
The city held a meeting to redeploy and implement the epidemic prevention and control work during the Spring Festival

author:Maoming release
The city held a meeting to redeploy and implement the epidemic prevention and control work during the Spring Festival

On the afternoon of the first day of the Lunar New Year on February 1, after the end of the province's new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control video conference, the city then held a work conference to conscientiously implement the spirit of the provincial meeting and redeploy and implement the epidemic prevention and control work in our city. Yuan Gujie, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, presided over the meeting and made a speech.

The city held a meeting to redeploy and implement the epidemic prevention and control work during the Spring Festival

Yuan Gujie spoke at the municipal epidemic prevention and control conference.

Yuan Gujie pointed out

During the Spring Festival, cross-regional people flow and gathering activities increased, and confirmed cases were found in some prefectures and cities in the province in recent days, and the situation of epidemic prevention and control was very grim.

All levels and departments of the city should improve their political standing, tighten the strings of thought, regard epidemic prevention and control as the top priority of the work of guarding the bottom line of safety, firmly grasp the "initiative" of epidemic prevention and control, and resolutely guard the hard-won results of prevention and control.

Yuan Gujie stressed

It is necessary to pay close attention to the key points of work and grasp all aspects of epidemic prevention and control in a strict and down-to-earth manner.

It is necessary to comprehensively grasp the work of landing investigation, adhere to the word "fast", draw capable forces, quickly carry out landing verification and nucleic acid sampling work, and effectively check all risk personnel in place and control in place.

It is necessary to comprehensively grasp the work of tracing the source of the flow adjustment, firmly establish the idea of a game of chess, gradually consolidate the responsibility, increase the overall planning of the municipal work special class, and actively cooperate with the counties and districts to ensure that the source of the flow adjustment is grasped to the end.

It is necessary to comprehensively improve the sensitivity of sentinel monitoring, and medical institutions, clinics, and pharmacies at all levels should promptly, comprehensively, and accurately do a good job in registering and reporting the information of drug purchase personnel, and give full play to the role of "probe sentinel points" and "early warning radar".

It is necessary to comprehensively strengthen nucleic acid testing, implement grid management, quickly count the scope and number of nucleic acid testing personnel in this round of epidemic situation, and make preparations for fighting a hard battle in advance.

It is necessary to comprehensively do a good job in the management and preparation of isolation sites, implement the training and management of stationed staff, the allocation of prevention and control materials, and other work, so that they should be isolated.

It is necessary to comprehensively strengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic in international mail express mail, supervise and guide units with international mail express or cargo exchanges to strictly do a good job in employee protection and health management, and encrypt the frequency of nucleic acid testing of relevant employees.

It is necessary to comprehensively grasp the prevention and control of social aspects, strictly control and strictly control all kinds of gathering activities, and do a good job in epidemic prevention and control in key places such as parks, scenic spots, large supermarkets, and public places with large crowds.

It is necessary to strengthen publicity and guidance, timely and accurately release information on the epidemic situation, give full play to the role of the masses as the main body, and build an iron wall of mass prevention and control.

All departments at all levels should strictly and tightly implement the general policy of "external prevention of imports and internal prevention of rebound", adhere to the general strategy of dynamic zero clearance, and implement all aspects of epidemic prevention and control in the spirit of "the masses celebrate the New Year, we pass the customs", and guard the Maoming epidemic prevention and control line.

It is necessary to strictly implement the main responsibility for epidemic prevention and control, comprehensively tighten the responsibility of the "four parties" of the territory, department, unit and individual, and command the "number one" of the party and government, so that it is responsible for guarding the soil, shouldering the responsibility of guarding the soil, and fulfilling the responsibility of guarding the soil.

Supervision and supervision groups should strengthen supervision, and seriously pursue responsibility and accountability for measures that are not implemented or control is not in place, and ensure that the implementation of various measures is in place.

Municipal leaders Zhu Hailong, Wang Turui, Wang Guanzhong, Liang Rongjie, and Huang Lihong, deputy departmental leaders of the municipal government, Huang Quan, and the principal responsible comrades of the party committees or governments of various districts (county-level cities) and relevant departments directly under the municipal government attended the meeting.

Text/Maoming Daily All-media reporter Xu Jutao Correspondent Mao Xin

Photo: Wu Hao, all-media reporter of Maoming Daily

Maoming Publishing Editorial Board

Editor: Yingying Chen

Preliminary: Kozhuji

Review: Zhang Yue

Source: Maoming Daily

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