
MediaTek wins Qualcomm, Huawei HiSilicon plummets 68.6%

As one of the core components of smart phones, SoC can currently be counted as a slap that can be produced worldwide. If only the foreign commercial or only three or so remaining, after all, Apple's A series, Huawei HiSilicon Kirin are not commercially available to the outside world, only for their own use. So which SoC is the most used in the public market?

MediaTek wins Qualcomm, Huawei HiSilicon plummets 68.6%

According to the report from the data company, in 2021, the first domestic smartphone SoC shipment ranked first was MediaTek, with overall shipments reaching more than 110 million units, an increase of 42.5% year-on-year; the second ranked is Qualcomm, with overall shipments of 106 million units, an increase of 24.2% year-on-year; the third is Apple, with overall shipments of 50.4 million units, an increase of 29.9%; the fourth is Huawei HiSilicon, with shipments of 32 million units, a year-on-year plunge of 68.6% Ranked fifth was Unigroup Zhanrui, with shipments of 8.8 million units, an increase of 10312.7% year-on-year.

MediaTek wins Qualcomm, Huawei HiSilicon plummets 68.6%

This result is actually not surprising at all, since 2020 MediaTek's Tianji series processors have firmly occupied the bulk of mid-end shipments, from MediaTek Tianji 700 series to 800 series are the darlings of various brands. By 2021, MediaTek Tianji 1100 and Tianji 1200 have become the first choice for the flagships of various brands. All this MediaTek has to thank Qualcomm, after all, Qualcomm's performance on the mid-range processor in the past two years is really speechless, and the end of squeezing toothpaste is to be surpassed by MediaTek. By 2022, if MediaTek Tianji 9000 and Tianji 8000 perform well, then Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 will usher in a huge challenge. If mediatek can become famous in the high-end war, Qualcomm's future life will become more and more difficult.

MediaTek wins Qualcomm, Huawei HiSilicon plummets 68.6%

In fact, the most heart-wrenching is Huawei's HiSilicon processor, because it cannot be produced at all due to the impact of supply cuts. So HiSilicon's market share is falling sharply, plunging nearly 70% year-on-year in 2021. If the problem is not solved this year, HiSilicon's share will continue to decline.

Unexpectedly, As MediaTek began to develop to the middle and high end, the entry-level market was exploited by Tsinghua Unigroup.

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