
Often feel uneasy and easy to worry about? The appearance of these 7 kinds of abnormal caution is an anxiety disorder

author:Psychological counseling at Taiyuan University of Science and Technology

At present, the pace of life is fast, people are constantly working to enjoy better material things, the pressure is increasing, and anxiety disorders are born. Anxiety disorder refers to a psychological disorder with anxiety as the main symptom. Proper anxiety can push people forward, but excessive anxiety not only affects work and life, but is even detrimental to physical and mental health. Therefore, if you have the following symptoms, be aware of anxiety disorders.

Often feel uneasy and easy to worry about? The appearance of these 7 kinds of abnormal caution is an anxiety disorder

What are the symptoms of anxiety disorders?

1. Physical discomfort

This is the most common early symptom of anxiety disorders. Patients may experience chest tightness, shortness of breath, dizziness, dizziness, fear, rapid heartbeat and breathing, and increased fatigue throughout the body. In severe cases, women will have irregular menstruation, decreased libido, amenorrhea and other phenomena.

2. Sleep disorders

Anxiety is often accompanied by insomnia, or nightmares are often easy to wake up to. Although some patients snore at night and open their eyes to sleep, they always wake up feeling uncomfortable, in bad spirits, or waking up in the middle of the night because they are irritable. Anxious, can no longer fall asleep.

Often feel uneasy and easy to worry about? The appearance of these 7 kinds of abnormal caution is an anxiety disorder

3. Decreased ability to live and work

Most patients will be unable to calm down because of anxiety. They often feel numbness or trembling in their fingers. Their daily work is simple. Housework can also become difficult and incompetent. This symptom in turn aggravates the patient's anxiety, creating a vicious circle.

4. Autonomic dysfunction

Anxiety affects endocrine, affects nerve function, affects various organs. During the examination, muscle tension, rapid heart rate, sweating and other phenomena will be found.

Often feel uneasy and easy to worry about? The appearance of these 7 kinds of abnormal caution is an anxiety disorder

5. Emotional instability

The most characteristic of acute anxiety attacks is that the patient is emotionally unstable, and may feel palpitations, palpitations, laryngeal infarction, difficulty breathing, dizziness, nervousness, fear, etc. There are also some patients who lack confidence and fun in life because of emotional instability, and even always lose their temper for no reason and quarrel with their families.

6. Fidgeting

Fidgeting, restless, walking around, small movements increased, inattention, always feeling fearful, particularly anxious about something.

Often feel uneasy and easy to worry about? The appearance of these 7 kinds of abnormal caution is an anxiety disorder

7. Digestive abnormalities

Dry mouth and tongue, infarction when swallowing, always feel nauseous after eating, stomach discomfort, so appetite decreases. Also because of indigestion always feel full.

Warm reminder, if the above symptoms are found to require timely medical treatment, do not let their development affect mental health. There are many ways to treat anxiety disorders, and patients need a combination of multiple combinations. If accompanied by obvious physical symptoms, in addition to taking relevant drugs under the guidance of a doctor to relieve symptoms, you should also cooperate with a psychologist. Let yourself get rid of bad cognition, alleviate anxiety through psychological guidance, and gradually return to normal life. Note: Click "Link" for a free "Psychological Assessment" to answer your psychological confusion online!

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