
On the second day of the Chinese New Year in 1081, Su Shi wrote this good calligraphy!

The second day of the first lunar month is a more difficult day for men in the north. In many places, this day is called "Uncle's Day", according to the custom, the aunts will accompany their daughters-in-law back to their mother-in-law's home on this day to pay homage to their father-in-law and father-in-law. A lot of funny stories will happen on this day.

On the second day of the Northern Song Dynasty in 1081, Su Shi wrote a famous post on this day, "New Year Exhibition Celebration Post", which was a letter written by Su Shi to his friend Chen Jichang.

On the second day of the Chinese New Year in 1081, Su Shi wrote this good calligraphy!

Commentary: Shi Qi. The new year has not been celebrated, the congratulations are endless, how can it be a little sunny? In a few days, there will be an end, and when the fruit will enter the city. Yesterday I got the book of public selection, and I went to the yuan, and when I arrived here at the end of the month, how about the public coming at this time? The plagiarism was built from the beginning of the year, and the work has not yet been completed. Shi also did not come out of his own, and he had no reason to accompany the night tour. Sha Fang painted the cage, and chen longchuan went to the next time, and now he went with the inferior anointing. There is a bronzesmith here, who wants to borrow the Jianzhou wood (side note of this word) tea mortar and vertebrae, and try to make it look like a suitable for the People of Minzhong. Or ling has seen it, because I bought a pair of it from him. Beggars pay people, and take care of them. Yu Han begged for more care, and was not careful in the redundancy, and prayed again. Mr. Ji Chang, His Excellency Wen. The second day of the first month.

Another paper line: Zi Yu also said (this word side note), Fang Zi Ming, he is not very strange also. Defei Liu Zhongshe had arrived at home to say that he had not yet been comforted, and he had expressed his will, and he had extended his will. Liu Zhang got the book yesterday, and the people still thanked him. Knowing that the fresco is broken, there is no need to be sorry. But under the new house, I don't worry about good paintings.

This work has a history of more than 900 years and is still well preserved in the Palace Museum in Beijing.

On the second day of the Chinese New Year in 1081, Su Shi wrote this good calligraphy!

He was forty-six years old at the time of writing. It is written unrestrained, horizontally and vertically, with strong pen strength and abundant bone. Swing freely, spontaneously, and with a full posture.

On the second day of the Chinese New Year in 1081, Su Shi wrote this good calligraphy!

In the letter, Su Shi told Chen Jichang that their good friend "Gongxuan" was about to visit Huangzhou, and after the fifteenth day of the first month, it was estimated that he would arrive at the end of the month, so Su Shi asked Chen Jichang to come and gather at that time.

On the second day of the Chinese New Year in 1081, Su Shi wrote this good calligraphy!

Su Shi borrowed tea mortars from Chen Jichang in the letter, and it is worth mentioning that the characters involved in this post have a very interesting story.

On the second day of the Chinese New Year in 1081, Su Shi wrote this good calligraphy!

For example, Chen Jichang, who received the letter, is a very interesting person. In the era of male superiority and female inferiority, Chen Ji was often a model of loving his wife. The roar of the Lion of Hedong came from here.

On the second day of the Chinese New Year in 1081, Su Shi wrote this good calligraphy!

Obviously, he loves his wife, but he is considered to be afraid of his wife, which is unfair to the good man Chen Ji. Moreover, his wife Liu Shi is also very interesting, for love, she did not shout in front of her face, but did not hesitate to self-destruct her image next door, such a good woman, even now there are not many.

On the second day of the Chinese New Year in 1081, Su Shi wrote this good calligraphy!

Another person mentioned in the letter was "Public Choice", and his name was Li Chang. He is also a good friend of Su Shi, and of course, more importantly, he is Huang Tingjian's uncle. If it weren't for his strong recommendation, Huang Tingjian wanted to become a Sumen disciple, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so easy. You know, Huang Tingjian and Su Shi have always been exchanged letters, and they have been communicating letters for ten years before they meet for the first time in Tokyo.

On the second day of the Chinese New Year in 1081, Su Shi wrote this good calligraphy!

At this time, Su Shi's life was also facing a transformation: after the opening of spring, the dozens of acres of abandoned land in the military camp were about to be cultivated by him, and the place called "Dongpo" would henceforth be surnamed Su...

"New Year Exhibition Celebration Post" is a watershed, from the post shows the leisurely brushstrokes, we can feel the author's confidence and calmness. To say that this post is beautiful and attractive, in Su Dongpo's own words, "books must have gods, qi, bones, flesh, and blood, and the five are missing one, and they do not become books" ("On books"), these five aspects are reflected in this post, which can be called complete. When I read this post, I first appreciated it from the overall, followed by each line and line, and finally from the stroke of every word or even every word, not only got a great spiritual enjoyment, but also understood the magic of Su Shu. Especially looking at the pen of each word in the post, if it can be submerged and sublimated with the author's brush strokes, it will capture the rhythm of the author's pen when writing the book, and achieve resonance, which in turn can make the appreciator not be separated from now on, and the practitioner will not be ignorant from then on.

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