
How much do you know about the special planning丨 Spring Festival customs?

How much do you know about the special planning丨 Spring Festival customs?
How much do you know about the special planning丨 Spring Festival customs?
How much do you know about the special planning丨 Spring Festival customs?


Spring Festival customs


The Spring Festival symbolizes the beginning of a new year, and for Chinese, it carries too many things. To this day, the Spring Festival custom has long become a culture that does not need to be explained, integrated into people's blood. If someone asks about the New Year, what is the custom that impresses you the most? I believe that everyone can say a few words, such as eating Chinese New Year's Eve, setting off firecrackers, keeping the New Year, praying to the New Year, and so on.

The Spring Festival customs are rich and numerous, but just say that you don't practice the fake style to see how many of these questions you have prepared for you can answer correctly?

Q: There is a legend about the "Spring Festival", and there is a legend that there is an imaginary animal that destroys the fortune and good fortune of the people.

A: Years.

In past legends, "Nian" was an imaginary animal that brought bad luck to people. How do the years pass? Firecrackers are needed, so there is a custom of burning firecrackers, which is actually another way to set off the lively scene.

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Q: Which dynasty did you eat dumplings for the New Year?

Answer: Warring States.

Question: The Spring Festival has the custom of sticking to the door gods, in addition to the previous god tea and the second general of Yu Lei, which two of the positions of the door gods in the Tang Dynasty were replaced?

Answer: Qin Shubao and Wei Chi Jingde.

Q: The old custom of large and small shops during the Spring Festival closes together with the New Year' Day, and on what day do they open?

A: On the fifth day of the first lunar month. The fifth day of the first lunar month is the holy day of wealth, and it is believed that choosing this day to open the market will definitely attract wealth and treasure.

Q: Why do the elders give the younger generations money, and what is the meaning?

Answer: Press "Qi". It is said that pressing the old age money can suppress the evil spirits, because "year" and "qi" are harmonious, and the younger generation can spend a year in peace and security when they get the old age money.

The first five questions about the customs of the year

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Do you know more about the Spring Festival customs?

Let's keep it up

Take on the challenges below!

In the early morning of the first day of the Chinese New Year, people get up at dawn, and the first thing every household does is to scramble ( ), symbolizing that everything this year will be smooth, ruyi, rich, farmers will be rich in grain, and also announce the beginning of the new year. What is the name of the custom?

A. Door opener


B. Pasting New Year Paintings

C. Sacrifice to the god of wealth

D. Eat dumplings

The activities during the Spring Festival such as the Spring Festival began to prevail in the Song Dynasty, but the real popularization of the Spring League began in the Ming Dynasty, and the popularity of the Spring League was related to which emperor of the Ming Dynasty?

A. Zhu Yuanzhang

B. Zhu Yunjiao

C. Zhu Di

D. Zhu Houzhao

In Wang Anshi's poem, "Thousands of households always exchange new peaches for old ones", what is the original form of peach runes here?

A. Spring League

B. Window flowers

C. New Year Paintings

D. Peace Charm

There is a traditional diet during the Spring Festival, "Righteousness wins the year and prays for the new year." "It means that everything is good every year." What is this food?

A. Dumplings

B. Rice cake

C. Tangyuan

D. Spring rolls

Chinese New Year's Eve meal is also called "reunion dinner" and "family fun". Chinese New Year's Eve's Chinese New Year's Eve meal is the most important family banquet in the Chinese. What is one of the foods that will inevitably appear on Chinese New Year's Eve meal? It means "rich and wealthy".

A. Crabs

B. Fish

C. Chicken

D. 虾

I wish you all a new year

Happy Chinese New Year

Editor: Jia Yifei (Intern) Editor-in-Charge: Zhu Lei, Li Li

Audit: Ma Qiang

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