
February Horoscope: The first water retrograde of the year is over

February Horoscope: The first water retrograde of the year is over

Accompany your dreams come true~

I originally wanted to take a long holiday without updating, but I still wanted to write the February Horoscope.

The water retrograde is coming to an end, let's take a new idea together and create our own life

February Horoscope: The first water retrograde of the year is over

A few days ago, Venus had resumed its anterograde in Capricorn; on February 4, Mercury had resumed its anterograde in Capricorn.

After thinking about the retrograde period, I believe that many friends can determine what attempts they want to give themselves this year; these positive and powerful attempts will definitely bring you a sense of accomplishment.

This month the planets have all returned to their anterograde, but lack of fire energy; the weather is cold, the energy is not active enough, and the state is not very high; but many of our minds are slowly beginning to probe, looking for direction for practice.



【Important Astrological Signs in February】

February 4

Mercury resumes its anterograde in Capricorn

February 5

The Sun merges with Saturn in the constellation of Aquarius

February 8

Mars is on The Capricorn trinity of Uranus

February 11

Mercury merges with Pluto in Capricorn

February 15 Mercury enters the constellation of Aquarius

February 16

Venus merges with Mars in Capricorn

February 17 Full Moon in Leo

February 19

The Sun enters pisces

February 25

Mercury quintile Uranus

Note: The horoscope is only a cosmic astronomical analysis, which is suitable for us to adjust the state and mentality of individual parts of the individual; but it will not accurately correspond to each person's state and event; more specific personal horoscope is still to combine the personal life disk and the fortune disk

The following horoscopes refer to the ascending, solar constellations


In February, the guardian star of Aries will be in his career house, three points of Uranus, and venus, which is a very pro-career sign for Aries. If you want to change and break through in your career, February will also open up new ideas for you.

Although this position will also make some Aries feel tied and difficult to stretch, if you think about the problem from a mature perspective, don't be in a hurry; the focus can be more on the career, breaking the old ideas, making appropriate changes; or learn more from seniors or experienced people; their experience will let you have new ideas that suit you.

In addition, this month is also conducive to peach blossoms, paying great attention to the strength of both sides; if you are not satisfied with your own strength, it means that it is not yet time to stabilize the relationship.


This month Mars will fall three points at Uranus Taurus; and the guardian star will cooperate with Mars in the migration house; this makes Taurus very eager to go out for a walk and see; it is easy to get uncomfortable at home.

Taurus would have been sure that some things would change, and with these changes, you can still find a way to move forward freely and more freely than before.

It is also very suitable for subtraction, breaking away, and creating some new changes; it also includes giving up some things that are actually beneficial or of little use, and focusing on actions on things that can create value for themselves more.

If you find your favorite "destination," go out for a walk, or learn something you like, this month Taurus peach blossom luck and fortune are good, they are hidden in these things you like.

Gemini ·

After Mercury travels, Gemini will start to practice some ideas slowly, especially in the first half of the month, which will be very rewarding.

In the second half of the month, the mind will be very active than the action, but the action will be relatively less; this time is very suitable for reading, studying, or making plans, plans, and so on.

There will be more information from the outside world and factors affecting you this month; but if you can learn not to be disturbed by others, focus on what you are afraid of and escape; and you have thought about and faced some problems this month, and make practices and innovations, Gemini will also have a better harvest this month.

In addition, this month's Gemini emotional cheats are: open your heart, chat about some secrets, heart words, will be very helpful to the progress of feelings.


This month Mercury will return to anterograde in the opposite house of Cancer, if there are some obstacles in the previous intimate relationship, or cooperative relationship, or problems need to be corrected, after the water smooth, Cancer will be more mature in these aspects, and will also know how to think rationally.

Cancer also needs more communication and communication in February and March, which is very conducive to the balance of the relationship; and learning and growing in interaction with others.

This month's golden fire in your conjugal palace is very helpful to emotional luck; emotional cheats are: discover each other's charm, give appreciation; maintain good communication. And talk more about practical, objective questions; not around feelings.

In addition, this full moon occurs in Cancer's treasury palace, which can end some money problems; or say goodbye to some bad financial management, or spend money.

Leo ·

This month's full moon occurs in Leo, plus Mercury will slowly enter the opposite house, and the golden and fire will merge in the working house.

This makes Leo very busy this month, maybe everyone is resting, he will find that he has a lot of things to do and need to do.

The sense of loneliness in the first half of the month will be stronger, and the second half of the month will be more able to interact with others, chat, and gain support and understanding.

This month Leo will realize what he needs to change completely, and as long as you have the courage, enough determination to say goodbye to some ways you don't like, or change some of your behavior, you can do it this month.


Your guardian star is in Capricorn this month, which is very conducive to restarting some of your own ideas, planning, and there will be some very good ideas.

Some Virgos show that they can follow their own wishes, relax well, and return to a pleasant state of life.

However, in the second half of the month, you will be busy, there will be more trivial things, and you need to sort out the process rationally; and it will also help you communicate sincerely and effectively at work; it is also a good opportunity to learn to improve the efficiency of communication.

In addition, some Virgos will spend more time with children this month and will feel innocent happiness.

Some Virgo peach blossoms will be better and can enjoy sweet love.


In February, Libra's focus is on life and family, and the second half of the month slowly turns to personal creation or work.

However, it is still based on personal preferences, and I don't want to get involved in things that feel heavy and cumbersome.

Before February 4, Libra seems to have encountered some problems and obstacles; but as Mercury travels, in the second half of the month, it will be understood that the problems encountered before are not big problems that affect the overall development; but an episode that makes the future development more rational and the details more perfect.

In general, this month Libra can focus on personal life, or add some material to their own life, change some life patterns; or improve family problems, etc., can lay a good foundation for Libra's good luck throughout the year.

Scorpio ·

Affected by the guardian star this month, many Scorpios will feel that they can't sit still, or there are always some strange thoughts coming out of their hearts; or they want to change some status quo.

Some Scorpions will show that they suddenly love to read, or get inexplicable new knowledge, and the three views are quietly refreshed. ——

Because this month is very suitable for Scorpio to enrich their personal minds, it is very conducive to thinking and learning.

Just when Scorpio is secretly preparing to change plans in his own small environment, or opening a brain war in his own mind; at this time, someone may have a good feeling for you and show you kindness. And your reaction is easy: What?

Sagittarius ·

February's energy state is not high, relatively stable; many Sagittarius overall state will also be average.

Moreover, under the influence of comprehensive celestial phenomena, some friends are digesting some past things; including human nature, or some things about the world and the spiritual level.

Next, Sagittarius needs to learn to leave his comfort zone and face a complex situation that requires you to know how to weigh and back down, but you can move forward.

I believe that the shooter is optimistic, not only can learn to face calmly, but also learn from it to benefit themselves.

In addition, this month is very fortunate for shooters who are already mature in terms of money; not only will it help improve your cash flow; it may also increase personal income; or tap into new ways to earn.

Best of all, the increase in personal value.

Capricorn ·

Mercury's return to anterograde in Capricorn, coupled with the conjunction of Venus and Mars in Capricorn, makes This month's Capricorn feel that his mind is gradually clearing, and his actions are becoming clearer.

Moreover, this month's Capricorn will feel that they are much happier; especially being able to do something they like and see value in it; and boosting their self-confidence.

This is not only conducive to the improvement of Capricorn's external image; it is also conducive to social, interpersonal, and emotional relationships. (This makes some Capricorn February, March, and April peach blossom luck the best of the year)

For the entrepreneurial Capricorn, this is undoubtedly also a month to enhance the comprehensive strength of the individual.

However, some Capricorns may appear to be able to spend money for themselves... In addition, this month is also not recommended to get close to sharp objects, easy to scratch.


The New Year and the New Moon occur in Aquarius, and many Aquarius have started the new year in a good, new state, and are aware of the change in their personal mentality.

Moreover, under the influence of Saturn, this new starting point of power will make Aquarius's mentality and life develop in a practical and personal direction this year.

The feeling of power, personal planning, and desired trends will be something you'll realize for many years to come.

In addition, Aquarius's intuition this month is also stronger, more able to judge what is good for themselves and what is not good for themselves; even if it is just a feeling, it is very beneficial to you.

Some Aquarius will appear as some people who seem to be enemies but actually benefit themselves; or some Aquariuss feel that their ideological burden is lighter and more powerful inside, and so on.

Pisces ·

Jupiter has walked in Pisces, which continues to bring strength and good luck to Pisces; especially for Pisces who can follow the goodwill and inspiration in their hearts, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.

Pisces can always find ways and ideas to get you in shape.

In addition, the combination of gold and fire lights up the Pisces Friends' Palace, which is very conducive to Pisces' social and group activities; more communication with friends; or more integration into the team, you will gain something.

Even if you encounter some sudden changes, or cut off some relationships, it is good for your future. You'll make the right choice.

For Pisces who do media work, marketing work or self-media, this month is also very conducive to work.

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