
These 5 conditions occur frequently, and beware is a signal before a heart attack, which needs to be paid attention to

In some middle-aged and elderly people, the incidence of heart disease is very high, so heart disease is also known as the health killer of modern people.

While a person's appearance can become younger through makeup, the question of whether a person's heart is healthy cannot be disguised.

As long as people pay attention to changes in the body in their daily lives, it is possible to find signs of heart disease.

If the middle-aged and elderly people have the following situations, then we must pay attention to it and go to the hospital for examination in time to prevent the occurrence of heart disease.

These 5 conditions occur frequently, and beware is a signal before a heart attack, which needs to be paid attention to

1. The patient has symptoms of shortness of breath

If you live on a high floor, you will find yourself feeling short of breath when you go up three floors.

Especially when you do some strenuous exercise, you will feel that your heart beat is significantly faster, and you will also have shortness of breath, panic and chest pain. This symptom is only temporary and resolves on its own after ten minutes of rest.

These 5 conditions occur frequently, and beware is a signal before a heart attack, which needs to be paid attention to

2. The patient's pulse is different

Heart disease patients are usually prone to situations where the pulse is too fast or too short, short or irregular in daily life.

For example, sudden bursts of palpitations or dizziness, blackening in front of your eyes, and the feeling of falling to the ground.

If you notice that the color of your face, lips, or nails is abnormal, such as blue-purple or dark red, it may indicate that you may have a problem with your heart.

These 5 conditions occur frequently, and beware is a signal before a heart attack, which needs to be paid attention to

3. The patient's breathing becomes difficult

Under normal circumstances, in daily life, if you may be suddenly awakened due to nightmares when you sleep, this sudden state of awakening may make the patient feel palpitations, but also accompanied by chest tightness and poor breathing, at this time the patient needs to sit up to get better.

Especially if the patient after the cold, even if the work is relatively light, there may be a feeling of excessive fatigue, often palpitations, even if walking a little faster, the patient will feel uncomfortable, the emergence of these conditions need to cause the patient's attention, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time for examination.

These 5 conditions occur frequently, and beware is a signal before a heart attack, which needs to be paid attention to

4. Patients often have symptoms of chest tightness

Usually in daily life, if the patient often feels chest tightness, chest pain symptoms need to attract the attention of patients, especially if after a full meal, or after the body has a part of the cold, or after the patient smokes more likely to feel chest tightness, chest pain symptoms, it is recommended that patients need to go to the hospital in time for corresponding examinations to prevent further aggravation of the disease.

These 5 conditions occur frequently, and beware is a signal before a heart attack, which needs to be paid attention to

5. The ends of the patient's limbs become hypertrophied

If the patient often has palpitations when doing manual labor, it is often very tired, and the situation of bad mood often occurs, and the patient will also find symptoms of abnormal hypertrophy and deformation of the ends of the fingers and toes.

When the patient has the problem of enlargement of the extremities, it is recommended that the patient needs to adjust his living habits at this time, if the symptoms are alleviated, the patient needs to go to the hospital to check whether these symptoms are caused by the heart or other areas.

These 5 conditions occur frequently, and beware is a signal before a heart attack, which needs to be paid attention to

The above are several common symptoms of heart problems in patients, in addition to paying attention to the appearance of these symptoms, it is recommended that patients should also develop good eating habits and rest habits in daily life, because these habits can help us stay away from heart disease or some cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, middle-aged and elderly friends in daily life is best to eat a little more light food, usually eat a little more fruits and vegetables, and patients must develop scientific habits of work and rest, to avoid the phenomenon of staying up late often.

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