
Let Love Break Free from the Barriers of the World - Balzac's The Abandoned Woman

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Balzac's most influential novel was The Tall Old Man, but very few people read his sequel, The Abandoned Woman. When you see the bibliography, most people may feel that there is no desire to read it at all. It can be seen that the title party is also a reasonable existence!

The story told by "The Abandoned Woman" is simple: a Parisian lady, the Marquise de Beauséon, was abandoned, left Paris for three years in seclusion in Normandy, and the ten-year-old Baron Gaston pursued himself wildly, and then fell in love with himself again.

"For three years, this isolated, isolated, living alone in the depths of a valley far from the city, was accompanied only by memories of her glorious, joyful, passionate youth."

Let Love Break Free from the Barriers of the World - Balzac's The Abandoned Woman

The young Gaston fantasized about the abandoned woman, "she was rejected by society, the only man who moved her heart and was not ashamed of it, and could not draw from any feeling the help that her weak soul needed, she could only get strength from herself, to live by her own life force, and she was left with only the hope of an abandoned woman: waiting for death..."

Gaston fell in love with her, wanted to decorate her life like ashes with love, wanted to make his soul holy and noble in the process of loving her, and he spent a stormy night.

"In such a long night. Young people go from happiness to suicide, from suicide to happiness, enjoy the happiness of a lifetime, and then fall asleep exhausted. It was a long night of fate, and the greatest misfortune that could happen was to wake up and become a man of greatness. Love that was too real made it difficult for him to sleep...", and so he began his arduous courtship.

Madame de Beauséjon, 30 years of age, after a period of resignation to the impulses of unthinking feelings, did not believe in the inner passion of the 22-year-old, and with the help of the miserable candlelight of deceived love, she saw through the human heart, and she replied to him:

"I would rather die than be abandoned. Bad luck taught me to calculate. ...... You are on the impulse of your own heart, and you place more hope in my weakness than in your own strength. It's all an instinctive reaction, and I forgive you for this childlike trickery... Don't waste a decent and beautiful life because of an illusion that must be extinguished. ”

Gaston immediately replied that he would accept the arrangement to become a common man, vowing to be loyal to his wife forever until death.

There was no doubt that both men had their own ideas, but the Marquis de Beauséon lacked the courage to choose to pack his bags and go to Geneva. No one would have imagined that Gaston would follow and then pursue it in full swing. The normal development should be that the Marquise of Beauséjon accepted, and then the two of them walked happily through life together.

But the end is often not like this, there will always be a fatal crisis, Gaston's mother at this time, moved religion and morality, but also in the name of her own, to save her son from the vortex of anti-religion and anti-morality. A reply from Madame seems to be light and breezy, but in fact it is stormy. But in the end, Gaston chose to marry the rich lady...

Yes, this woman was abandoned again.

Since then she has been green and ancient Buddha, no longer leaving the bedroom, you can imagine what she looks like.

And Gaston, no doubt will not let most readers like, you can pursue your own happiness, because there is nothing wrong with loving each other, but love and then kill each other?

Married to a rich lady, why not treat it well, and linger in the home of the Marquise of Beauséon? One night, Gaston's hard-fought ending was exchanged for The Lady's death.

He fled home and wrote a text message, expecting her to hear back, but the letter returned to his hand unchanged, and at the end, a sentence of "Sir, you are free." So he fulfilled his promise of love and shot himself.

In real life, many loves, mostly like this novel, lack the confidence to love each other, but they talk about their beliefs. Stubbornness and strong beliefs are actually not worthy of advertising in my opinion, after all, the worst result may lead to the destruction of two people.

Balzac is an emotionally delicate man, but we have always been so confused by his rough appearance, rude behavior and rude words that we have neglected his exploration and expression of the human heart.

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