economy. When in a zero income state for a long time, the lack of self-confidence caused by fear can cause a series of negative phenomena to appear. For example, quarrels over the distribution or amount of living expenses.

Third, it is out of touch with society

There is little or no communication with the outside world for a long time, it is impossible to get the latest social developments in time, and those who are too disconnected may even lose the most basic communication skills. Don't understand the current trend, can't fit into the social group. As we all know, human beings with social attributes are by no means suitable for long-term non-intersection with the outside world, and no one can be alone for a long time and have the ability to collect and decompose information normally.

Full-time for many years, deep feelings, tell it on demand. But the biggest impact and the most fatal are the above ~~

Here I would like to say that no matter how many hardships and hardships there are, try to live as you want to be the way you want it most. After all, "life is a gem that nature pays mankind to carve."

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