
Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Tiger "Only This Green" brushed the screen, "only this volume" why surprised countless people?

Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Tiger "Only This Green" brushed the screen, "only this volume" why surprised countless people?

"No name, no money, only this one volume; green for a thousand years, mountains and rivers are boundless." Last night, the group dance "Only This Green" appeared on CCTV's Spring Festival Gala in the Year of the Tiger, creating a dream that spanned thousands of years with elegant and beautiful Chinese aesthetics, and activating the traditional cultural genes in the hearts of the audience. Previously, the group dance "Only This Green" had appeared at the Bilibili (B station) New Year's Eve party, and the 7 minutes and 55 seconds of the B station version of "Only This Green" has currently been played more than 5 million times, and the elegant "green waist" has become a new hot spot for dancers to imitate the "two creations".

From station B to CCTV Spring Festival Gala, why does "only this volume" surprise countless people? The beautiful group dance is selected from the dance poetry drama "Only This Green", inspired by the famous painting "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains". This volume is written by the Northern Song Dynasty painter Wang Ximeng, which shows the majesty of the mountains and rivers of the motherland with its concise techniques, brilliant colors and fine brushwork, and is regarded as a huge masterpiece in the green landscape of the Song Dynasty. The dance poetry drama "Only This Green - Dance Painting "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" outlines a picturesque picture of mountains and rivers with a dancing posture, telling a legend of art that spans ancient and modern times.

Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Tiger "Only This Green" brushed the screen, "only this volume" why surprised countless people?

What is "green"? In poetry, read the beauty of mountains and rivers

The green image is the purification of the "beauty" of the East, and the "aesthetic eye" of the dance. Due to time constraints, the spring evening of the Year of the Tiger shows a group dance from the dance poetry drama "Only This Green", which extracts the green and green colors in "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" and abstracts them into female characters. "My role in the whole play is Green." Lead dancer Meng Qingyang said that "green and green" is pure freehand, and it is necessary to open up a boundless imagination space when interpreting. In the painting, the qingfeng peaks are stacked, and the green water looms; the dancers have sharp eyebrows and high updos; the sleeves are neatly thrown, hidden into the painting... The beauty of Song painting and the beauty of Classical Chinese entered the hearts of the audience in the gait of the ladies on the stage.

Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Tiger "Only This Green" brushed the screen, "only this volume" why surprised countless people?

"Waiting", "Looking at the Moon", "Falling Clouds", "Hanging Thoughts", "Walking Alone", "Dangerous Peaks", "Lying Stones" and other modeling actions are laid out on the stage, breathing in and out, all the mountains and rivers. According to the analysis of choreographer Han Zhen, part of the shape and movement of the group dance "Only This Green" expresses the concept of mountains and mountains. The dancer's headdress resembles a mountain stone in "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains"; the color of the dress is faulty, with stone green on the top and stone green on the bottom. The appearance of the lead dancer Meng Qingyang has sagging sleeves, which are both like the texture of the mountain and like a mountain waterfall.

The "green waist" that many viewers can't forget is actually called "dangerous peak", which depicts the steep point of the mountain. The dancers simulate the mountains with different shapes and changes in posture, and the dance is no longer just the femininity of women, but also reflects a kind of grandeur, representing the years of traditional Chinese culture precipitation.

Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Tiger "Only This Green" brushed the screen, "only this volume" why surprised countless people?

Since its premiere in August last year, the dance poetry drama "Only This Green" has toured more than 50 times in 18 cities across the country. Knowing that the show was going to be on the far side of the Spring Festival Gala, choreographer Zhou Liya admitted that "the pressure is very great." "The time of the Spring Festival Gala is very precious, even if it is just 6 minutes, we hope to present it to the audience in a more perfect way." Today, "Only This Green" has touched the heartstrings of countless audiences, allowing people to understand the beauty of mountains and rivers in poetry.

Why "into the painting"? Step into the cycle of time in the painting exhibition room

The afterglow spreads ancient rhymes around the beams, and the dancing rivers and mountains are thousands of miles away. The dance poetry drama "Only This Green" is not only "Green", another classic excerpt "Into the Painting" was broadcast in the "National Treasure Exhibition Season". This dance drama, which is called "treasure" by fans, adopts a narrative structure of interlacing time and space, and the researchers of the modern Forbidden City have immersed themselves in the study of "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains", following the outline of the chapters of "exhibition volume, questioning seals, singing silk, searching for stones, learning pens, quenching ink, and entering paintings", and entering Wang Ximeng's heart.

The stage of "Only This Green" is cleverly designed into multi-layer concentric circles, restoring the process of "unfolding" traditional Chinese scrolls. The ever-changing stage is like an annual ring engraving the memory of the nation, leading the viewer into the cycle of time. In the play, through the eyes of the people on display, the audience also saw the craftsmen behind Xi Meng - seal carvers, silk weavers, grinding stone people, pen makers, ink makers, and the pinnacle of Song Dynasty craftsmanship.

Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Tiger "Only This Green" brushed the screen, "only this volume" why surprised countless people?

"A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" is collected in the Palace Museum in Beijing, and the picture is thousands of weather and magnificent. In order to accurately reproduce the aesthetics of the Song Dynasty, the main creative team first studied the "Map of a Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains", and then almost read the poetry and paintings of the Song Dynasty, and sought verification in ancient calligraphy and painting. In addition to holding discussions with experts from the Palace Museum, they also invited Qiu Qingnian, Wang Aijun, Zhang Wennian and Zheng Xiaohua, representative inheritors of intangible cultural heritage at the national and provincial levels, into the rehearsal hall to guide the actors on intangible cultural heritage craftsmanship.

The dance poem "Only This Green" took more than a year to create, and another five and a half months of rehearsal, before it was finally put on the stage. Han Zhen and Zhou Liya revealed that in order to make the actors present a calm stage effect, a lot of poetry guidance was used during rehearsals. "We have always said, 'If you can accommodate the hills and valleys in your heart, you can only meet the mountains and rivers when you write down'. Poetry expresses a kind of heart, which is our understanding of the ancients and the understanding of the literati in traditional Chinese culture. ”

Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Tiger "Only This Green" brushed the screen, "only this volume" why surprised countless people?

Author: Xuanjing

Editor: Wang Licheng

Editor-in-Charge: Fan Xin

*Wenhui exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting.

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