
The sister of the dragon and phoenix eats breast milk, the brother drinks milk powder, and the difference between the brothers and sisters after 3 months is painful

After the birth of a child, mothers will face a problem: whether to choose to breastfeed or milk powder feeding It is well known that the nutritional value of breast milk is not a little higher than that of milk powder.

The nutrients contained in breast milk can not only improve the baby's immunity, but also enhance the establishment of a parent-child relationship between the baby and the mother. As a result, breastfeeding is mostly the first choice for mothers.

The sister of the dragon and phoenix eats breast milk, the brother drinks milk powder, and the difference between the brothers and sisters after 3 months is painful

However, the reality limits the options for some moms. The mother's lack of breast milk makes the child have to use formula feeding.

Some of these reasons may be due to the mother's own physical condition, and some are because there are many children at home, and the mother's milk cannot meet the daily needs of the child.

The sister of the dragon and phoenix eats breast milk, the brother drinks milk powder, and the difference between the brothers and sisters after 3 months is painful

Not long ago, a mother posted a photo of her dragon and phoenix baby on the Internet. Obviously, it is a dragon and phoenix fetus, and the brother and sister are both 3 months old, but the body size difference is too large.

It turned out that the mother, due to insufficient milk, thought that her brother was a boy and her physical resistance was better than her sister's, so she used formula feeding for her brother, and her sister breastfed.

Looking at the skinny and small appearance of his brother in the photo, netizens are distressed.

Faced with such a problem, many mothers have said that it would be better for both children to choose a mixed feeding method. However, some mothers worry that mixed feeding methods can easily cause indigestion of their babies.

In fact, there are some misunderstandings about mixed feeding methods. Regarding mixed feeding, Bao Mom must know the following points.

As long as you follow the correct feeding methods, your baby will be able to grow up healthily.

The sister of the dragon and phoenix eats breast milk, the brother drinks milk powder, and the difference between the brothers and sisters after 3 months is painful

1. Mixed feeding is not breastfeeding and then formula

Many new mothers have a misconception that mixed feeding is to feed breast milk first and then formula, which is extremely wrong. Mixed feeding should be one milk at a time.

Never let your baby breastfeed first and then feed formula when breast milk is not enough. In this way, the nutrients in the two milks will conflict with each other, not only making the nutritional effect less than before, but also causing the baby's indigestion.

Mothers should also pay attention not to mix breast milk and milk powder for the baby to take, which is also a completely wrong approach.

In addition, although mixed feeding is used, mothers should not give up breastfeeding. This is the most likely situation for many mothers to use mixed feeding.

Mothers need to understand: breast milk is more and more sucked. If the mother thinks that the breast milk is insufficient, it is necessary to reduce the number of breastfeeding, which will lead to the milk secreting less and less milk, so that when she wants to feed the baby's breast milk, it is really empty.

The sister of the dragon and phoenix eats breast milk, the brother drinks milk powder, and the difference between the brothers and sisters after 3 months is painful

Second, the amount of formula milk added should be determined according to the baby's situation

Many mothers use mixed feeding and are unclear exactly how much formula to add. Of course, this is not the more the merrier. Moms can start with a small amount and watch how the baby reacts.

If your baby still doesn't sleep after drinking, or wakes up crying within an hour, it means that your baby is not full.

At this time, you can add a little more to the previous amount until your baby can sleep peacefully. Because each baby's individual situation is different, new fathers or mothers should pay more attention to observation in order to truly understand the needs of the baby.

In short, while mixed feeding is the best option for mothers with insufficient milk, mothers should also know the importance of breastfeeding for their baby's growth.

Moreover, choosing breastfeeding is also good for mothers to recover after childbirth, so mothers should never give up breastfeeding.

In the process of children's growth, every choice is a test for the mother, choose the right feeding method, and be the most confident mother!

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